Archive for the ‘umwsum12’ Category


Some of this weeks daily creates…

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

So this week I am partaking in the 7 day challenge!! I have to do 7 (or more) daily creates back to back… then eventually sync or mash them up together! Here are some of the ones I did this week…

outdoor scene free of any human artifacts

This was a picture of the outdoors w/out any human artifacts… which is a challenge. As I took the picture I really contemplated the fact that it might be a true photo of old for future generations. :/

This video was fun to make and simple enough… but made me realize how nerdy I probably came off lol.

I will not even describe this! Just listen and enjoy, I really had a ton of fun with this. I took sound clips offline, mixed it w/ my good old fake accent, and created one of my favorite sound clips to date.

Shout it out….REEE-MIX!

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

So from what I understand a remix and a mashup are the same thing. It is basically taking bites and pieces of different media, art, music, or ideas and creating something different with it. You could add in some of your own ideas to put a spin on a project that has aspects of other people’s work in it. I think there are different levels of sophistication to remixing as you will soon see. So I know this sounds kind of vague so look at some of the following examples. Don’t worry I learn best through examples too….like Kirby Ferguson said ” Nobody starts out original…copying is how we learn.”

So I am sure many people have seen this, especially if you are in DS106.

But I had to use this as an example of a remix, because yes as much as I would hate to admit I am a Twilight fanatic and I found this HILARIOUS! But yes this is a really good, and professionally done, example of what a remix is. The author is combing two different story lines, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Twilight, to create a new storyline. One in which Edward is stalking Buffy because he is infatuated with her and then she kills him because she isn’t interested. I most definitely think this is creative! It takes a level of skill to be able to combine two completely different pieces of media into a single storyline. Not to mention the end result is a comedy which anyone who has ever heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Twilight would enjoy.

My next example is news footage remixed into a MC Hammer music video to create, well a new music video.

Once again this is creative and funny. I also find it slightly ironic since MC Hammer went into serious debt over legal issues with copyright and “stealing” other people’s ideas. In regards to copyright I feel that out laws are too strict. But regardless if you give credit where credit is due for the inspiration of your remixed idea, there should be no legal issues. I also think that if anybody tries to copyright their remixed piece of work, they should not be allowed to do remixed work to begin with! I mean if you can get creative based on other peoples ideas, why can’t people get inspired off yours?

And you can’t talk about Remixing without mentioning Weird Al

This man has made his career out of remixing and I think he is one of the best examples. He takes the beats from famous songs and then adds his own lyrics to actually make fun of the real song. He is a creative genius!

Weekly Letter Home 9

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012


I edited everything together into iMovie for this weekly letter home. I decided to again use the different filters that Photo Booth offers because it is fun. I then uploaded images into segments of the film that correlated with whatever I was talking about. For example while I was talking about the daily creates, I used the images for each create into my movie. The same concept goes for music. Any type of music that was related to what I was talking about I placed into the specific section of my movie.


Letter Home

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad,
This week was all about remixing and mashups. It was awesome and I learned a lot about the art of remix. It’s not a simple as it looks. Nor as new as most people think. The biggest thing I am taking out of this week is just how far back “remixing” really goes and how many genres of life it can touch. Like in Everything is a Remix,

shows us that everday objects are not original genius, but the result of remixing. Such as the laptop, reality is the origin of these common appliances is xerox, which most people today associate with copy machines. The cars made by Henry Ford, were combining many different technologies together to get the mass produced and affordable car.
To create remixing online, there are many ways to start. Yet, it boils down to extreme video editing. Adding in music and combine other images, text, or audio. With all of this mixed together, you get an amazing work of genius. Many popular things today are rooted in a remix of two or more former works.

Mixing it up,

Mashup Week

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

It was interesting to learn about remixing and how much goes on in the creation of a mashup. Also, it is amazing to see how much is actually “remixed” in real life. Such as the creation of the Macintosh. Not only this, but I learned a lot about the different types of remix: copy, transform, and combine.

Remix Example 1

Edward and Buffy
This is a really good example of combining. Two vampire stories combined to create a different story. It was amazingly clipped together and the story was easily flowed from the clips.

Remix Example 2

Call Me Maybe Star Wars
This is a perfect example of transforming a piece. It takes a classic movie and a modern hit and transforms both of them into one single video. The video keeps me engaged and entertained. An awesome mashup!

Remix Example 2

Literal Music Videos
These are awesome! I instantly fell in love with them. It shows us a great example of transforming. Taking the music video, and transforming the lyrics to mean something completely different from the original song.

Mashup Those Movies

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Cady talking about Regina in Mean Girls: “I have this theory that if you cut off all her hair she’d look like a British man.”

Mashup Those Movies

For my first Mashup Assignment, I chose Mashup Those Movies. Naturally, I chose a movie poster for Mean Girls and edited on Aviary. I Google Imaged Mean Girls movie posters, and I found a poster where the girls were making “shh” signals. I thought it would be funny to remix this picture with a movie called She’s the Man, because the caption on the She’s the Man movie poster says, “Everybody has a secret…,” so by combining the two, it would suggest that one of the Plastics (from Mean Girls), was a man, something that provided me with great amusement. I used my computer’s photo editing program, iPhoto, to crop the “She’s the Man” movie title and the “Everybody has a secret..” movie caption from the original poster. I saved them to my desktop and imported the files to my Mean Girls poster that I had already uploaded to Aviary. I positioned them as I liked and saved the file!

