Archive for the ‘bunk4’ Category


Choice Words: Chapters Five and Six

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Chapter five in Choice Words is Flexibility and Transfer (or Generalizing). Dr. Derek Cabrera, about whom I have written before, refers to transfer as the Holy Grail of education. The idea is that if we can help students take skills, concepts, or ideas learned in one subject or one setting and transfer them to another independently we have significantly upped our impact.

On page 44 Johnston explains how the language from the earlier chapter on identity plays into transfer:

Once a child incorporates into his identity a sense that he is a writer doing writerly things (or a scientist, mathematician, and so forth), he can ask himself in a new situation (not necessary consciously) what he might do as a writer, since those roles do not stop at the border of a single activity setting.

Another piece that struck me was using the word like. Johnston says on page 46:

This means thinking beyond the literal to the metaphorical, and the word like is very good for invoking metaphors.

If I remember correctly, and I’m being lazy and just going with my memory rather than any research, metaphors were one of the, if not the most,  powerful tool Marzano wrote about in Classroom Instruction that Works. Johnston goes on to talk about the power of metaphor because it allows one to take what is known and stretch to what is unknown. I have clearly not thought enough about how and why to use metaphor in my classroom.

Chapter six, Knowing, struck me as being essentially about creating an atmosphere and community in a classroom that makes taking risks doable for everyone. Johnston starts off with language that offers the students some control and ownership of the learning and conversation. He continues with language that clearly sets the teacher with the students, such as “Thanks for straightening me out.” Showing students that we make mistakes or that we don’t always know the answer sets up an environment in which they are willing to do the same.

I think my favorite bit is on page 60:

Never believe everything I say. Never believe everything any adult says.

I firmly believe that as a teacher and as a parent one of my jobs is to help my kids question things, not accept things at face value. Actually saying something as explicitly as this has never occurred to me however.

Building a community that allows students the opportunity to grow requires that they feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. It is no surprise to me that my language impacts that but Johnston’s ideas are helping me identify areas in which my language is weak in regards to this goal.

Weekly Letter Home 9

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012


I edited everything together into iMovie for this weekly letter home. I decided to again use the different filters that Photo Booth offers because it is fun. I then uploaded images into segments of the film that correlated with whatever I was talking about. For example while I was talking about the daily creates, I used the images for each create into my movie. The same concept goes for music. Any type of music that was related to what I was talking about I placed into the specific section of my movie.


Letter Home

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad,
This week was all about remixing and mashups. It was awesome and I learned a lot about the art of remix. It’s not a simple as it looks. Nor as new as most people think. The biggest thing I am taking out of this week is just how far back “remixing” really goes and how many genres of life it can touch. Like in Everything is a Remix,

shows us that everday objects are not original genius, but the result of remixing. Such as the laptop, reality is the origin of these common appliances is xerox, which most people today associate with copy machines. The cars made by Henry Ford, were combining many different technologies together to get the mass produced and affordable car.
To create remixing online, there are many ways to start. Yet, it boils down to extreme video editing. Adding in music and combine other images, text, or audio. With all of this mixed together, you get an amazing work of genius. Many popular things today are rooted in a remix of two or more former works.

Mixing it up,

Mashup Week

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

It was interesting to learn about remixing and how much goes on in the creation of a mashup. Also, it is amazing to see how much is actually “remixed” in real life. Such as the creation of the Macintosh. Not only this, but I learned a lot about the different types of remix: copy, transform, and combine.

Remix Example 1

Edward and Buffy
This is a really good example of combining. Two vampire stories combined to create a different story. It was amazingly clipped together and the story was easily flowed from the clips.

Remix Example 2

Call Me Maybe Star Wars
This is a perfect example of transforming a piece. It takes a classic movie and a modern hit and transforms both of them into one single video. The video keeps me engaged and entertained. An awesome mashup!

Remix Example 2

Literal Music Videos
These are awesome! I instantly fell in love with them. It shows us a great example of transforming. Taking the music video, and transforming the lyrics to mean something completely different from the original song.

SNAP Challenge

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

I’ve got a ridiculous number of tabs open, many because I wanted to do some more thinking about them or share them. Of course, sharing them requires that I stop to reread and think about them. Hence the still open tabs.

One is Joshua Malina’s tumblr. A couple of weeks ago he took the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Challenge. For one week he ate on the average food stamp budget of $31.50 per person per week and wrote about the experience. His family did not join him, although they seem to have been quite supportive. Personally I can’t imagine eating for an entire week on so little money.

From this experience he seems to have found that on such a budget fruits and vegetables were unlikely to be affordable, water was about all he drank, and he didn’t have dessert. I would guess he also dealt with being hungry more often than normal.

Sadly, that is normal for a lot of people. I have a lot of respect for Joshua Malina for trying this because I can’t do it. Instead I’m doing the least possible and spreading the word.

A ringtone in another language

Friday, July 20th, 2012

The goal of this mashup remix assignment is to create a ringtone for a phone in another language. I used Garage Band for the editing process.

First, I went on to and found the sounds of a phone ringing. Second I looked up on google translate how to say “Pick up your phone” and “Are you there” in Norwegian. I used Norwegian as my language because once when I was very young I went to Norway for a few weeks. Right when I saw this assignment I thought, this would be a fun language to try it out in and I never learned any words so I could just start now!

The third part was recording my self on Sound Cloud saying the phrases “Plukk opp telefonen” which means pick up your phone and “Er du det” which means are you there. I uploaded these sounds to my Itunes and from there into Garage Band.

Garage band offers free sounds and music segments to incorporate into your work. I chose “Carousel” which was under the topic of “World Music Sounds” I layered me speaking, carousel, and the ringing of phone all on top of each other.


