Posts Tagged ‘weeklyletter’


No Letter Home This Week I’m Afraid

Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Not a Toy Car
The Daily Create 171 – An object that’s hard to find or recognise

I am running out of time before I start packing my suitcases. I am afraid I haven’t got time to record a weekly letter, so instead I will just share this week’s Daily Create assignments.

Above you can see a toy car that is not really a toy car, but my favourite USB stick.

This creepy crawly critter is what I would be terrified of if I saw it in my bunkhouse:

Scary Spider
The Daily Create 172 - Sketch the creepiest crawly critter you can imagine

By the way – to create the web-like lines I used Scribbler 2.

Finally, the sound of summer rain after a long period of very hot weather:

The Daily Create 169 - record 30 seconds of ambient sound in your environment

And now I will say goodbye to my friends from the camp and everyone else who is reading this. I am going to a spa and I promise I will come back with a lot of photos and stories to tell.

See you in a week’s time.

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Week 5 – Stepping out of Comfort Zone

Monday, June 25th, 2012

cc licensed ( BY NC )  flickr photo shared by LarimdaME

Since Week 5 in Camp MacGuffin is all about audio, we are sending audio messages home instead of letters:

This is not so different from leaving a message on an answering machine and I felt it was OK to improvise rather than read from a paper.

As I have said in the recording, Week 5 was about stepping out of comfort zone. For one of my Daily Creates I had to sing. I mean, I didn’t have to do it, but I did. I don’t want to repeat what I said in the recording, but the atmosphere in the Camp is such that singing felt quite OK. I will even go so far as to embed the recording right here:

The Daily Create 165 – Share a campfire song on audio. Sing of bang drums.

Two days later we had to draw. I am terrible at drawing and I said so:

Geometric Shapes
The Daily Create 167 – Draw a person using only geometrical shapes

Today’s Daily Create wasn’t difficult. We took a closer look at where we spend a lot of free time and photographed something we had never noticed before.

The Daily Create 168

It is not that I don’t notice Leonardo, it is just that I don’t notice him enough. Placed behind my back while I work at my desktop, he has kept me company through all my web adventures.

So, that’s all folks. See you in Week 6.

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DS106 Week 4 – Wrapping Up Loose Ends

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
Original photo on Flickr by Paul Bica

If you have been following this blog lately, you know that there has been a lot of activity here ever since I joined Camp Magic McGuffin. I am a little tired, which is why I have decided to send a postcard home instead of my usual letter. I believe it is the right thing to do after a week devoted to studying design.

I would also like to share with you three of my Daily Creates.

In this Daily Create task we were asked to draw an object with our eyes closed:


I am terrible at drawing and my flower wouldn’t have looked much better if my eyes had been open, but this way at least I have an excuse.

This is a recording of street noise:

But my favourite Daily Create this week was mood inversion – reading something banal and making it sound profound. Here is my modest contribution:

See you in Week 5.

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My First Letter Home from the Camp

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012
Stone, Water and Clouds
My Daily Create Number 164 – a picture of water, stone and clouds

Dear Mom,

I am really sorry I left without letting you know where I was. I knew you wouldn’t have let me come to Camp Magic Macguffin. You think I am too young to travel on my own, but, Mom, you need to understand that I am a big girl now and perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

I am also sorry that I didn’t write. Here I am now, Mom, and I am going to write to you regularly.

Everybody is very kind at the camp. I am staying at Slaughterhouse Four with 12 other people. I know what you are thinking – it is a bit crowded, but everybody is great. I have my own canopied bed. You know I always wanted one.

I also have my creature comforts and I am happy:

Photo on Flickr by Martin Gommel

Dark Chocolate Tasting
Photo on Flickr by Jen Chan

There are jasmine bushes all around my bunkhouse and they smell really sweet:

My Daily Create Number 147 – Out of Focus

I am having a lot of fun at the camp, but I am also working very hard and doing my homework. So, please, stop worrying.


Your daughter

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