Archive for the ‘umwsum12’ Category


Product Review

Monday, July 16th, 2012

This is a review of my iHome, I love this thing besides my computer and cell phone this is probably my most useful object because it wakes me up when I need to get up and it keeps my Ipod charged and I love my music so without it I would be at a loss.

Everyday Make-up how to

Monday, July 16th, 2012

For this Video Assignment ( we had to make a How-to video. For this assignment I decided to do make-up application. The reason I chose make-up is because I love make-up, I did ballet for 20 years, so it was something I always ended up being around. I chose to do a simple every-day application. I first tell the user to prime the face with a foundation primer. After that you take the foundation and cover the face blending up into the hair line and down through the jaw bone area. After that you take a nude eyeshadow and cover your eyelid from your lash line to your crease. After that you apply mascara. Once that is complete you apply the nude lipstick and you are ready to go!

What my editing process looked like:

Jasmine, The Rap Star!

Monday, July 16th, 2012

This Video Assignment ( was by far my absolute favorite assignment ever. For the assignment we had to lip sing a song. I decided to get out of my comfort zone (signing Adele or Brittney Spears) to rapping Nikki Minaj’s verse in Bottom’s Up. I must have watched some of her music video’s 100 times so I could try to capture her personality. I had so much fun rapping, good thing I knew the lyrics (it’s me bestfriends favorite song) . For this video I had my little brother record me. I think for the most part I did a good job lip syncing.  :)
Looking at the video I don’t even recognize myself, it’s like a complete alter ego.

What my editing process looked like:  

Return to the Silent Era: Mean Girls

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Please view my Pre-Production post to see how I first set up this video.

After completing the tasks mentioned, I then changed the video to black and white. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to slow down and fast forward the clips. They were both options under “Clip” in iMovie, but for some reason, it wasn’t allowing me to actually make the selection about how much I wanted to slow down or fast forward. I’m not even sure how I figured it out! I tooled around for a while and moved the files in the different editors and finally I was able to make the selection. This made the video look dated. I fast forwarded a lot of the clips, but I slowed down the ones with text and certain parts that I thought (or remember) being in slow motion in the movie.  also was able to add a video effect to my movie; I chose “Aged film.”

For the background music, I looked at the list of Sound Resources from Week 5 at Magic Macguffin. I chose to get my clip from Free Music Archive. I wanted the song to have an “Old-Timey” feel, so that is the genre I searched on the website. I found “Cutie” by Eubie Blake and His Orchestra after trying to match lots of different songs with the trailer. It seemed to work very well and I used it in the final product! I downloaded the song to iTunes and added it to my project in iMovie.

I thought this movie was a very unpredictable choice for this assignment (maybe not coming from me though!).

Words I can’t say out loud!

Monday, July 16th, 2012

For this Video Assignment ( we had to tell a story or tell how our day went on flash cards. I decided to tell how my day went. I decided to write down what took place during the beginning of the day. It’s very hard for me to write the things down but I hear that it can be very therapeutic and healing. Every other Sunday my daughter’s dad is suppose to come see her, but every other visit day he seems to have a reason why he can’t, most of them being that he forgot. This morning I got up and got my daughter ready for her visit, to get a text 2 hours before he was suppose to be here saying that he forgot and has something else to do. Somethings frustrate to a point of no return, and you can’t show any emotion for them. Luckily for me my daughter doesn’t know or think that, that is her dad. It was just another Sunday to her, one that she spent with mommy on her swing set.

Charlie Remix

Monday, July 16th, 2012

For this particular Video Assignment ( We had to reenact a video on YouTube that has gone viral(1mil + views). So I decided to do my little brother and daughter’s favorite video, “Charlie bit me.” Ever since that video became popular, it has been a thing for them to act out for everybody that enters our house, they even do it for people at the nail salon. To do this video I had my little brother and daughter watch the video about 3 times to try to master the British accent (since my grandmother wasn’t answering her phone.) and they studied it. It took about 2 tries but they finally got all of the giggles out and did it.

