Dear Mom,
It has been such a crazy week! I really got into the nitty gritty stuff w/ my website, got to play around a lot with wordpress, made videos, took pictures. Camp is really starting to pick up! I’m realizing though that it will be tough balancing my UMW course and this camp for the next 3 weeks, all the while still trying to work. but I WILL SURVIVE!!!
Here is a link to my website btw… It is where I am keeping track of a lot of the stuff I’m doing in camp.
I did 3 daily creates this week! My 2 favorite were these…

- This was a picture I had to take of stone, water, and clouds… I am really amping up my phototaking abilities! haha
The second one is this…

which was a picture of the sky, for some reason I find it really asthetically pleasing to me.
On top of all these cool camp activities (check my website for more stuff!), I’ve been learning javascript and xhtml in my Web Application Development course. It is time consuming, but AWESOME stuff! Also worked a lot this week, I’ll be home for Marwa’s graduation on Friday though! I wouldn’t miss that for anything! See you in a few days.