Archive for the ‘podcast’ Category


Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 008

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

If this blog were a paper journal, I’d dog-ear this page. That’s because this recording documents the moment I had my first true glimpse of the promised land for the type of internet audio I’ve been imagining from the beginning.

As mentioned repeatedly in the second and third segments, that promised land is represented by The Overnightscape Underground project. Begun nearly a decade ago by a prolific podcaster from New Jersey named Frank Nora, the project currently consists of nearly a dozen weekly recordings by an assorted group of audio enthusiasts. Frank remains the shining star of the endeavor who somehow manages to put out quality and thought provoking recordings with unbelievable frequency.

I believe that anyone remotely interested in what I’ve been trying to do with internet audio over the years will want to check out what the folks at onsug are up to. In fact, you’d even have a chance to hear yours truly on the latest installment of Overnightscape Central. Hosted and produced by PQ Ribber, this weekly show features contributions from various regular onsug producers on a single theme. And it is open to newcomers. I took the bait of PQ’s invitation from the previous episode to record a piece for the most recent topic: Free-Parking.

This discovery has been very exciting. It certainly hijacked the second two thirds of this episode. It also runs the risk of jeopardizing the orderly preparations I’ve been trying to make for my looming departure. Speaking of departing, it looks like the posts here will become much less frequent in the weeks ahead. Hopefully, I’ll be able to post some audio under the Totally Fun and Good Banner during the six weeks of further transition between the land of the rising sun and the big desert.

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Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 007

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
TF&G in the data center 2
Live from the Data Center

If I had it all to do over again, I’d have configured things so that the data center segment, which was recorded as a Google + Hangout from Second Life, had more of dream sequence sort of feel to it. But as this is still very early days of the project, I don’t think we need to split hairs.

I did take note when a dear friend from the old days told me she was going to have to bail on the current format of TF&G. She said,

“As much as I’m rooting for you to finally make it as a podcaster, I can’t keep listening to your recent recordings. It feels too much like I’m riding on an out of control jet ski across your subconscience.” (sic)

So me might have lost a listener, but I think we’ve got the text for the first generation of TF&G t-shirts and for a bumper. I’ve already recruited a couple of listeners with voice acting experience to record the jetski bumper.

Now all we need is a graphic for the t-shirt. Please get in touch if you’d like to take a stab at it.

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Now it’s for real

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

At the outset of episode 7 of the Totally Fun and Good podcast, which is currently in production, I mentioned that I’d just submitted an application with iTunes and set up a Feedburner account for the podcast. The recording was made last Thursday and since then the application has been approved. That means that you can subscribe to TF&G directly through iTunes (click the link above to test it out). Subscribing is one of several ways you can lend a hand to this endeavor.

In addition to subscribing in iTunes, you should also post a review and rating for each episode. Foremost among the several goals I’ve set for this project is to attract an audience of substantial size. According to Karamoon, such reviews and ratings really make a difference in terms of attracting new listeners.

All of this is to say that for the foreseeable future, I shall endeavor to use Totally Fun and Good to once again re-define podcasting. All you have to do to be a part of what promises to be a momentous journey is subscribe.

Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 006

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

It almost doesn’t seem fair to be able to have as much fun as I did in assembling this episode. Those who are curious about my current work flow might be interested to hear an extended discussion of my current podcasting process. The three audio applications referred are Hindenburg, Audio Finder and VC Audio Pro.

Speaking of process, I also tried to describe how yesterday’s animated GIF of Bing and Ray was put together. It will probably only make sense to those who’ve had some experience doing layer masking in the GIMP.

Ray Bolger is the dancer featured in the animated GIF and mp3 cover art for this episode. A full explanation for my recent interest in this actor who was also a singing comedic dancer who played the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz is provided in the recording as well.

There’s much more in this nearly 50 minute episode. I continue to prefer to leave things  to be discovered by the listener unencumbered by a blog post full of ‘show notes.’

