Archive for the ‘Letters Home’ Category


Two Down

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Two weeks down here at Camp Magic MacGuffin. There’s definitely a monster in the lake, my bunkhouse is called Slaughterhouse 4, which just feels like a bad omen, and people have gone missing.

I had a busy week with my Daily Creates, which you can see here.

I watched a video of Vonnegut telling the shape of a story, and I read some of Bryan Alexander’s book on digital storytelling. It was a pretty successful week, despite a few setbacks on my end.

Overall, I just opened my eyes a little bit to the possibilities that storytelling has, the different forms it can take, and the shapes that they take. I’m starting to wonder how my own life will fit a story… Which parts would I leave out? Which parts will I lie about? Which life lesson will be the one I focus on? What’s my tragic flaw?

Letter Home ; Week 2

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

Hey Mommie,

Whew, made it through another week of camp. This week I become more accustomed to the routine of camp. We had to do 3 daily creates. The first one I did was recording a sound that I basically hated, and I did styrofoam rubbing together. You can hear the sound here :

Then for the second daily create I did was posting a picture of what the sky looked like and on that day the sky was semi-dark but the sun was shinning through a little. You can see that picture here :

The last daily create I had to to was say “I love DS106 ten times.”  It took me awhile because I kept getting tongue tied, but I finally mastered it. You can view that here :

I also had to write a review on a movie or story based on a presentation by Vonnegut. He spoke about how stories are shaped and gave several example. The one I chose to talk about was how a low person starts off badly, but good things start to happen and continue to happen until they have that one memory that will last a lifetime. The movie I instantly, thought of was “Another Cinderella  Story” and I did a review on that.  We have one more assignment due, and I’m having a really hard time understanding exactly what to do. This is why I’m writing you now, so I can work on getting this assignment due before it’s due date..

I love you bunches and I hope everything is well at home..

P.S I receive the camper of the week award for week one = )


Kavon L Johnson

Dear Family: a letter home from Camp Magic Macguffin (week #2)

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Dear Family,

I arrived at camp a little late, so I’m feeling behind and a little overwhelmed.  While everyone is skinny dipping in the lake tonight or making out in the poison ivy, I’ll be catching up on videos, articles, daily creates, and so on and so forth.  My bunk mates seem pretty cool and friendly, which helps.

You were right about camp not being as awkward as I thought it would be.  I dipped my toe into Minecraft today.  I’m looking forward to playing that more.  I’m also looking forward to becoming more adept at toggling between the Minecraft window and TeamSpeak window.  I feel pretty clumsy, but also motivated by the small amount of progress I made.

Ok.  Ok.  I’ll say it again.  You were right.  I’m glad I’m here.  I’m glad I didn’t wait until next year to sign up like I had planned.  I wanted to learn more about WordPress this summer.  I wanted to get into Minecraft this summer.  Camp Magic Macguffin is letting me do that and with other people.  Things aren’t quite as intimidating when there are other folks around.  There are other people to flouder with.  There are other people to help guide me through the road blocks.  So yeah…  I’m excited about camp.

That’s it family.  Until next week…


Getting Acquainted

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

I’m finally getting accustomed here at Camp Magic MacGuffin.

My first week, despite a few bumps in the road like getting completely turned around as I tried to maneuver my way through setting everything up, has been pretty neat. Though I already had a family-friendly Twitter account, I’m glad to be doing something actively productive with it instead of just posting pictures of my adorable cat. (Here  Littlefoot is covered in packing peanuts.)

I like to add a little narration into everything I do, so…

I don’t know definitively what my guidelines are for my “Letter Home”, but here is what I’ve learned so far this week:

  1. My webcam is very poor quality.
  2. I do not like the sound of my voice on the internet.
  3. I mumble at the end of sentences.
  4. I definitely have seasonal allergies.
  5. I’m not as internet-savvy as I thought I was.

Until next time,