Archive for the ‘Letters Home’ Category


Letter Home; Week 5

Monday, June 25th, 2012

I hope my mom enjoys hearing my voice this week.. = )

Kavon’s Adventures 2012-06-22 14:20:22

Friday, June 22nd, 2012


Letter Home; week 4

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Hey Mommie,

Another week of camp gone by. Just writing to give you another update on how things are. This week was a very easy week for the most part. We had to do a safari of our every day lives. Where we took pictures of random things that we saw and them used to them to review design concepts. It was totally amazing to me some of the hidden design concepts that I didn’t even know existed.

We also learned about the Creative Commons. The CC is basically a copyright group that allows you to share projects and ideas legally without getting permission from the actual producer of the work. Maybe in a couple of years, I’ll be copyrighting some of my work through the CC for other people to use.

Well, I have some other work I need to get to. I hope all is well at home.


Kavon L. Johnson

Hey me, Hey mama

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Dearest Fam,

I’ve concluded my fourth week here at Camp Magic MacGuffin. So far, so good. I got some feedback from my esteemed directors early in the week, and I really took it to heart. I started working on my design assignments a lot earlier and posting them throughout the week instead of all in a clump. I also got more active and remembered to check Google reader for updates from my fellow campers.

On another note, I’ve started my first week at a new camp as a staff member! It’s a 7 week camp at UVa for academics, tennis, and golf. I’m an RA, but really I’m a camp counselor who is in charge of making sure nobody sneaks out at night. Or sneaks in… It’ll probably get difficult to split time between the two camps I’m simultaneously participating in, but being able to take breaks at the one I’m at physically to attend the one I’m at virtually will be a great help. I have lots of down time, and luckily I enjoy doing ds106 activities.

This week, I focused on design. I used both Photoshop and GIMP for my assignments. I had two really really favorite assignments I did, which all turned out in the same style-esque.

To Oz

The above photo is the most recent assignment. It’s a Minimalist Travel Poster and it looks so inviting! I think? It was a definite favorite and you should read my blog post about it! Definitely a favorite.

And also, I’m very proud of this assignment I did for Minimalize your Philosophy.


I’m going to give myself a pat on the back for these, because not only did I greatly enjoy doing it, I’m very pleased with the final product, and also another pat on the back for bragging to all my fellow staff members about how much better my online summer class is than their boring history, econ, etc., classes.

Also, on another note, I did some stuff with CreativeCommons this week, including changing my flickr account to BY-NC!!

Until then,



Monday, June 11th, 2012

–>> For More “The Little Caption” <<–

Why You Don’t Get Paid to Think…

Monday, June 11th, 2012

–>> For More “What People Think I Do’s” <<–

Letter Home Week 3

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Dear Mom,

I have learned a lot more this week than I let onto in the first letter, we have been focusing a lot of photography and what it means to be a good photographer. I learned that you don’t necessarily need to put that much thought into but to just let it happen. Also, that you can’t be afraid. Sometimes you just have to go for the shot, whether you are upside down or laying on the ground. What we perceive to be the simplest thing can be the most beautiful piece of art work.

With love,



Monday, June 11th, 2012

Great great great third week here at CMM. I learned my way around GIMP decently, and though  it’ll be a long journey, I’m feeling pretty confident in my progress thus far. I’m digging the .gifs and I’ll probably be experimenting more and more with those as they go on. As soon as I can do it without flubs, I’ll make a tutorial on it!

My daily creates this week were pretty straight forward, all photography-related minus a thrilling tale about my strangest job. A little more detail on that, I was not in fact dressed as a burrito, but rather I just sat there, trying to look attractive enough for male patrons to come over and buy burritos but trying to stay warm enough to stay alive (it was November/December). The restaurant was unorganized, unprofitable, and generally unsuccessful as a whole. But, it was delicious!

Had some fun with the photography this week, but my favorite was probably my monochrome photo.

I love this photo. I took it in Carova, NC where the wild horses roam the beach free. I love the beach and the mountains equally, but a beach with wild horses trumps all. They’re beautiful animals and I really can’t get enough of them. You should all check out the area if you haven’t! It’s on the border of Virginia and North Carolina, but because of the False Cape State Park (which is also beautiful and full of a variety of fantastic creatures like boars and rare birds), you have to go all the way down to the Outerbanks Bridge and then head back up north once you cross over. The trip, while long, is worth it because of the isolation.

The point is: Great week! I’m looking forward to more adventures. I screwed around in Minecraft a bit. I’m completely lost. Hopefully this week will bring me more knowledge in that.

Week four and on will prove to be a bit of a challenge for me, as I start my own camping adventure as a camp counselor at Four Star Camps at UVA. 10 years at my 4-H camp at Holiday Lake, 1 year at C’ville Parks and Rec, another semester at Camp Magic MacGuffin and now, I’m going to conquer UVA camp. I just can’t get enough.

Activities of Week 3

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Dear Mom,

I accomplished a ton this week at camp, I had some fun to. This week we started photography which is interesting to me and I had to do a bunch of assignments and some fun daily creates.

The first daily create I did this week was using my phone I took a picture of our backyard with the black and white effect turned on. I hardly ever use my phone to take pictures for some reason but I think I will start because the camera seems to work pretty well. The next daily create was to take a picture of something I envy. I chose to take a picture of my friends car which happens to be the same as the one I used to have before it broke down. I know have a much older model so I miss having a newer car. The next one was to take a picture that includes water, rocks, and the sky. I used a picture I took last week when I was at Yellowstone park

The assignments for this week were really fun, The ones I found to be the most fun were making a poster to demotivate and the Nine Lives assignment. In the demotivate poster I used a picture of Wayne Rooney who is an English soccer player, and just put a caption on the picture. I had a lot of fun looking through funny pictures and choosing that one. I also enjoyed looking through my old pictures and reminiscing on my child hood. Out of the five assingments I chose to do I found those to be the most interesting. Well its been a good week at camp cant wait for next week to start.



Letter Home ; Week 3

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Whoop Whoop Mommie,

Made it through another week of camp. I know your missing me extremely bad. This week at camp, we learned a lot about picture, and how to make pictures better. You know how much I love to take pictures so here’s all the picture that I took this week.. (don’t worry, you’ll only in one looking REALLY mean). Some of them I edited to make look better, some of them I just uploaded to show how to make pictures look unusual, some I just uploaded randomly.

I know you’re probably thinking, “Oh Lord, this girl is taking all these pictures,” but don’t worry it was part of my assignments. I also had to tell them about my most random job & yes, I told them about the picking of bugs, you  can hear that here.

Alright Mommie, I have one more task to complete before tomorrow, so I’m going to get to it now. I love you ohhh so much & can’t wait to see you.


Kavon = )