Archive for the ‘Letter Home’ Category


Dear Family: a letter home from Camp Magic Macguffin (week #2)

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Dear Family,

I arrived at camp a little late, so I’m feeling behind and a little overwhelmed.  While everyone is skinny dipping in the lake tonight or making out in the poison ivy, I’ll be catching up on videos, articles, daily creates, and so on and so forth.  My bunk mates seem pretty cool and friendly, which helps.

You were right about camp not being as awkward as I thought it would be.  I dipped my toe into Minecraft today.  I’m looking forward to playing that more.  I’m also looking forward to becoming more adept at toggling between the Minecraft window and TeamSpeak window.  I feel pretty clumsy, but also motivated by the small amount of progress I made.

Ok.  Ok.  I’ll say it again.  You were right.  I’m glad I’m here.  I’m glad I didn’t wait until next year to sign up like I had planned.  I wanted to learn more about WordPress this summer.  I wanted to get into Minecraft this summer.  Camp Magic Macguffin is letting me do that and with other people.  Things aren’t quite as intimidating when there are other folks around.  There are other people to flouder with.  There are other people to help guide me through the road blocks.  So yeah…  I’m excited about camp.

That’s it family.  Until next week…


Vitriolic Letter Home

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Dear parents,

I know that you think you were punishing me by sending me away to Camp Macguffin. Not! Your plan has failed. I am having a blast and I have met many new people who — guess what — think just like me. I am discovering that being creative is a bonus and not the character-flawed, won’t follow the rules, messed up artistic nature you have tried to brainwash me into thinking it is.

That’s right C R E A T I V I T Y  is getting amplified in me this very minute, making me more of who I really am…more of exactly that characteristic you have despised in me all these years.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your summer without me, because I know I will be sure to enjoy mine!

Your rebellious, crabby, creative daughter,

Creativity Abounds: First Letter Home

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Dear Kitty,

It has been a great week at camp! Glad you have been patient with me while I work on all my new things for camp instead of playing with you. Perhaps I’ll craft you a new cat toy for all your patience.

This has been a banner week for my creativity and I feel an excitement I haven’t felt in awhile. I took pictures, made videos and made some drawings. I think the face trace I did inspired me the most even though it was the create I looked forward to the least. It got me drawing again and inspired me to start a collage wall in my room to get myself creating.

I had fun watching my friend’s like Jeff and Jerry get right in there and start creating too. It is very cool to see people jump out of their comfort zones. I look forward to getting know the rest of the campers.

Well, I have more art to make so I’ll sign off for now. Hope you aren’t too lonely and please stop throwing up your food in protest.

Your Best Buddy,


Letter Home: Week #1

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Dear Barney and Bubbles,

Mommy is fine, and misses you so much. Make sure that you keep that nasty pet sitter in line, that the litter gets changed and that you get half a can of Star Kist Chunk Lite tuna on Tuesdays, like we always have. If this doesn’t happen, you know what to do. Mommy Zazzy taught you well, my babies.

Stay out of Mommy’s closet, now. Don’t want to see anything happen to you!

Love you, my sweet little muffins!

-Mommy Zazzy