Posts Tagged ‘DesignAssignments,’


Alternative Book Covers – Cat’s Cradle

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

For me, DS106 seems to be revolving around Kurt Vonnegut. First, there was that task in Week 2. Then, my bunkhouse was named Slaughterhouse 4. So, I just had to do Design Assignment 366, which was to create an alternative book cover suggesting that the book is about something entirely different. I know I am being mean, but I just couldn’t help it.

Here it is:

Cat's Cradle
Original image used: cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by Sergiu Bacioiu:

By the way, since this is primarily a TEFL blog, I believe there is a great lesson plan here, especially if the students are all reading the same book. Then they could compare the cover story to the original, or even develop the story from the cover further. Or they could create their own book covers. It would be fun to create the cover and leave out the title. Then they could try to guess what book the cover creator had in mind.

Week 4 – My Autobiography Cover

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

cc licensed ( BY NC SA )  flickr photo shared by blmiers2

Still not able to devote as much time to DS106 as I would like. I have managed to do a couple of  design assignments by now and I have uploaded them to Flickr, but I am running late with blog posts. I will try to keep these posts very short and let the images speak for themselves.

In this design assignment I designed the cover of my “autobiography”, choosing the picture and the title that shows off who I really am.

I used Compfight to search for CC licensed images. I wanted my cover to have a lot of red in it, so I used “red” as my search term. As soon as I saw the robin, I knew I had to use it. It took me some time to think of a title. Finally, I came up with this:


No rational explanation for choosing either colour red or the robin. Not to mention the title. Some things are hard to explain, but they just feel right.

Week 4 – The Creative Commons Poster

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

cc licensed ( BY NC SA )  flickr photo shared by WadeB

We are very busy this week at Camp McGuffin, with design assignments, the Design Safari, the research on Creative Commons and all the readings we need to do.

I am also really, really busy at work, so I’ll keep this post short.

The picture you see above is the one I chose for my Creative Commons Poster. In this assignment, our task was to use a Creative Commons licensed image to design a poster about how cool Creative Commons is.

I started with the image above and, using Pic Monkey, I created this:

Creative Commons Poster 2

I tried to make that outer frame similar to the inner one. I hope the message is clear – this is what I feel Creative Commons can do for you if you CC your images or lesson plans. If they appear on other people’s blogs and Facebook profiles and the attribution leads back to you, more people will see your work. Isn’t that what the internet is all about?

Thank you, Creative Commons, for being there for all of us. And big thanks to everybody who decides to share their work with others through a CC licence.