For one of my last Daily Create assignments the task was to draw a picture of a flower with your eyes closed. So I did! I grabbed a piece of paper and a sharpie and had at it. For me, it was just drawing a bunch of circles with a line, with a touch of guesstimating where I was on the page in proximity to where I started. I am actually surprised that it came out looking like an actual flower. I think I draw a lot better with my eyes closed than I do when they are opened. With that being said, I think that I should stick to that method. Isn’t it purdy?
Archive for the ‘bunk1’ Category
Blind Folded Flower
Friday, July 27th, 2012The Noise That Makes It Impossible to Turn The Lights Off!
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012Today’s Daily Create was to make the creepiest sound you can using props or simply your voice. After reading this assignment I immediately thought about the movie “Darkness Falls“, after watching that movie my fear of the dark multiplied tremendously. Such that, the moment when my feet were hanging over the bed, I would immediately jump back a warp speed. Also if I heard a noise in my room it would take me like 3 steps to get to my brothers room which was 10ft from my bedroom door, I mean I would fly. After seeing that movie that noise sticks in your head, and it still freaks me out until this day. I decided to imitate the noise myself, hopefully it doesn’t creep you out like it did me.
If you want to see a video clip of “Darkness Falls” click here!
Okay maybe the trailer doesn’t make it seem as scary as it was, but still it was pretty scary for a 13yr old to endure.
Letter Home: Week 8
Monday, July 23rd, 2012This letter home is in the form of a video once again… a bit longer. The original was something like 8 minutes, too much for my liking so I had to trim it a bit. This week has been very busy and hectic for me, and I really got passionate (yet bitterly so lol) about video making. It is a very time consuming process, I don’t like being on camera as I’ve whined before.. but the rewards of a finished product are really awesome. At first I was trying so hard to make everything transition between scenes/clips really smoothly and everything. But then I tinkered with not so smooth transitions. Giving it less of a ‘film’ feel, and more of a ‘raw recording’. I did so in my product review, and did so as well in this video for 1 or 2 of the clip transitions. I realized that it doesn’t HAVE to be perfect, or completely smooth all the time… sometimes that roughness expresses the experience of making the movie. It captures shutting on and off of the record button, readjusting the camera or yourself between clips. I liked the mixed effect.
I have been working TONZ lately… I actually had to shoot part of this at work (no I do not own an amazing computer lab in my house lol).
This one (as well as the previous 7) is for you mom…
Weekly Letter 9
Monday, July 23rd, 2012Hey, camp this week was a lot of fun, however I can’t wait to get home… All good things must come to an end at some point. There was a bunch of stuff going on this week most of it involving remixes. This week I decided to do 3 daily creates, one one which involved my daughters bears kissing, a picture of me making a rage face and picture of the same spot both in the day and at night. As far as the remixes go there was an assignment that involved remixing a past daily create. But my favorite part of this week was making a Trilogy movie trailer. I absolutely enjoyed it, video editing is particular but I love it.
It’s getting pretty late here, good night!
Day and Night
Monday, July 23rd, 2012The last Daily Create Assignment that I completed this week was to combine two photos of the same place, one taken during the day and one taken at night. For this assignment I opened my front door and took a picture at 8 am and then for the second picture I needed in this assignnent I opened my front door again at 10pm and took a picture again. If I was not taking the picture in the same spot, I was very close. After taking the lasl picture I emailed them to myself to then upload them on fotoflexer, edited it slightly and then saved it my computer.
Ragefilled Expressions
Monday, July 23rd, 2012For this weeks Daily Creates the assignment was to take a picture imitating some classic rage faces. As a child with brothers you get used to making this face… Because lets face it, brothers are super annoying, especially when they take your toys and shoot you in the face with a water gun. To do this assingment I looked at the examples given and proceeded to immitate them. Which I did, took a picture and uploaded it to flckr.
After looking at this picture, it kind of looks like I am having a nervous breakdown/stomach issues.
Love Bears
Monday, July 23rd, 2012For this weeks selection of Daily Creates, one of the assingments was to illustrate attraction in a photograph today. I decided to get my daughters bears also known as love bear protectors (because they protect her from aliens) and had them kiss, so that I could take a picture of it and upload it onto flickr. What better way to express attraction, although I am not suggesting that you go around kissing everyone that you are attracted to.
A Moody Bumper Remix
Monday, July 23rd, 2012For this particular remix assignment the assignment was to remix a previous assignmentthat was done by another camper. The previous assignment was to remix classic bumper stickers to promote the cause(s) of ds106, ds106radio, and ds106tv. We then had to take the old assignement and then apply our remix card. My remix card ended up being:
Remix Card: “Mood Swap”
I had to flip the mood of the assignment. If it’s light, make it dark. If it’s sad, make it happy. If it’s exhilarating, make it not so exhilarating. To do this assignmet I ended up taking CogDog’s original submission and made it negative.
by taking out the heart and adding a dog using the bathroom that I added in paint. I actually felt bad doing this assignment, because I really have been enjoying camp and the people at camp.
Chick Flick MashUp
Monday, July 23rd, 2012For this particular Mashup Assingment ( we had to take elements from multiple movie posters and mash them up into one. You can change anything- the caption, the title, the main image, etc. Lastly, make it seem like it could be a real movie. To do this assignement I started off by looking threw netflix to get some ideas. I ended up coming across this movie called My Bestfriend’s Wedding, after watching the movie I had the best idea ever and that was to combine that movie with the movie title “He’s Just Not That into You.” The reason I choose that movie was because in the picture clip i got from My Bestfriend’s Wedding there’s a guy talking to a girl and another girl standing off to the back.
The Ultimate Trilogy Mashup
Monday, July 23rd, 2012For this particular assignment ( (4pts) we had to make a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies and combine scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer. I decided to do Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy. The reason I choose to do Batman, is because it was one of my favorite comics growing up as a kid. No matter how old I get, I still think that I can be a superhero, and honestly who doesn’t want to be Batman or Cat Woman? Also, because it was the latest trilogy released, and of course I had to see the midnight premier with all 3 Batman movies playing back to back. It was AWESOME! For this assignment I ended up downloading the movies to my computer. Then I edited them in Windows Live Movie Maker, saved it, then I uploaded it to YouTube. I hope you enjoy it.