Archive for the ‘VisualAssignments’ Category


Littlefoot on the Move

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Staying on the trend of making .gifs in an attempt to master them, this gem took me only a few minutes. Over the holiday break I got a new camera (thanks, Santa!), so I was experimenting with rapid shots and using my favorite model, my adorable cat I got some great shots.

I saw this assignment and I immediately thought of this series of frames.

This assignment is appropriately titled: Animated Pet  and can be found here.

Look at that guy. Adorable.

I made this one just like I did when I made Hugh Mercer dance. This time I played around more with speeds so you can actually see the progression between the frames without getting dizzy. I’ll probably make a tutorial of this later because I’m not ashamed of publishing photographs of my cat.

My Dream

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

So I created a picture with some of my dreams. First is the background which is a soccer field and i chose this because I have always wanted to play soccer so my dream job would be a professional soccer player. The next picture is of golf clubs and that is because I enjoy playing golf and my dream would be to be a good golfer because at this moment I am not. I would really like to have a Yacht and beach house because I really like going to the ocean and being around water. I used paint to create the image I just copy and pasted them on, the fun part about this assignment was thinking about what my dreams are and what pictures to use to describe them.

My dream

The Unexplainable, Explained

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

I’ve really wanted to try this DS106 visual assignment in which you try to illustrate a word/phrase that has no English equivalent. Alan actually built a little randomizer that will give you a word to work with, and then you’ve got search Flickr for a CC image that works as the description. 

The phrase I got was “Pana Po’o” which is apparently the act of scratching one’s head to try and remember something. Yep, no English equivalent for that. 

I found an image on Flickr (see below) and pulled it into SketchBook Pro on my iPad. I added the phrase and a thought bubble—with a DS106-related thought to complete the whole thing. 

I’m not sure that you come away from this really getting what Pana Po’o means, though. It’s a tough assignment once you dig it into it. 

BUT, I think my next project is going to be to turn this into an animated gif with that finger moving. 

Original Photo: 
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by minusequalsplus

Keep Calm and Make a Gif

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

A new Assignment form Ben Rimes, ds106 Technical Difficulties | The Tech Savvy Educator worth 36 stars! My own effort took all of 3 minutes so an easy win;-) I started here: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON with the Keep Calm-o-matic and finished in fireworks, with a bit of noise.

Let’s face it, ds106 is a difficult ship to sail. Besides the shark-infested copyright waters and the mine filled seas of comment-apathy, it can be hard to keep the ds106 boat going forward all the time. So let’s honor the fact that the site will more than likely continue to endure growing pains, and provide some excellent “technical difficulty” signs/gifs/media that can be displayed the next time the site goes down….wait, it’s working now, right?

ds106 Technical Difficulties — MISSION: DS106
Finding time to do a few Assignments today as it has been raining fairly steadily.

Kung Fu Hustle

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

I am fond of animated gifs, but haven’t had time to make any. After seeing Jim Groom’s Master of the Flying Guillotine Animated GIFs I went over to YouTube to see if I could find any kung fu. Kung Fu Hustle – YouTube which I had watched in the cinema. Very much a comedy. I downloaded the movie and grabbed a few gifs:

I didn’t spend much time on these, but there is something fascinating about animated gifs.

To download youtube videos I use youtube-dl a command line tool. It seems to work better than some GUI tools I’ve used.
To grab gifs from the movie once downloaded I use Movie2Gif this is just a GUI front end for the Gifsicle command line application. It works on a Mac and you can download it from a link on the Movie2Gif post if you want to give it a try.

More after the jump:

Triple Troll Quote: Harrison Ford vs. John Cazale

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Just so that people don’t think I am relying entirely on animated GIFs for this week’s visual assignments, here are a couple of Triple Troll Quotes. What’s more, they are themed—both of thee triple troll quotes are centered around an actor who was in a number of amazing films in a very short period of time.

