For this assignment we had to mix together different movie posters to create one movie. I mixed up a picture of Natalie Portman from “Black Swan” and Johnny Depp from “Edward Scissorhands” to create my own movie poster entitled “Black Passion.”
I had no idea where to start for this assignment. So I just started browsing on the internet under images for movie posters. I came across “Black Swan” and thought…hmmm I could work with this. I wanted to try and do something dark, since she looks kind of wicked in this picture. I then thought of Edward Scissorhands, since he is kind of a dark, well looks wise at least, character. I liked how if I were to put the pictures next to each other it looked as if he was staring at her.
I went under paint and used the free form shape to trace around the Black Swan picture and then I cropped and saved it. I then opened up a new paint document and cropped Edward Scissorhand’s picture. I then added Edward’s picture to the Black Swan picture. I adjusted the sizes so they would be close to matching and made the background black. I looked up different quotes from both movies and the quotes listed on my picture are from Edward Scissorhands. In the real movie it is actually the female character who says “Hold me” and Edward who says “I can’t.” I decided to switch them because in this picture it looks like Edward is yearning for the Black Swan and she looks cold and distant.
For the title I tried to mix and match the titles of both the movies but it did not really work out, so I came up with “Black Passion” because they are both “dark characters” and one could assume from the picture that there is a love interest.