Archive for the ‘Letters Home’ Category


Pause [Four] A Moment

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

The first assignment I created, I wanted it to be simple yet fun. I thought about the daily creates we have done and just assignments in general.

I personally dislike taking pictures of myself. I am not a very photogenic person because I don’t really have that “beautiful look.” But there are times when I take a picture and I think, “awwh that was cute.” So in creating an assignment I thought about those moments. Those moments when you just feel beautiful. And it is those moments that you want to pause and just be grateful for the beauty you see in yourself.

I like  and chose this  picture because I have my hair curly. I NEVER wear my hair curly because it tickles my face a lot. I also love this picture because you can see my one dimple  showing. Yes, I only have one dimple.

The editing changes I made were simple color changes basically. One of the pictures is in an antique looking style. I really like those “old time” looking pictures because it makes me appreciate the change in photography over time. Another of the pictures just has them “orangist” glossy look to it. I personally like it because it makes my skin look flawless and my teeth look SUPER white. The last of the photos has a purple color on it. PURPLE IS MY FAVORITE COLOR IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. I sometimes wish there was purple snow(why I’m not sure).

This is why I called this assignment, “Pause [Four] A Moment.” Here is what you do.

1. Take a picture that you like of yourself.

2. Edit it 3 different ways

3. Put all four of the pictures in a collage together

4. Upload it to flickr

5. Embed it in your post

6. Explain why you love this picture and why you made the changes you did

It is just that simple. It gives you, the artist, a chance to take a pretty picture of them and make it into different pictures. It allows you to see yourself differently. You can just make simple color changes, or drastic changes to show why you are grateful for your beauty.

For More. Click Here. –>>[Pause Four a Moment]<<–

Weekly Letter 9

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Hey, camp this week was a lot of fun, however I can’t wait to get home… All good things must come to an end at some point. There was a bunch of stuff going on this week most of it involving remixes. This week I decided to do 3 daily creates, one one which involved my daughters bears kissing, a picture of me making a rage face and picture of the same spot both in the day and at night. As far as the remixes go there was an assignment that involved remixing a past daily create. But my favorite part of this week was making a Trilogy movie trailer. I absolutely enjoyed it, video editing is particular but I love it.
It’s getting pretty late here, good night!

Almost Going Home: Week 9

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

So it was a good week below are the links to my Daily Creates and my video letter home. So I used an Anchorman theme with some clips of my work from this week which can be found on my youtube channel 4kevinmurphy or on this blog so take a look.

Links to My Daily Creates

A Moody Bumper Remix

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

For this particular remix assignment the assignment was to remix a previous assignmentthat was done by another camper. The previous assignment was to remix classic bumper stickers to promote the cause(s) of ds106, ds106radio, and ds106tv. We then had to take the old assignement and then apply our remix card. My remix card ended up being:

Remix Card: “Mood Swap”

I had to flip the mood of the assignment. If it’s light, make it dark. If it’s sad, make it happy. If it’s exhilarating, make it not so exhilarating. To do this assignmet I ended up taking CogDog’s original submission and made it negative.

by taking out the heart and adding a dog using the bathroom that I added in paint. I actually felt bad doing this assignment, because I really have been enjoying camp and the people at camp.


Letter Home; Week 9

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Switched up my style a little. How ya, like it?

Summary of Everything’s a Remix

Monday, July 16th, 2012

After watching  Everything is a Remix: by Kirby Ferguson, I agree. There are many movies that I have seen and songs that I have heard that I swear I have seen/heard before, even if that is the first time that I have seen/heard that movie or song. It is true that everything is a remix, everything is inspired or made of something else. The one movie that I have seen that I believe is original is the Lion King. The movie with the lions with that plot seem familiar to me. Oh wait, brother killing brother for throne and then son prevailing. Okay so maybe is wasn’t so much original, but the fact that they used lions makes it slightly original. However since then there has been many movies made based off of that movie. After watching Everything’s a remix I have come to understand that even situations aren’t necessarily original, because the phrase, “Listen to the knowledge, that the elders have” would be pointless. Everything comes from something, it just might be a slight remix.

Weekly Letter

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Hey, OMG this week was soooo intense, but at the same time it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed working on videos despite the amount of time it took, it was a ton of fun. In my video I included a clips of videos that I have worked on. I hope it speaks for itself… Enjoy :)

Words I can’t say out loud!

Monday, July 16th, 2012

For this Video Assignment ( we had to tell a story or tell how our day went on flash cards. I decided to tell how my day went. I decided to write down what took place during the beginning of the day. It’s very hard for me to write the things down but I hear that it can be very therapeutic and healing. Every other Sunday my daughter’s dad is suppose to come see her, but every other visit day he seems to have a reason why he can’t, most of them being that he forgot. This morning I got up and got my daughter ready for her visit, to get a text 2 hours before he was suppose to be here saying that he forgot and has something else to do. Somethings frustrate to a point of no return, and you can’t show any emotion for them. Luckily for me my daughter doesn’t know or think that, that is her dad. It was just another Sunday to her, one that she spent with mommy on her swing set.

A Rather Wordy Video

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

Another Video Assignment for this week ( was to: Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these images and chose one of the first visible photos for the word..after you have chosen your words and your images put them together in video form and tell a story..include a sentence with each image to help guide your story or try and tell it without the sentences.

The words that I chose were: Bad, Boys, Good, Girls, Date. These words were the first 5 words to pop into my head after reading the assignment. This could have because of the Carrie Underwood song “Good Girl” or that fact that my girlfriends and I had a old school slumber party and watched “Sex and The City 1&2″ this past weekend. However this is what I came up with, and it has been proven over the past few century’s.

Letter Home; Week 8

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

The BEST letter home.. = )