Archive for the ‘VisualTutorials630’ Category


Who’s Your Superhero?!?! Tutorial!

Monday, July 30th, 2012

The assignment I decided to do for this tutorial was the one I created. The assignment is to get a picture of your favorite superhero. For example:
Batman, Spiderman, Catwoman, Storm, Thor, Captain America.. ect. Upload it to flickr and then tag it in a post and tell us in 2-5 sentences on who your superhero is and why.

How to Do:

1. google images of your favorite Super Hero!
2. Save them to your computer.

3. Go to your flickr  and upload the picture, after wards go to your site and upload it.

4. Write 2-5 sentences telling why this is you favorite super hero and then upload it :)

5. You’re finished (smile, it wasn’t that bad)