Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Story de Words = )

Monday, July 9th, 2012

I am a very random person. I love saying random things at random times, just because its funny. When I saw this assignment I instantly became excited because I had a chance to be random. For once in my life, I can use my randomness for something productive.

I chose 10 words off of the top of my head. I chose to words, MAN, FUNNY, CHEERLEADER, LOVE, ALSO, PURPLE, SING, MUSIC, HAIRY, UGLY. After I had chosen my words, I tried my hardest to make a sentence that made sense, but it was hard. This assignment was overall easy to do. These are the steps to how I created this project.

1. I googled my 10 words on Google images

2. Saved the images to my computer

3. Opened up Windows Movie Maker

4. Imported the 10 pictures in

5. Dragged each word separately, and placed it into the timeline

6. made the pictures smaller, so they would flow faster, yet smoothly.

7. Imported the instrumental version of “Disturbia ” – Rihanna

8. Dragged the song onto the timeline under the pictures

9. Made the song fade towards the end

10. Matched the music to the pictures




And that was the whole assignment, it took me about 10-15 minutes to do and it was fun as well. I hope you enjoyed it.


For More. Click Here. –>>[A Word. A Picture. A Story]<<–

Letter Home; Week 7

Monday, July 9th, 2012

People around me were sleeping, so I tried to be quiet. Hope you can understand.


Monday, July 9th, 2012

1. Play by Play

I like sports, so I am planning on doing a “play by play” of a video of when Shaq broke the backboard when he dunked in his younger days. I just need the video of the event and use a video editor that allows me to record my voice over top the video. While the video is playing, I will give a “play by play” of the events leading up to the big crash. Even though I told the ending, I still hope that I can make it better with my commentary skills.


2. Make a Scene from a Horror Film

I am personally not a fan of horror films, but I have watched some scary movies.  I personally want to use this as an opportunity to make my own “scene” from a horror film. I plan on creating a scene that involves my mother and my sister. I do not want to tell everything that I plan to do, but it will take place in my house, outside of my house, and in my car. HOPEFULLY. If everything goes well with the editing and recording, I am hoping I’ll create a great scene.



Analyzing The Lord of the Rings

Monday, July 9th, 2012

The first time I went to see The Fellowship of the Ring I was only 9 years old so even though I really liked the movie I could not fully appreciate it mostly due to that fact that the wraiths really creeped me out. I have watched all of them many times sense then and I think they are three of the best movies I have ever seen. I think they were successful for many reasons the most of which is how I was dragged into the story and how they used so many elements to portray what was happening. The first thing that pops to mind when I think of this is the music choices for lord of the rings. Below I have an example of how they used slow sad music to portray the death of Haldir. The music selection in this movie was excellent and I believe that was key in its success the producers did an excellent job of using music that properly portrays the emotions they are try to portray to the viewers.

The other element I wanted to talk about was the coloring or lighting used in the Lord of the Rings. Below I have a clip of Gandolfs charge at Helms deep, the whole sequence of scenes before this were of the intense battle to hold the fortress and the whole time it was night and dark which portrayed an dark feeling of lack of hope, it leads you to thinking that there is no hope. Then finally in this seen it is dawn and just when it seems they are riding out to die on the hill there is Gandolf in all white with the light of the rising sun behind him. That picture just changes your perspective immediately, you all of a sudden believe that there is hope and they will win. All of those emotions are enhanced by the great use of color and lighting in the movie if you take away that contrast and make everything bright and sunny there would the movies would not have been as intense or entertaining. I chose these to topics because they were the easiest to show with videos but there were many other factors that are the reasons why this movie was so compelling that it made it to the top 100 such as the acting, special effects, and plot/story but I just chose two so maybe another time on the other ones.

Pre Production of Movie Week!

Monday, July 9th, 2012

This Is My Story Tutorial 2 stars

  • Find a story worth talking about, my bike accident when I was little.
  • Sentence or two per index card
  • Find music for this particular story- iTunes-typed in instrumentals-sometimes it works to go blindly into something because the outcome can be fantastic.
  • I will put the audio and video together in iMovie and from there put the music to match the movie.
  • Last step is to upload to YouTube.


Calling All Explores 2 stars

  • Went to Lake Tahoe and took three videos of a hiking day trip I went on.
  • I plan to edit these videos together, with music in the background and some sound effects that I will look for on
  • Some of the sounds will be corny, like a heart beating or panting. Others will be natural wild sounds like birds chirping, or having a river flow by. This is about the outdoors so the noises should be based around “wildlife”
  • I will edit this video in iMovie and then upload it to YouTube. After its on YouTube I will embed it into my blog.


