Archive for the ‘umwsum12’ Category


You Just Got Served!

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

One of the video assignments for this week was to do a play by play commentary on well….anything. In the description of the assignment were the words “funny video” and I thought of a music video. Now this may seem like an unlikely parallel thought to most, but not to me. Let me explain, my best friend and I have been creating our own personal music videos since we were 15. They are quite funny, but we made a solemn oath to each other that we would never publish them for people to see. So I looked through a few of our hilarious videos, reminisced and laughed, but as I was laughing I thought of another funny video I had shot and as a bonus had neither me nor my best friend in it! It was a “dance battle” from a friend’s wedding a couple months back. I had shot the video, but I had used one of the dancer’s, Brain, camera to record it. It was on his Facebook and as I watched it I said “this is perfect!” So I sent Brian an email asking me if he could send me the video so I could edit it, and I also got permission from the other dancer Justin.

The editing on this video took me a little bit to figure out, but finally I found a simple solution to overlay my voice into the video! I edited the video down to the clip that I wanted in MPEG Streamclip. I then uploaded the clip onto Windows Live Movie Maker. From there I was able to add in my title and credit pages. I then tried to find ways to play the video and while recording my own commentary. But I could not figure out how to do that on either MPEG Streamclip or Windows Live Move Maker, so I muted the video and played it while at the same time I recorded my commentary on Audacity. I then saved the soundclip on Audacity and uploaded it to Windows Live Movie Maker. They were able to play at the same time. I uploaded the new video with he commentary onto Youtube and I was finished!

So the actual storyline is a funny dance battle between two friends at a wedding. They were just being entertaining, trying to give the bride and groom something to remember. I decided to add funny commentary to make it fit the assignment, so the assignment was fulfilled, but with something personal and memorable.

Below are some pictures of my computer screen as I was editing the video.

Dance Battle Edit

Dance Battle Edit

Dance Battle Edit

Dance Battle Edit



Tutorial For My Mother

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

Some people are tech savvy and some aren’t. My mother is always curious about how technology works and is constantly being updated on a daily basis. Recently through DS106 we learned how to download YouTube videos straight into the computer. This is something that will really come in handy for this class and for the future, whether it be pure entertainment or work/school related.

I told my mom about this new discovery and she suddenly became very interested! I decided to make a tutorial on how to show my mom on how to download a YouTube video.

Enjoy :) maybe you will learn something new too!

I used Quick Time to film my desktop then used Sound Cloud to add in audio. The first 4-5 seconds of me introducing the tutorial was filmed through Photo Booth (an application that comes with Mac Computers).

tutorialmom1 © by katherinekd101

I then downloaded my audio from Sound Cloud and uploaded it into my Itunes. The final step was to upload everything into iMovie and make layers of sound and video. Luckily, for this tutorial I only had one layer of audio so it was fairly simple.

Everything’s a Remix?

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

This is week 2 of video analysis in ds106. Taking a look at the video series Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson, we see that the same or similar ideas are repeated over and over, through decades and eras in movies. This concept is reinforced by last weeks study of reading movies and specifically genres or TV Tropes.

I never really thought about it before but many (if not all) movie story lines are regenerate, reinvented, reinvigorated, and reused many times over sometimes from lesser known movies like those listed here on This makes me wonder when the last time there was a completely “original” concept introduced into our movie collections.  And quite frankly, I do not know the answer. I’m not a big movie buff, and admittedly, I’ve seen the beginning or parts of many movies, but have fallen asleep or lost interest before viewing the entire film. However, I was excited to find myself identifying a “remix” scene Friday night while watching an old movie (old to me anyway!)

Friday was Friday the 13th. I thought it would be fun to watch the original, classic Friday the 13th movie that night. As the movie played there was one scene that caught my attention as familiar.

I recognized this scene from Dirty Dancing. Well, actually Friday the 13th came out first in 1980. Dirty Dancing debuted in 1987. But I saw Dirty Dancing before seeing Friday the 13th, so that’s my point of reference.

