I thought this assignment was very cool and creative. I decided to make the retro fit the departed to appear to be a silent movie. The first thing I did was download movie clips and trailers from YouTube using Real Player and then put them into Windows Movie Maker. I then found an old style countdown from ten that I added to the very beginning of the clip for some dramatic effect. I used about five clips to make this and took varying amounts from each one, after I put them into the order i wanted them in and added the title and credits slide. I also used an effect to give them a brown tint so they appeared to be an older movie which I think works great in Movie Maker. The last part was finding music because most silent films had music, the hardest part was deciding which song to use because I felt it had to fit the theme of the clips and the overall movie. I ended up using the theme intro to the game Mafia I or II I don’t remember but it reminded me of Al Capone or the Godfather music so I thought it fit perfect sense the Departed is a crime boss type movie. I really enjoyed the creative aspect of this assignment and using real movie clips was very enjoyable I hope you like it here it is below.
Archive for the ‘umwsum12’ Category
The Departed Goes Silent
Friday, July 13th, 2012Remixing Everything
Friday, July 13th, 2012When I first saw this assignment I thought it was solely about how Hollywood re makes movies constantly oh was I surprised. The part that really stuck out to me was when they referenced Star Wars because to me Star Wars was as original as it gets. The author of this obviously does a great amount of research or really likes watching tons of old movies all day long. Being born in the 90s I had never heard of most of the movies that were referenced as predecessors to Star Wars. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was I hope he covers movies that should not have been re made, In my opinion I thought it was crazy to re make the karate kid because I grew up watching the original like it was my job I loved that movie, and although I like Jackie Chan I still did not want it remade. I found this movie extremely interesting because I was completely oblivious to how much re occurring themes there were and how directors will just take a scene from an old movie and just bring it up to date in thier movie.
One thing I am skeptical about is how purposeful the directors are in reusing old content. In some cases it is clear that it was done but in the vague references I find it hard to believe that the directors took all that time to put a plot together using old movies I feel like that would be a painstaking and long process but I have no experience in professional movie making. It is my opinion that for a lot of the re use the directors and writers came up with it and it either just is a common theme and it just happened to be similar or that they had forgot about seeing the older movie earlier and thought it was their own idea. I think that there is a mix of both scenarios going on and I would like to see an interview with George Lucas about where he got the ideas for the Star Wars scenes so if you know of one let me know. Overall it was an awesome clip and thanks for making us watch it because I would have not found it on my own.
Pulp Fiction Dance RE-DUB
Friday, July 13th, 2012Although I said I was originally going to re dub the John Wayne movie I decided to do the dance scene from Pulp fiction. I decided this because on Monday I found myself watching Pulp Fiction for the hundredth time probably and I was reminded of this scene. The way they dance was so funny to me I could not pass up the opportunity to re dub it with different music. The program I used for this is Windows movie maker. The first thing I did was get the video off of YouTube by downloading it using Real Player. Real Player is very useful i would recommend it because it has built in converter to many different formats. So I used Real Player to download and convert it to Windows Media format and then dragged it into Windows Movie Maker. I then edited it down to the parts I wanted because I did not need or want the entire clip.Then came the difficult part, picking the new music. The way Uma Thermon and John Travolta dance is hilarious to me because it seems so dorky if you put it to modern music. After trying countless songs that just didn’t seem to mesh enough for me I settled on Tik Tok it just seemed to work, you may disagree or you may like it I don’t know its just my opinion so enjoy here it is.
What Makes Me Laugh
Friday, July 13th, 2012This clip always makes me laugh because growing up playing soccer and now coaching some rec soccer some of the stuff is not to far off. This movie really made me laugh because so many people take youth soccer far to serious and this movie basically makes fun of all of that. Also I haven’t really found a Will Ferrell movie i didn’t think was funny. And also its not really highlighted in this clip but the rivalry between Robert Duvall and Mike Ditka is hilarious in this movie.
My Story, Bike Ride From Hell
Friday, July 13th, 2012We had the option to talk about a story that was sad, happy, or something that could happen on a daily basis. I chose the story of my bike accident. It is the only time in my life I have been to hospital for myself. I was still young and didn’t realize how serious the accident could have been. I know if I didn’t wear a helmet I would be paralyzed to this day and have a completely different life from the one I have now.
It was a tradition in our family to go on a nice bike ride every Sunday evening when the weather became pleasant. It felt like any other Sunday to me, but thats how it always feels before an accident. I turned the sharp curb, going around 25 MPH feeling on top of the world. BOOM. My bike and face go right into a drunk mans chest, as he was roller blading in my lane. I don’t remember the pain. I just remember feeling my clothes be soaked in blood as I watched the man lay on his side looking like he was in complete agony.
I was first put in ambulance then put into a helicopter and flown to Childrens Hospital. I stayed there for several days not remembering the majority of it. Trying to open my left eye was one of the most physically demanding moments I’ve had. It was sealed shut and completely black from bruising. Any light that would flood through my eye lids was agonizing. After a few months my eye was completely healed from the bruising and broken veins in my eyes. However, my left eye is now slightly smaller then the right.
This is my story…
How did I put it all together?
I filmed this through QuickTime and uploading it into iMovie. Then I used sounds from www.freesound.org the sounds of crickets chirping and sirens were both from this site.
