Archive for the ‘RemixAssignments1001’ Category


All Hands on Deck…

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

I did a remix of an audio assignment that I had actually done previously. The remix button gave me this remix take on it : I had to an imitation of weather audio clip previously done and use it to create an advertisment or a recruiting tool for ds106. I liked it, because I’ve really grown passionate about DS106 and figured I could have some fun with it. I went through a few of the examples by other DS106ers… trying to brainstorm which one I would use, and how I would structure my remix around it. Most of the examples were of rain, storms, water, etc. After listening to the clip on this blog while closing my eyes, i imagined something being flooded slowly. It was an assignment done in the spring by Katherine. I had image of being flooded w/ ‘regular’ classes, and how refreshing DS106 was from all of that.

Then came the idea to give it a pirate’s theme. I love pirates.. pirate movies, pirate slang, eye patches, the works (did you know that facebook has a pirate language setting?!?!). I decided to record myself attempting a pirate accent, I think I struggled a bit with it but it was tons of fun. I was laughing at myself while doing this assignment, but I think I got the message across. Enough of reading this though… stop. And listen to this Ad:

If I heard this before I registered for DS106, I would be very curious to see what it was all about. Also to find out what kind of class brought a student to make something as crazy as this. It was interesting taking something another student created using materials around her, and making it into something completely different… the basis of creativity is on display here I like to think. The fact that this example was not even done during this session, but by a student that I don’t know and took this course journey last spring, I think is an even strong testament to how amazing and far reaching DS106 is.

Shout out to the original creator of this assignment… you’ve inspired new and fresh work here.