So in answer to the question posed to us this week:

Is everything a remix? I would have to say…Yes! I give the TV Tropes as evidence that all cinema falls into one or more of these categories, therefore connecting it to the others in each group or making a remix of ones that came before it.

Letter Home; Week 8

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

The BEST letter home.. = )

Letter Home: Week 7

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

This is my letter home for week 7… but in video form.

This week consisted of a lot of brainstorming for my video productions. I am still uncomfortable with being on camera, but decided to make a video anyway. (practice makes perfect? lol)

I’m actually only using the video feature on my digital camera, so I’m not entirely happy with the quality. But ya gotta work with what you have I guess…..

Capturing iPhoto

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

I love editing images, through different sources of photo editing programs. The most simple one, in my opinion, is iPhoto. I usually edit pictures for my own personal use and play around with colors to see the different results.

I’m familiar with iPhoto.  Using it for this Screen Capturing assignment seemed ideal. I took a simple image that was taken two weeks ago in Lake Tahoe. I thought it would be perfect to mess around with in terms of darks and lights, bolds, colors, tones, temperatures, highlights, and cropping.

Here is the story of how I edited a simple photo through iPhoto…


I used Quick Time to record audio and the my desktop. I can’t figure out how to record an actual movie that has audio included. Instead, I layered a recording of my desktop and the audio. I did this through iMovie.
First, I imported the movie itself.

Second, I layed the audio through iMovie.

Third, I added music for a fun touch. :) I had the music playing very softly through out the entire tutorial.

Fourth, since this is coming towards the end of Video Week, I wanted to explore the different options iMovie has to offer. I set my movie up in a “scrapbook” format. This means the introduction is placed in a scrapbook setting. I thought it was fun and also looked neat!

Storytelling1 © by katherinekd101

This is a screen shot of a recording of the my desktop as I work on the image through iPhoto.

Tazmanian Whirlwinds

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

For one of this weeks Daily Creates the assingment ( was to draw a tornado. Drawing has never been one of my talents; I am 22 and still draw stick figures. However, whever I think of tornadoes, I think of the Taz the Tazmanian Devil. So before doing this assingment I watched a few episodes of Looney Tunes and googles Taz and then I began the drawing process, which consisted of drawing about 10000000 ovals to get the right shape. I think I did Taz proud.

Cloudy Tornadoes

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

This particular Daily Create was my favorite one to do this week. The assignment ( was to go outside and take a picture of a cloud and describe what it looks like, in your own opinion. To do this assignment, my daughter and I went outside, looked up to the sky and that’s when we saw it… The BIG ONE!. The big cloud to us, looked like a tornado, especially since they’ve been all the talk around where we live lately. The cloud was very big and shapped like a funnel, I tried to get all of it in the picture but that was an impossible task.

Humans, Humans Anywhere?

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Another daily create that was assingned this week was ( to take a picture of an outdoor scene with nothing that is of humans in sight. To do this assingment I went out of my aunts back door, took a few steps and was suddenly surrounded by forest, at which point I took the picture. Seeing as though I am not a big fan of nature (although I have gone green) I did this assignemnt at hyperspeed. Nature and I have never been on the same page, either it’s a nice day and allergies kick my butt or its super hot/cold and allergies still kick my butt it’s a catch 22, which is funny because if my daughter could live outside, she would!

Channel 106, who knew? My daughter did!

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

One of this weeks daily creates was ( to record a small video of what was on channel 106. As it turns out, as soon as I turned to the channel my daughter started boucing around in excitement. It was one of her favorite stations! With us being at my aunts house I had no idea what station it was going to be on since we were at my aunts house, luckily for the both of us it was cartoons. Although due to this assignment I got stuck watching Johnny Test instead of my favorite Scooby Doo, I enjoyed doing it.