I then put in three different songs that I thought went along with the words on the notecards. I used fade in and fade out techniques to make the transition from each sound. I included a title and credits. The music I used is copyrighted, need to always give credit! Obviously the songs were too long to use for the entire clip. So I used a the audio trimmer to cut down the part of the song I wanted for each segment of the video.
This is a screen shot of trimming music down, to the length that I want it.
This is the final product!
Here comes the Big Boss!
Thursday, July 12th, 2012This loved this assignment. I found it was a little harder fitting movie to song. Yet, it is simply placing the videos together and editing them to fit the music. I used iMovie, it makes everything so easy.
I really love cartoons. It is something of a guilty pleasure, but this assignment made this cartoon fan very happy and excited. I hold those that make AMV’s in very high regard and never thought that I would ever make one myself. I also really love this song. It never fails to make me smile or sing along. It is simply a classic that everyone should know. The two cartoons that I used are two that I fell completely in love with for many reasons.
Working At the…
Thursday, July 12th, 2012I chose to do the song visualization assignment because I do it all the time. Maybe not in video format, but any song I hear, I get mental images of a story. This assignment was in the bag from the moment I saw it. I just had to pick a song from a very extensive list. Yet, as it always does, I found the right song to incorporate into the project. This assignment was fairly easy. I collected images together in iMovie and added the song. The hardest part of this movie was editing how the song match up to the images and how transitions or movement affected the video.
Not only do I like this song because it is upbeat and catchy, but it also has earned its place in my quirky family. Every time we see a car wash, either passing by or going through, I crank this song loud and sing along. It seems like the appropriate thing to do in the situation. It helps that my mother and sister join in. I have always had a love for the automated car washes that spew pretty foamy colors on your car. It is a bubble paradise and a whole lot of fun to watch when it gets rinsed off. Yet, there is also something therapeutic about hand-washing a car (I enjoy the job of vacuuming out the car, especially if it is extra-dirty). Being able to unplug from the fast-paced daily flow of life and being able to find joy in something do small is something that everyone should be able to do.
Audio Story
Thursday, July 12th, 2012Observing how someone listen’s, looks, moves and interact with their surroundings demonstrates a person’s true nature. Sometimes it’s not what is being said, but what is being meant. Non-verbal cues are important to understand. For this audio assignment I created a story without containing any words. I am the ultimate morning person. I love getting up early and starting my day while the world is still asleep. I decided to create a story of my morning routine. Waking up, getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, making breakfast, coffee while reading the newspaper, checking my email and watching the news. I found all the sounds on freesound.org
Hope you enjoy it.
pre-production for my upcoming video projects….
Thursday, July 12th, 2012One video assignment I am very excited about doing is Make a Scene from a Horror Film. I already have been taking notes, brainstorming, and messing with the camera for it.
- I plan to create a scene not from an existing film, but a made up one
- Title Ideas: Attack of the Nerd Zombies, The PC Haunting (yes I know, I know… lol)
- I will need some dramatic background music.. I’ve looked up some sound clips on freesounds.org and can even take sounds from youtube clip if neccesary
- Might use “The Voice” for this scene/trailer
- Have been tinkering with shadow and lighting affects
- Will use family and friends as props/ghosts/zombies
The second assignment that really grabbed my attention is to make a 30 Second Documentary that shows moreso than tells something.
- I plan to do a documentary on how I program
- Another Idea is making and eating food (something simple like a sandwich or cereal… but of course it will be made out to be EPIC )
- I’ve been taking small video clips and photos of myself on the computer, eating, making food…
Those were just 2 of the ones that grabbed my attention that I am furthest along working on. Keep an eye out the next 2 days for final products!
Reading The Lion King
Thursday, July 12th, 2012If some of you guys haven’t already noticed, I LOVE The Lion King. I think it is an amazing movie! Animation, soundtrack, storyline, the morals and lessons being portrayed and taught, and its appeal to all ages. I think it is truly a work of art.
The first scene I picked was the one where Scar is first introduced, and he has a chit chat with his older brother Mufasa.
The scene opens up immediately showing Mufasa on higher ground, head up, and in light. While scar is hunched over, and in the dark shadows of his cave dwelling.
As the scene continues and Mufasa’s dominance and goodness is shown over Scar, The scene concludes with him getting a bit angry at Scar and asking if he was challenging him. Mufasa races in front of scar growling “is that a challenge?!”… Mufasa is on the right, in light, and the POV is at his eye level showing how much more powerful and dominant he is to Scar. Even Scar verbalizes this, all while cowering back and below Mufasa’s eye-level. Even throughout the scene Zazu takes refuge beneath, between, and behind Mufasa’s paws. This shows his position as a protector and unshakable figure in the movie in a sense.
The second clip I picked is that of Mufasa being murdered while struggling to get out of the stampede in the gorge. Mufasa is on the left in this scene, and below scar – helpless. Scar is dominant over him in this situation, and in a portion of the clip just as Scar claws over Mufasa’s paws they are diagonal from each other. This tilt (w/ Mufasa on the lower end) shows opposing forces and a shifting of direction. And finally as Scar lets go of Mufasa, music climaxes, and it screen blackens out. Indicating the defeat/death/demise/defeat of Mufasa. Everything just fades into nothing. This scene in its culmination I feel is more moving and powerful than most live-action scenes.
SN: I used Windows Movie Maker to edit and clip these scenes to keep em short and sweet.