Archive for the ‘VisualAssignments’ Category


“Turn to the right.” Behold, my first animated gif! …

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

“Turn to the right.”

Behold, my first animated gif!  This is from the opening scene of Raising Arizona when H.I. is getting booked by Ed.  I love the Cohen brothers’ films, and this is one of their best.  This is my entry in the DS106 visual assignment “Say It Like Peanut Butter.”  Click the image to see a slightly larger version.

I followed various tutorials to get to this done.  Jim Groom wrote a good one that gave me the overall process:

The first steps were to capture the video from a DVD – I used Handbrake version 0.9.6 to grab the section of the movie I wanted.  Then I followed Jim’s instructions for using MPEG Streamclip to trim and export the image sequence that you then import into GIMP.

Since I have version 2.8 of the GIMP for the Mac I needed to look at another tutorial to get some of the finer details down – mainly, that when exporting the file to create the gif, you need to manually enter the .gif extension for the file name to get to the animated gif settings boxes to open.  This tutorial on YouTube helped:

TIP! – I found that if I optimize for .gif before I export, the file size shrunk by about half.  It is good practice to conserve the bandwidth necessary for others to download or view your images if you can.  To do this yourself in GIMP, once you are done and ready to export, click the Filters menu, then Animation/Optimize for GIF.  Then go through the regular export process with the optimized images that open in a new window.

Maybe I need to create another now that I know how – just to reinforce the process.  Or, a hundred more, to really reinforce the process?

Create A New You

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

For this assignment, I went back to the handy dandy camp packing list, per usual! When I used PicMonkey for my first visual assignment, I noticed that there were many photo editing tools which could potentially be used to “improve” one’s appearance. I started off with a photo of myself and uploaded it to the free, web-based photo editing site, PicMonkey.

Create A New You: Original

(Original photo)

I did the typical edits, such as sharpening and cropping. Then, I selected the “Touch Up” editing tool on the site. It is represented by the lipstick tube symbol. I experimented with all of the effects. Under the “skin” touch-ups, there is a blemish fix, airbrush tool, wrinkle remover, shine reduce, blush boost, and spray tan. The “mouth” touch-ups include teeth whitening and lip tint. When I first whitened my teeth, it reminded me of an episode of Friends where Ross overly whitens his teeth for a date. It was almost scary looking! Who knew teeth could ever be too white?!

The “eye” touch-up tools include eye brightening, mascara, eye tint, and red eye remover (I did not use because I had previously dered my eyes in the photo). And finally, “the rest” of the touch-up tools included weight loss, highlights, and clone (something I also did not use).

Create A New You: Edited

I tried to implement all of the touch up tools at least a little, though I used some more than others. For instance, I used the spray tan and blemish remover. Though my eyes are naturally blue, I believe they were originally red in the photo, so I edited it with red eye removal, making my eyes dark and somewhat colorless. My eyes are not naturally as blue as they are in the edited photo, but I thought it was cool to see what it might look like! Honestly, I think I look really fake in the edited photo, but it was worth a try! Maybe I just didn’t do a good job editing ;)

Common Everyday Object

Friday, June 15th, 2012

For the Common Everyday Object Visual Assignment, I started off by taking a bunch of pictures around my house. I had a hard time choosing between a photo of a clock and one of a fork and a spoon. As you will see below, I went with the fork and spoon photo! I chose to use the Aviary website again, after learning how to change the colors in photos using the hue and saturation editor through Step 9 of the “Warholizing” tutorial provided by Aviary, which I used for my “Warhol Something” Visual Assignment. I figured this new skill would be helpful in completing the assignment. I was excited to be able to reuse something I just recently learned!

Basically, all I did was experiment with the hue and saturation of my original photo. It was fairly simple, but I think the following picture looks pretty cool!

Common Everyday Object

Draw It.

Friday, June 15th, 2012

For the “Draw It” assignment, I used the free web-based image editing site, Photoshop Express. It was one of the only sites on the packing list that had a drawing transformation feature. The sites on the packing list have all been very helpful and have liked each of them for different reasons. As I continue to post Visual Assignments, you will see that I work with a variety of imagine editing sites!

I chose to use a picture of an elephant that I photographed at the zoo a few months ago.

Draw It: Original

(Original photo)

First, I cropped the photo so the focus would be more on the cute, little (well– big) elephant! I edited the photo a bit, by sharpening the lines. I changed the color scheme to black and white and tried to brighten the white spots so they would stand out better. Then, I used the “sketch” effect and got the following result:

Draw It: Edited

Kinda cool, huh?

Warhol Something

Friday, June 15th, 2012

For this second visual assignment, I “Warholed Something” using the photo editing site called Aviary, mentioned on our camp packing list. Aviary actually provided a tutorial on “Warholizing” an image using their photo editing tools. I chose a picture of my dog, Tux, to “Warhol.” I followed the instructions step-by-step in the tutorial and I think I was fairly successful!

