Today’s Daily Create prompt: take a photo that represents destruction. Exposed root systems make me feel unsettled. It’s like seeing a person’s innards on the outside. That’s just not how it’s supposed to be.
Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category
Appetite for destruction: tdc 146
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012The Gospel
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
This is a very basic story in the Bible. It starts with the miraculous birth of Jesus. With all the challenges (moving from place to place to avay from Herold and finally giving birth in a manger) faced by the parents, the process not a smooth one hence a curve. He stayed on earth until when He was 30 before He was persecuted by Humans to be killed(that also a very rough process). On the third day He arose, met His disciples and then ascended into heaven. His return is unknown till date.
Baitin’ and Switchin’
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012Okay, it looks like all the tech is in place. There’s no reason any of you guys can’t take control of your own media transmissions. Doing it alone is good enough for proving the concept. But to build something that will make the kids say “Zoinks” a collaborative effort is indicated.
I’ve got about eight more weeks before I’m going to disconnect from broadband access for an undetermined spell. I’d love to connect with some folks who might share some sort of vision of what is possible and what is at stake here to try to make a wee bit of magic between then and now.
I think you know where I’ll be or how to reach me. If not, please leave a memo in the comments.
shaping our stories
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012Kurt Vonnegut’s elements of a good story include (among other elements): time (stuff happens over time, from beginning to end), characters (whose status is determined by a number of factors), space (setting/environment), and action/plot (stuff happens, characters interact, fall in love or not, fight evil or not, prevail or not, etc). Rushmore is one of my favorite movies of all time (not including Dazed and Confused. As Wooderson says just keep L-I-V-I-N.). The hero of that movie, Max Fischer, follows the “Man in Hole” storytelling arc (as illustrated here by the awesome Maya Eilam. Max starts out in trouble because he is failing out of Rushmore. At the same time, he’s savvy and crafty and creative and energetic and can-do in every sense. He orchestrates his world, and when he can’t (cause we can’t totally control our world), he grows. I love Max because he is creative and an underdog. He is the maker of his own story. That kid embodies so much sadness and drive and goodness. Of course he has to win in the end, even if that winning end is bittersweet.
Tutorial: Animated GIF to SL Texture
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012As mentioned in the recent podcast, I’m well aware that what’s being covered is probably not something many people will ever be interested in doing. So I’m grateful for anyone taking the time to watch and willing to offer feedback in terms of hos this tutorial as a tutorial.
For me this is all learning process. For a long time I’ve wanted to try my hand at producing such resources. I imagine that over time they will become easier to make and, hopefully, easier to watch.
One issue that vexes me is what size display settings I should use. By the time the video gets sent from iShowU to YouTube, the video quality seems to degrade. I wonder why the text on the screen is so washed out and blurry. I guess I’ll continue on with trial and error until I find something that works. And I will have a chance to try another video tutorial soon because we next need to see how to get the texture file in to Second Life, apply it to an object and animate it with the script.
I also want to try to make a tutorial using only written words and images. This seems to be an equally challenging proposition but for different reasons. Later this week I will try to document in such format the process of broadcasting a Second Life session with Google + Hangouts as seen on the previous blog post.
I think the same principle would apply for MineSweeper so the hope is that we’ll be able to have some sort of Camp Magic MacGuffin simulcast from the two virtual spaces before too long. If anyone is interested in trying to collaborate on this, please get in touch.
Daily Create 145: Draw Bugs Bunny (like Chuck Jones). (Taken…
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
Daily Create 145: Draw Bugs Bunny (like Chuck Jones). (Taken with instagram)
Drawing + Bugs Bunny + Wine: An Image Daily Create
Friday, June 1st, 2012Today’s Daily Create 145. I was in a drawing mood so I decided to try more than once on this Bugs Bunny drawing. My own twist is that it is Friday night and I’m having some wine with dinner. Surprisingly, I think my last Bugs Bunny head is the best one. I’m guessing practice and the relaxation of wine just helped me along.
Trouble In Paradise
Friday, June 1st, 2012After a great week of blogging and learning, I had a rough patch these past few days.
I moved into my brand new house that had belonged to a UMW sports team for 8 years. The house took a beating and now we have a hoard of construction workers, plumbers, painters and electricians banging away at all hours. My room is unlivable, but I’m still living here. They’re fixing the entire main floor, basement and renovating the bathrooms, so long story short: I’m high on paint fumes and can’t shower very effectively.
Also, I just got internet today. Thank you, Cox internet service for sending me an installation kit with nothing in it to install. Also, thank you Verizon for taking 2 hours and still, I walked out without internet. Now I’m on a limited internet service for 2 weeks, which is when I will return the device and get all of my money back, and hopefully have a real system set up. Aye, carumba.
So, my apologies to my lack of interaction this week, I’ll make up for it tomorrow with some fabulous posts and responses to the work I did.
ds106 – Digital storytelling summer camp
Friday, June 1st, 2012Inspired by Jeff McClurken, I’m going to attend Camp Macgic Macguffin this summer as a virtual participant in ds106. I am already behind, but with school ending this week I hope to tackle more activities soon, as well as to involve my son. Self-directed learning in community, here I come. Mad props to Bunk 4.
Here are a few of my early responses to The Daily Create, and following those are screenshots of my new (in-progress) pad on the ds106 Minecraft server.
I’m thrilled to find two other NWP teachers in my bunk, and it’s been great to “meet” and see the work of familiar tweeps at play. If you want to practice digital story-telling this summer and learn how it feels as a learner, I say join in!
I’m no Truman Capote
Friday, June 1st, 2012Today’s Daily Create assignment was to Bugs Bunny. At first I was intimidated on drawing a character or something that symbolizes life. Drawing something technical, such as a electronic circuit or building diagrams is what I love to do. Luckily the wise folks at DS106 included a link to YouTube with a video from the master animator himself Chuck Jones on how to draw Bugs Bunny. Grabbing my trusty Mitsubishi Uni Kuru Toga mechanical pencil (the ultimate geek tool) and went to work. I am pretty impressed with the out come. The video is incredibly informative and for my first try I am pretty happy with the results. After sketching Bugs I scanned the drawing and found out my scanner is creating lines in the captured picture. Lacking time I just added a tint to the picture to create a wood grain effect that make it look better and I was happy with it.
Chuck Jones shows how to draw Bugs Bunny