Could it be Regina? Watch the movie and you’ll find out…


Remix This

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

REMIX: To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new.

For this write-up assignment, I watched Everything is a Remix, Part 1: The Song Remains the Same by Kirby Ferguson. Remix originally began in music. Now, remix happens everywhere. It’s easy to do and anyone can do it. The video shows examples of Led Zeppelin using lyrics from songs earlier produced. They did not attribute the lyrics to the original artists. Remix happens a lot in the music industry, but credit is given to the original artist. Also, Led Zeppelin didn’t change their lyrics enough to even make them seem original. Remixing can be legal, if done properly. In fact, much of the entertainment industry is a form of remix. Now, Led Zeppelin is copied by many other artists. Karma?

I also watched the Disney copyright video, because I adore Disney! The Disney video was absolutely great. I loved how it used so much remix to explain fair use and copyright. The title was also very witty (A Fair(y) Use Tale). I think that it’s important to follow these rules, because people should get credit for their ideas. It’s cheating when you just steal from someone else. It is about money. If you take someone else’s ideas and make money off them, how is that fair? It also costs money to PUT a copyright on something.

What can be copyrighted? Books, plays, music, dance, movies, and pictures. This video taught me that you cannot copyright ideas, only the form an idea takes can be copyrighted. One has to expand the ideas to visuals in order to copyright. Copyright used to only last for a fix amount of time, only 14 years. Then it would fall into the public domain, which means it’s free for anyone to use. Copyright keeps getting longer, their is even a lifetime limitation. Some copyrights last forever. There are limitations on copyright use. You can borrow a small amount of the copyright. The nature, amount, and commercial impact of the work are factors of fair use. The creator of the movie believes it is under protection because the movie is using the clips from the Disney movies to explain copyright laws.

For my examples of remix, I looked at the following:

Star Wars Call Me Maybe

This video used lyrics from a very popular song, Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” and transformed them into Star Wars voices. It also used clips from the Star Wars movies depicting the character who was saying (singing) the given lyrics. I thought this video was pretty funny. It must have taken a lot of work too.

Buffy vs. Edward: Twilight Remixed

Though I was never particularly interested in the Buffy series and I am far from a Twilight fan, I chose to look at this video because I figured it could be kind of funny! Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a popular television show about a vampire that stopped airing about ten years back. Twilight, in turn, is a current popular book and movie series about vampires. Though Buffy is a bit dated, it is funny to think about her meeting Edward Cullen, one of the vampires in Twilight. The video took clips of Edward from the Twilight movies and combined them with clips of Buffy, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to create the a video of the two characters meeting. I thought the video was a very good example of how the two vampires would react if they did happen to meet. Even though I haven’t watched much of either, I found Edward very very creepy! It was funny how intense and serious he is, while Buddy is so matter-of-fact and sarcastic. What would Bella think???

30 Classic Music Albums Recreated With Lego

And finally, after realizing Obamaicon wouldn’t work on my computer, I chose to look at the remix example 30 Classic Music Albums Recreated With Lego, and was pleasantly surprised! I thought this was really cool. What a thoughtful, creative project to take on. I really liked the Beatles Abbey Road one. This site is a wonderful example of how one person’s ideas can spark another’s, creating multiple interesting results. I think if the artists of these albums saw their covers made out of legos, they would be pretty excited. This site is an example of remix, because the author used the art/photos on album covers and recreated them using legos. This was my favorite example of remix that I looked at.

Week 9 ; Daily Creates

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

“[Illustrate attraction in a photo]”


This is a photo of 2 bears that are in love, clearly they are “beary” attracted to each other.


“[Take a picture of yourself imitating some classic rage faces]”

So pissed, your eyes cross?

I really don’t get mad, but my “rage” sometimes consist of me crossing my eyes. Why? I’ll never know, but this is what happens.. = )

Remix Assignment

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

For my remix assignment, I chose the “Re-brand ‘Em” Design Assignment paired with the Remix card, “Pollock Style.” I chose one of my favorite “Re-brand ‘Em” submissions, “America Runs on DS106″ by Stephanie and remixed it as a Jackson Pollock painting. A little while back, I wrote a blog post and designed my own Jackson Pollock painting, so this remix assignment particularly interested me. I used my favorite site Aviary Image Editor to paint overtop of the original image. I enjoy Jackson Pollock’s style of painting; it’s carefree, yet he has a uniform style. I thought Stephanie‘s assignment was really creative and I decided to add a little bit of my own creativity to it!! Enjoy!


Credit to Stephanie for the original “Re-brand ‘Em” Design Assignment.

A-Z Photography

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

My next contribution to the ds106 Assignment Repository is Visual Assignment 615: A-Z Photo Collage. The instructions read:

Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage.

The potential themes are endless: items around the house, items in nature, food, flowers, even possibly things that simply make you smile. For the example, used food.

Food A-Z

After collecting photos of food that represented each letter of the alphabet, I simply opened the folder in Picasa

…and from the “create” menu, selected “create collage”

…to start the photo compilation.

Then, I adjusted the settings–style, page format, background options–and rearranged the photos to be in A, B, C order to get the final collage I wanted. Pressing the button to “create collage”, I had my A-Z Photography composition created!

I can’t wait to see others’ interpretation of the assignment, as well as the individual themes or topics that will be used for the collages. Good luck and have fun!