Archive for the ‘Miscellany’ Category


week 2 letter home

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Having a blast at Camp Magic Macguffin — and this is just the beginning! The daily creates are my favorite part of camp so far. Kind of like arts and craft, ds106 style. I like the immediacy of the assignments — I tend to be somewhat hard on myself in judging what I do/make, and so far I’m proud of what I’ve produced and contributed. I am super stoked that we’ll focus on visual assignments in week 3. I’ve always liked photography, the random chanciness of it. Before tdc I never used photobooth, which is easy and fun. I’m forward to more filming projects — I want to explore more possibilities in digital storytelling as a narrative form. I already have a few stories that I want to tell, and it will be fun figuring out how to mix it all together in a bubbling digital stew. I am digging it.

Speaking of digging, as a proud member of bunkhouse 2 — Wäscälly Wäbbits — I started our wäbbit patch (aka victory garden) this past weekend. Tomatoes and peppers and basil — oh my! I tried to upload the pictures I took but I think they are too big. I have to figure out how to make them smaller, and once I do I’ll edit this post and throw ‘em up here. If you all want me to plant somethin’ special, lemme hear! We will feast on the fruits of our labor all summer long.

Well, that’s it for now. There was some suspicious looking rusty garden shears left near our wäbbit patch this morning. Do they belong to Ol Hatchet Jack? I’ll post a picture of them here and the owner can claim them (again–once I figure out how to shrunk my photo files). Until then, I am one happy camper!

my first week at Camp Magik Making

Monday, May 28th, 2012

My first week of ds106 (summer 2012). It’s great to be back. The camp theme is fun and captures the deep playfulness of UMW folks. Meditating on the trope, here is what comes to mind: nostalgia, continuity, roughing it, fun, homesickness, rules and getting around them, shyness, friendship, self-discovery, freedom. What I have liked so far: the Camp Magic Macguffin site is super easy to navigate. It’s easy to see what’s due and the links to resources are helpful. The Wesch keynote was inspiring (see my last blog post). Glad to be back in tdc. Feeling a bit nervous, but also open to the adventure. Until next week!

love your audience and they’ll love you back

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Here I am, back in ds106, trying to revive/reinvigorate/re-vision my blog. My goal for this summer is to treat this website as more than a record/space for building my tech muscles in ds106 (though truly that is important enough). I am hoping that through this blog I can explore and experiment with my online identity–I hope to make this space creative, professional, playful, smart, and fun.

The title of this first blog post was taken from Mike Wesch’s talk at the 2011 UWM Faculty Academy, which we were asked to watch and respond to. First of all, Wesch’s talk was inspiring in several ways. He has managed to shape his classroom into a vibrant and collaborative learning community–I aspire to do this at Stony Brook Univ, where I teach. He has pretty radically re-figured his teaching so that instead of simply lecturing on facts and information, he is asking his students to think about larger questions in cultural anthropology (e.g., why are we here?). But more than that, he is asking students to actively create meaning in their lives and in the larger world in which we all live. And technology has allowed Wesch to facilitate his teaching goal, which seems to be about making compassionate connections with others. Awesome.

Back to the title of this post. During the Q&A, Wesch was asked how a faculty member might start building a tech-infused courses/pedagogy. In his awesomeness, Wesch responded by stating that it’s hard. But then he told a goofy anecdote about an American Idol contestant who was letting her nerves get the best of her. A few episodes in she just decided to be in the moment and love on her viewers–after that, she found her groove. This is great advice for educators for so many reasons. Wesch stated that educators have to give up the idea that we are the only ones who have anything to teach in the classroom. Instead, we have to make the classroom a collaborate space in which we are all creating meaning together. And technology can help make that happen, because new media is already doing this. As I am typing this I can see how my thoughts are muddled and vague, but I am just going to keep going here and eventually I’ll figure this all out. And ds106 will help me. And so, my dear ds106ers, I remain humbly and lovingly yours.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-27

Sunday, May 27th, 2012
  • my family legend–the origins of a poodle named Nana–for the daily create #ds106 #
  • Hello tweeps! Please welcome to twitter Stony Brook Univ's Program in Writing and Rhetoric @SBUWritRhet #
  • my daily create 138. a photo of a building (my home, right before a downpour) #ds106 #

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