Pranks are best done in SILENCE

Monday, July 16th, 2012

More video assignments! This time it is a silent movie! When I was looking at this last week I was stuck on which film clip I should use for my silent movie. The last comment on the assignment page said “Get creative and choose a movie that would look most unlikely to be done from this era.” With that in mind I tried thinking of movies that were produced more recently. I started thinking of some of my favorite movies, and one of my all time favorites is “Parent Trap“, the modern one with Lindsay Lohan. I have good memories of watching it numerous times throughout childhood with my mom, and even now we watch it and can quote every line. It must have a wonderful storyline in order for there to be two versions of it. Anyways, I started looking on Youtube for different clips from the movie. I happened upon one of the prank scenes from the movie, but unfortunately it had French subtitles running throughout it. I was able to find a longer version of the clip that I wanted and I edited it down to just the prank scene using MPEG Streamclip. I thought this scene would give people laughs, and you can understand what is going on in it without the audio, perfect for the silent film!

After I trimmed the video down to the size I wanted I was able to upload it to Windows Live Movie Maker. I tried some of the different effects that were available to make the movie look older, but none were really that satisfying to me. I then tried using “The Artistifier” by uploading my edited version of “The Parent Trap” to Youtube, but that did not work. So I browsed on the internet for awhile trying to find programs that could help me “age” my movie. Then I happened upon something wonderful called “AVS Video Editor.” I downloaded it onto my computer and started editing,it even had something called “Old Movie Effect.” Within a half hour I had the perfect silent film, it looked professional! Unfortunately, when I tried to upload it onto Youtube, it said I had to buy it or else there would be a “AVS Video Editor” watermark across my whole film. I was so MAD!

But all is well that ends well. I ended up changing the color contrast on my clip in Windows Movie Maker to black and white, I then uploaded it to Youtube where I was able to put an “Old Fashioned” effect on it under enhancements. I then re-uploaded this newer version of my clip back onto Windows Movie Maker and finished editing. I muted the sounds from the real clip and added in different “silent movie” music clips from by Sam Fox. This was time consuming because I had to find the perfect spot to fade in and out the different music clips and sometimes I would have to repeat music clips because the scene I wanted them for was longer then the actual music clip. Finally I inserted in my title scene, visual dialogue scenes, and credit scene. Viola I was done!

Below are some pictures I took of my computer screen as I was completing my project.

AVS Video Editor

Windows Movie

Windows Movie

Free sound

Adding in my visual dialogue




A Rather Wordy Video

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

Another Video Assignment for this week ( was to: Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these images and chose one of the first visible photos for the word..after you have chosen your words and your images put them together in video form and tell a story..include a sentence with each image to help guide your story or try and tell it without the sentences.

The words that I chose were: Bad, Boys, Good, Girls, Date. These words were the first 5 words to pop into my head after reading the assignment. This could have because of the Carrie Underwood song “Good Girl” or that fact that my girlfriends and I had a old school slumber party and watched “Sex and The City 1&2″ this past weekend. However this is what I came up with, and it has been proven over the past few century’s.

5 Second Funny

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

One of the Video Assignments for this week ( was to make a 5 second long video, preferably a funny one. This was the first video assignment that I did. So I decided to get a video of my daughter slaying the dragon (my little brother). You would be amazed at the eye-hand coordination that this toddler posses. This video cracks me up every time I watch it. Since the video had to get done, we had it done in the presence of a family friend… My niece myself and I went to the basement, as my daughter helped herself to my little brother’s sword and began to slay the dragon (we love the old black and white swash-buckling movies), and slay she did. Serves him right, for telling her that aliens are in her closet.  I have never seen him move that fast in his life, even during a soccer game.

To see the full video click here ->


Weekly Letter home 8 Video Week!

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

I used Photo Booth to do all of the filters on my weekly letter home. Then I uploaded each segment to iMovie. I introduced two of my daily creates and added some music (Black Horse & Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall) into the letter home.

I loved Video Week especially week 2. It really is hard work but also the time to get creative. It’s rewarding to see your finished product and feel proud that this is something you accomplished in such a short period of time. After this week I know I will explore editing and video much more… even after this class is over.


Enjoy :)