Warhol Tux

The Slippery Slider Gourmet – Tas T. Buds

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

The Slippery Slider Gourmet -Tas T. Buds (without Tas T. Buds, life would have less flavor and enjoyment) was last seen cleansing his palate in his favorite fashion (refer to the photo above). Tas T. Buds is someone who is a connoisseur of good food and drink. He can usually be found at gourmet restaurants (one’s that are considered to serve the highest quality food) such as the local beer halls, pizza joints, pubs and fast food courts. In between culinary debacles he can be found writing his magazine column “The Slippery Slider Gourmet” also referred to as “The Slide Guy Loves Food”. Currently he is “in the pink” journalistically speaking (which is better than being “in the red”).
This Slide Guy loves to slide down things!
Visual Assignment 595 for ds106.

Media Mediate Relationships

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

Classes are done and reports are written so I finally have some time to do some ds106 work. Yeah!

A few weeks ago, we were asked to watch a video of Michael Wesch speaking at UMW Faculty Academy. After some difficulties (see previous post) I was able to see the whole thing. In listening to him I garnered a few ideas that I would like to include in an upcoming workshop that I am planning for teachers.

I had already planned to start the day with participants reflecting on their personal beliefs regarding teaching and learning by determining how much they agree with some educational theorists (or not!) Our IB programme is decidedly constructivist and inquiry-based so I thought that I would define constructivism and then engage the participants in the type of inquiry that I am hoping they will at some point facilitate for their students. Inspired by Lane Clark, at the moment, I am planning to base the remainder of the day’s activities on:

  • exploring resources about inquiry
  • determining what they could do with this information to make a difference for themselves or others
  • determining what they still need to learn/ find out
  • reflecting on the skills they used in the process
  • sharing their ideas with others
  • selecting their communication tool
  • creating their product
  • celebrating their work

As a teacher, teaching in this way is incredibly challenging and I want to acknowledge that with my participants. The rewards are numerous but it is not easy because, according to Michael Wesch:

  • kids don’t believe this is what school should be
  • as a teacher you need to start over every year
  • Tip: “just love your audience and they’ll love you back” – this allows you to  you focus on what they need

I thought that I would illustrate one of the video’s messages using a meme. I know that it’s not funny but the picture seemed appropriate for the text – even though I believe the text can also be purely positive and not necessarily negative.

I created this using Just click on “make a meme“, select a photo and replace the captions. For those of you making animated gifs, you can also upload those.

Surreal Moments

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

So I’m sitting here at Toronto International Pearson Airport en route to Vancouver for Northern Voice, grabbing a bite to eat. On the television, Germany beats the Netherlands in football. Passersby stop to watch momentarily.

I’m not watching the soccer game, however, I am tuned into and the surreal moment of my twitter and professional networks colliding and watching @timmmmyboy @grantpotter @rushaw present at the #nmc12 conference while @heloukee and @allyson1969 shake hands.


I look down to my beer and what. the. >???????

um. excuse me, waiter, what is Slide Guy doing in my beer?

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe

The backstroke?

Visual Assignment: A Debut Album

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

An Album Cover: Create an album cover to a fictional band.

Following the assignment’s directions, I generated the following:
Band Name: Philipine Legislative Election, 1946
Album Title: “Save what you choose to impose” (Which comes from Alan Moore’s Watchmen. The full quote is, “Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose.”)
Album Image: “nightways” by Flickr user brian hefele

Here’s what I came up with after several hours of trial and error:

Album by Phillipino Legislative...

Preparing to go platinum

CC Attribution_NonCommercial_ShareAlikeClick here to see this image on Flickr.

It’s got a real grunge or rap feel to it, which wasn’t intentional. It just kind of went that way. I wanted to stretch myself in both Photoshop and graphic design, so I tried mixing texture and colors, messed around with filters and just about everything I could think of. Oh, and also the colors. I’m terrible at picking out matching/appropriate colors. Thank goodness for my trusty color wheel. I didn’t go into the project with a plan in mind, and it resulted in a hefty amount of work. Next time, I’d like to have a picture or end result in my head before I get to it.

I visited, where I picked out some Horror fonts.

The most difficult part of this was finding a place for the band name, and the right font. It needed to match the grunge of the album title, but it couldn’t be too similar or it would all look the same. Photoshop doesn’t do much in the way of grunge and dirty fonts, but I finally settled on the one you see now.

Maybe I’ll make a little video showing you all the layers and the settings I worked with to create this thing.

I’m not completely happy with it the way it looks, but I’m not repelled by it, either.

Slide Guy’s New and Improved Mean Machine

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Thanks to encouragement and suggestions from Melanie and Cogdog, I was able to rescale Slide Guy to precisely the size that seemed right for the Mean Machine.

Of course, then the machine was missing a thumb on its right/left hand so I attempted to draw it in. Shape is okay but now I’ve got to learn about shading, blurring, and highlighting. While I was at it, I also filled in a missing chunk of Slide Guy’s right shoe.

Here are the two versions. I’ll add a third at the end of the semester to assess my GIMP progress.

Thanks again, Friends!

Before . . .

Tiny Slide Guy on Mean Machine

After . . .

Slide Guy on Mean Machine