I am quite satisfied with the manner in which this project is unfolding. I’m even beginning to think about how to take it to the next level. I just hope that doesn’t prove to jinx things. Time will tell.

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Bonus Link: While doing research for this episode I came across the most amazing conversation between Mr. Bolger and his co-star in the Wizard of  Oz. I highly recommend watching it.

Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 005

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

On one level, it would be satisfying to know that these recordings are being listened to and enjoyed. But considering how much fun I’m having putting them together, that hardly matters as much as it once did. I have finally stumbled upon a format and workflow that captures a facet of what I’ve been hoping to do with podcasting for a long time.

And now a sense of purpose and direction, though it might not sound like it to the listener, of where I’m going has come in to view. This not something I’m going to bother to explain. It will become apparent as the recordings roll out.

Speaking of which, TF&G number 6 is already in the works. It should be coming your way by the end of the weekend.

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Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 004

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

Once again, podcasting feels fun. The current projects that seem to be popping up like weeds are certainly a blast to put together and share. As mentioned at the end of the third and final segment, I’ll be setting up a mailing list later this week. This might be my sole means of digital expression while in between situations from late July through September.

Musical selections heard between the segments are from the January 2011 Pachinko Overdrive mixed compilation: Astro Sounds.

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Off Script with Keeme and scottlo – 001

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

A Podcast is Born

I had the extreme good fortune to be joined by Keeme Brown for today’s Daily Rounds. I’ve known Keeme since just about the beginning of my first journeys into Second Life in 2007. There are few people I’ve met who are as much fun to both talk and listen to.

Our plan was to chat on camera for a couple of minutes about some recent news from Corona Cay and our preparations for Second Life’s ninth birthday celebration (SL9B). But when two seasoned and grizzled podcasters get together with an open mic, things have the potential for going off on a tangent or two.

Thirty minutes in to it, we both seemed to realize that our talk was probably better suited to an audio podcast format than a static video of two dudes standing in front of flowers and an old radio on a platform in the sky. And that’s when the Off Script with Keeme and scottlo podcast was born. No telling if we’ll do another episode or this is a one off deal. Bottom line for me is that it was a blast. I guess the future depends on whether or not people want to hear more of this such stuff. That’s what the comments section is for.

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Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 003

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

 I’m very excited about this podcast episode for some reason. I suppose it has to do with how unusable it seemed when I listened to last night’s recording on the way to Chiba this morning. I was one button click away from deleting the file when the thought of throwing in some music occured.

Using a nifty application on my iPhone, I was able to make some edits and add some music that started to give it a bit of shape and promise. Further, in the careful listening I did while editing I got a sense of part of what was missing from the draft version.

By the time I got to Chiba and had gotten things in order for class, I was brimming with enthusiasm to record the final segment. It was fun to discover myself laughing while doing the final edits on the train ride back from Chiba.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Totally Fun and Good Podcast – ep 002

Monday, June 4th, 2012

From the looks of things here, it would appear that I’ve got it in for Keeme. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. As mentioned in this second installment of The Totally Fun and Good Podcast, he is one of the good guys in Second Life. I had the good fortune of reconnecting with him today while trying to shoot a trailer video for an upcoming project: The Scottlo Daily Rounds.

The half hour or so we spent talking about doing media stuff in the coming months was for more exciting and interesting than the trailer would have been. We had to cut our chat short so I could go to work. On the way in, I recorded this little podcast.

Hopefully, Keeme will be joining in for an upcoming recording. This fellow has got some stories to tell.

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As for the trailer and the project, they will be coming very soon.

The Totally Fun and Good Podcast – 001

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Kool Aid

I can’t even begin to describe this one. It happened automatically and I’m quite pleased with the way it all came together.

The segment I recorded on Tuesday wound up being a bit of a draft for the video tutorial I made last night. The final segment, recorded this afternoon delivered quite unexpectedly a most extraordinary title for the episode.

It’s likely that the current run will continue to baffle more than a few people. I suppose that can’t be helped. Everything changes when one is under the spell of short-timer fever.

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