First, between 1977 and 1983 Harrison Ford was in Star Wars (1977), Apocalypse Now! (1979), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Blade Runner (1982) (all within 5 years!). What’s even more remarkable about this is he couldn’t act to save his life. Ford was an icon for me as a kid, but in the 2000s I began to like him less and less given his dismissal of Charles Bronson’s career, which I’ve already discussed on this blog. Regardless, he was in the holy trinity of films for me as a kid: Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Blade Runner—what ever I may think of him now, that’s a pretty sick run.

And while Ford’s run is impressive, it doesn’t hold a candle to John Cazale’s—who actually could act!—he was only in five films over his entirely too short career, but every single one of them was a masterpiece (I’ve written about this before as well). That’s a hard act to follow. The five films are: The Godfather (1972), The Conversation (1974), The Godfather II (1974), Dog Day Afternoon (1975), and The Deer Hunter (1978).  Wow! Francis Ford Coppola, Sidney Lumet, and Michael Cimino. He died way too early, but he leaves behind him a filmography few, if any, could ever match.

A few years off

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Create a new you — MISSION: DS106 an easy one for 2 stars, if I was counting. I just took off a couple of year so fairly subtile. Read a couple of googled tuts for photoshop: Removing Wrinkles – Photoshop Tutorials and another one I’ve lost.

more intersting, to me, is the Before After WordPress Plugin. I’d used the Javascript before so was please to find a plugin.

Seasonally Friendly?

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Visual Assignment 129—Cropped Signs (2 stars). I’m finding these assignments a lot of fun. They really challenge you to look at things differently, creatively. The thinking about it, trolling for an appropriate sign and planning the execution was a little time consuming, but I was thinking about it all day, all week, looking around as a went about my days. At work, driving to and from work, every place I visited, every sign I saw, I was contemplating if it was crop worthy for this assignment. I knew this would be fun if I could just find the right subject sign. But I was challenging myself to just be able to take the shot, isolating the right words, without editing the photo later.

Today, I decided to take a walk around historic downtown Fredericksburg to take photos. For visual assignments, for daily creates, for fun. Along the way, I took notice of all sorts of signs, evaluating them skeptically for potential for this assignment. Store signs, road signs, advertisements, etc. It was hot and busy, and my camera was dying. I gave up. I got back into my car and made my way back through downtown to head home. Then it caught my eye! It was on the edge of an alleyway. After finding a place to park and walking several blocks back to the scene, I got the perfect shot! No editing, just using the megazoom on my new Canon PowerShot SX260. I love it!

Seasonally Friendly

Here is the whole sign for The Back Yard at J. Brian’s Tap Room at 200 Hanover Street, Fredericksburg, Va.

The Back Yard

I doubt the owner’s would approve of my creative cropping of their signage as the new meaning, while funny, is not very hospitable. :)

Now I can’t stop looking at signs in a new way…creatively, and a little twisted maybe, but fun nonetheless.



Unlikely Intersections visual assignment for #DS106

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

I spotted these street names signs and remembered there was a DS106 assignment for this, Unlikely Intersections. Well the combination of street names is not really all that unlikely, in fact they kind of go together. The unlikely part is the survival of the photographer as the only way to get this shot is to stand out in the road.

To round out the story, this intersection is in a mostly residential suburban area, though the corner with the street signs houses the fire department and across the street is a large private high school and convent. The other two corners are private homes. Blossom road is a main feed road from the city and this intersection is about a block from an expressway ramp. Clover street here is residential and there are some very nice looking houses there.

The hardest part of this assignment  (aside from taking pictures while standing in the road) is finding an appropriate intersection. So its good to be aware of the assignment in case you come across one. It’s also helpful to have a camera on hand when that happens.

That’s my story. Any Questions?



Messing About with Mood in Image Composites

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Taking another stab at visual assignments, I opted for Switch up the Mood, mostly because I had a few photographs that I had taken with a colleague’s top-shelf digital SLR camera the other day. Consequently, shooting in RAW format, I … Continue reading