This is a remix because it has three different layers of sound complied into one finished sound. All of the layers were legally obtained to create a ringtone in Norwegian.

Remix, Mashups, Creativity

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Anyone has potential to be creative and express themselves through different mediums. It can vary between taking pictures, making music, editing, painting, singing, dancing, and the list just goes on and on.

According to Austin Kleon who wrote “Steal like an Artist” creativity can be for anyone as long as you are in the right environment with the right influences. He believes that everyone is a mashup of whatever is let into an individuals life. If your open to ideas and creative thoughts then they can influence your creative thoughts and works too. I agree with Kleon with this idea of “Steal like an Artist” creativity should be shared with everyone and not limited to the individual who thought of it first. Ideas are always a build off of another one and this is how people grow as individuals in a creative mind st.

Girl Talk, a DJ who is notorious for taking songs and remixing them together makes great mashups and uses his creativity for his followers benefits. The music that Girl Talk mashes together is a controversy that it could be illegal and copyright violations. If this was the case, there would be tons of criminals in this world by downloading music or making their own mashups. I believe as long as credit is given to the original song or work of art then it should be shared for others to use. In all likely hood their work was probably built off of someone else in the past too.

The explanation of copyright through Disney characters was hilarious. Disney is an intimidating company when it comes to copyright violations and has the power/money to take just about anyone down who does something illegal with their work.

There are two sides to this argument. The first one is what I have stated above but the other side is for the artists who have to make a living off of their work. If people are using their music, pictures, and other forms of art then they cannot make money and all of their hard work has not been repayed. I believe people should be more informed about sites like Creative Commons, and other websites that allow for the use of sharing creativity throughout the world. If more people knew about it then there would be more to go around. However I don’t think that all pieces of creativity should be shared because people do need to make money and want to see results for their hard work.

Examples of Remixes

“Mary Poppins” flipped to a horror film. Music really does reflect the mood of a movie or segment of video. It is remixed from being about a wonderful and perfect nanny to being a horrifying crazy nanny from hell. This was remixed by Chris Rule, and he did a great job of using the Mary Poppin’s trailer to come off as a completely different film.

Buffy vs. Edward -Twilight Remix

If you read my earlier blog post about mashing together all the Twilight trailers then it would be obvious that I couldn’t resist the urge to watch this remix. Jonathan Mclntosh took clippings from Twilight to portray Edward as a complete creep and stalker. I will admit he did a fantastic job it was very funny to watch! Instead of the typical girl falling for the vampire allure, Buffy who is in fact a vampire slayer is completely creeped out by him. The story flows together for the whole segment. I did notice at minute 5:24 a scene from Harry Potter is taken when Robert Pattinson (Edward) is killed by Lord Voldermort. Which was interesting to throw in there but it did add the effect of Edward getting killed by Buffy. By remixing scenes together like this, you can totally change the persona of a character in just a matter of minutes.

Star Wars and Call Me Maybe

Call Me Maybe is one of the most popular songs currently, that is being remixed or mocked. This is the most creative one I have seen so far. Like the Disney explantation of Copyright, the dialogue of Star Wars characters is used to talk out the lyrics of Call Me Maybe. Layered on top is the instrumentals to the song. Its a remix because it is taking too different outlets and merged together to create one.

Mmm Smoothies

Friday, July 20th, 2012

The goal of the “Consumer Mashup” was to take a store that you shop at often and incorporate the good you usually buy with the logo of that store. I am feign for smoothies and always go to Tropical Smoothie or Robecks. Lately however I have been choosing Tropical Smoothie. Not entirely sure why…maybe because of price or maybe because I feel cool drinking a “tropical” smoothie.

Regardless I decided to make my own logo for Tropical Smoothie instead of using theirs. I replaced the “i” in tropical and smoothie with an image of a smoothie drink from this establishment. Then I used PowerPoint to get a tropical/island themed background. I made the entire logo on PowerPoint. I made each letter a different color to make it vibrant and fun.

After I was finished I took a screen shot of the logo and uploaded it to FLICKR.

Tropical Smoothie ad © by katherinekd101

Twilight the Trailer Montage

Friday, July 20th, 2012

First off I would like to state, yes I am one of those people that actually enjoy watching the Twilight Saga… judge all you want.

For those of you who aren’t informed about the wonders of the Twilight Saga, there are four books. The last book (like Harry Potter) is made into two different movies, therefore there are five movies. I took a clipping from each movie trailer and edited them together. I used to download the YouTube trailers. I decided I wanted to make a story of the Twilight Saga through the trailer, but still leave some mystery at the end. For those of who are diehard fans like me there is no mystery. However for those of you who are interested in Twilight and learning about its  ”fantasticness” this trailer will be a great introduction into the saga!

I used iMovie to merge together all the trailers. Since the trailers are already edited with music, all I had to do was put pieces together and hoped it would make sense. I faded in and out with sound to make a better transition.

Music Mash Up

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Dj’s tend to remix different songs to make a fun and entertaining soundtrack to listen to. It may seem easy to merge together multiple songs, but after working on this assignment, I found it very challenging.

The goal was to take clips from different songs and merge them together to make one single song. I used Garage Band for this assignment. The songs included (in order):

One More Time -Daft Punk

La Vie – The Deans List ( The Deans List produces their own music but incorporates usually one or two other songs into their work)

Dancing in the Dark – Dev

Love on Top – Beyonce

Garage Band offers free sound clips to use in songs, or looping songs together. I used “Club Beats” and “Jingles” as transitional sounds. I wanted to do a remix based on a music genre of pop/dance/club something fun to listen to. In my opinion it takes a certain skill to mash music together and actually make it sound nice.

I imported each song and layered them on top of each other by a second or two. Once the segment of the song I wanted was over, I clipped it (or cropped) out.