Super Secrete Base
As many of you may already have known, my other persona is Max Power (Super Evil Genius Number One). I have been working diligently creating my Super Secrete Island Fortress of Unpleasantness (located at the lovely Aogashima Island off of Japan). Me and my minions have been working our butts off on this for a few years and now is 90 percent operational. We are experiencing some growing pains with the Geo Thermal Energy Power Generator. That’s right, we may be evil but we care about the environment just like everyone else. When it becomes fully operational, it will power the most destructive laser ever known to mankind. Hopefully by summer’s end we will be able to destroy the Amazon Rainforest unless our ransom from the World Government has been met. A shout out to the minions on this one! I couldn’t have gone this far without you. Even though you constantly remind me in the Suggestion Box that you don’t like your orange jump suits. So what you stand out like a sore thumb in combat situations. You look sharp wearing them, that count’s more then concealment in my book.
Ciao for now.