Make a Tutorial for your Mom 5 stars

  • What I have struggled with is how to make a video of your desktop. I’m still in the works of combining audio with the silent video. However once this step is complete I can begin making a tutorial for my mother.
  • I told her about the assignment I did for DS106 on the movie segments and reading a movie. I’m going to show her the step by step process on how I made this Youtube Video.
  • I will film myself (my desktop) on each step. The first step will be to go onto YouTube and get the URL’s. I will then upload these URL’s into a website called
  • After this downloads, I import them into iMovie. I edit it down to the length that I want.
  • I export the video and upload it onto YouTube, then embed into

Screen Capture Story 2 stars


  • I’m going to tell a story on my computer of editing a picture. I love playing around with images, like colors, size, and filters.
  • I’m going to use an image that has to do with nature, something simple and completely change it. (Just for the sake of this assignment)
  • I’m going to do this through using quick time and taking a recording of my screen.
  • I will then upload this to YouTube then to my blog!

Pre- Production Re Dub

Monday, July 9th, 2012

So I am a bit hesitant to re do or re dub any thing to do with the Duke because we all know its all classic stuff but when I was little this was one of my favorite movie scenes because I always thought it was funny how they are fighting in the mud. So my plan to re dub this is first I am going to replace the music with something modern. The hardest part is the script and deciding what to have them say. Im working on modernizing them and making them fit but at the same time they have to make sense and hopefully some humor too.

Return to the Silent Era: Pre Work

Monday, July 9th, 2012

So I chose a clip from the movie the departed because the movie itself reminded me of an old time gangster movie you know like an old Al Capone movie or something like that> I want to see how a clip from the movie when edited an appear to be an old silent film gangster movie that is my goal. First I would change the coloring to black and white to give it that old time feel. I would also want to add a border to the screen if possible to give it an extra vintage effect. The next thing is the music has to be changed so I will delete the old audio and add some music that is more appropriate for the silent era. So far I have found some older music already and I am working on making the rest of the changes so its a work in progress.

Not Reading a Movie

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Good Plan

So my intention was to sit down and “read a movie” for this week’s ds106 assignment. I read Roger Ebert’s article on How to Read a Movie, I looked over the chapter on Moving Images in a new book I have called Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom by Frank W Baker and the I hit the list of TIFF Essential 100 to pick a movie to analyse.

Poor Execution

As I was looking over the list, I came across the film Amelie and thought that might be a good one to “read”. I really enjoyed the movie when I saw it but it was so many years ago that I would have to find it and watch it again before completing this assignment. Instead I started looking at the other visual assignments that I could do and I recalled a mash-up I had seen quite a while back that combined the Toy Story 3 and Inception trailers. I started to wonder if Inception would be a good movie to read – I had also really enjoyed that one when I saw it. Of course, that made me want to try my own mash-up of Amelie and Inception. So, I found the trailers for both, downloaded the sound and video from YouTube with my Firefox add-on and combined them in iMovie.


I think it worked pretty well! I like the combination of whimsical Amelie and ominous Inception trailers.

This might fit video assignment #463 – Watching Movies with the Stereo On: Like when you have a movie playing on TV without the sound and you’ve got the stereo on at the same time. Take a clip from a movie, remove the audio, and add audio from a song or radio show that, somehow, kind of fits.

I’ll tackle a “proper” video assignment later this week with more original content…

Welcome to the planet of Toronto 

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Welcome to the planet of Toronto 

Reading Toy Story

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

The goal was to pick a movie, preferably a classic. Toy Story, in my opinion, is one of the most creative films made so far. I chose two segments from this film that Roger Ebert’s discusses in his journal about “How to Read a Movie”.

Toy Story falls under the genre of, Animation, Action, and Comedy.

The first segment I took, was the introduction of Buzz Light Year to all the other toys in Andy’s (the “leader” or child who plays with the toys) room. Ebert’s discusses how the angle of a shot can determine the anarchy between two characters. In this specific scene the image of Buzz Light Year standing in Woody’s spot shows that his presence will be significant in comparison. Woody is now being replaced by Buzz. He stands below him, basically hiding from this new toy that is being presented.


The second segment is the use of color, contrast, and bright vs. dark. At this point in the movie, Woody is clearly jealous of Buzz and schemes a plan to temporarily get rid of Buzz Light Year. The lighting through out the movie has always been daylight, sunny, an overall nice feeling. However, in this scene, the sun is setting and its starting to get dark out. This depicts the transformation in attitude for Woody. He is starting to look like the Villin of the film. All of the toys that were once faithful to him are turning against him after he pushes Buzz out of the window. There change in lighting reflects the mood that the movie has taken towards Woody.

Link to the segments^^

This process of putting clips together was a bit confusing at first. I have NO experience with video and editing at all. I used iMovie to edit all the pieces together but it was trial and error. I couldn’t at first figure out how to even get movies into iMovie, then found the import/export tab. I used to download the youtube movies. I then used Photo Booth to record myself talking just a bit about each segment. The hardest (but now the most obvious part) was to get the file to be small enough to actually download onto YouTube. In the end all I had to do was change the file to Mp4 manually.