Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Letter Home ; Week 3

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Whoop Whoop Mommie,

Made it through another week of camp. I know your missing me extremely bad. This week at camp, we learned a lot about picture, and how to make pictures better. You know how much I love to take pictures so here’s all the picture that I took this week.. (don’t worry, you’ll only in one looking REALLY mean). Some of them I edited to make look better, some of them I just uploaded to show how to make pictures look unusual, some I just uploaded randomly.

I know you’re probably thinking, “Oh Lord, this girl is taking all these pictures,” but don’t worry it was part of my assignments. I also had to tell them about my most random job & yes, I told them about the picking of bugs, you  can hear that here.

Alright Mommie, I have one more task to complete before tomorrow, so I’m going to get to it now. I love you ohhh so much & can’t wait to see you.


Kavon = )



Making Pictures Better

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Week 3 has went extremely well. Learned a lot of new things about becoming a better photographer and how to make simple changes to make a better picture. Let me share with you some of things I learned.

One thing I learned was you can make a picture better by getting into silly positions. That then allows for the viewer to view everyday things at a different angel. I took a picture like this last year on my vacation in Orlando, Fl. I was leaning in the backseat of my mom’s truck and took this picture as we entered the theme park. Normally, people would see this at a straight angel and very beautiful, but not this time. This picture is out of focus and tilted.


Another thing I learned was take your camera with you everywhere you go.  For example, this week I was baking cup cakes for no particular reason. At 1:06 p.m I had finished my cupcakes and decided to take a picture of them. There absolutely nothing special about these cupcakes, but it was just a random picture that I liked.  And now I can always look back on that specific date and time and say, “I remember I baked cupcakes on that day.”


I also learned to capture the emotion of the place in which you take the picture and how the color of the photo can also show the emotion. Again, I had a picture from Disney World, and in the picture you can sense the excitement in the photo. In the backgroung of this photo you can see people off to the right smiling and a man with a backpack on,(my mother in the orange on the other hand, looks pissed), and you can tell they are ready to enjoy and explore the park. Also the banner in the picture say, “Let the Memories Begin.” So along with the banner, the excited people, and the man packed and ready, you can clearly tell that people are excited and curious to see what the park has to offer.

The color in the photo is very unique as well. The sky is very blue and the clouds are very white, which symbolizes a beautiful day. The garden made into Mickey’s head is also amazing. The colors that they park chose to us made the image of Mickey stand out and that lead to more excitement to take picture in front of it.


The last thing that I am going to talk about is how to take advantages of tools that you have and how to make a photo yours. It’s so simple to take a picture and just be like “oh this is cute.” NO! That is not enough, make the picture yours. Change it up and make it more exciting. You can easily do that by again, taking advantages of tools you have. For example, I just took a simple picture of me. And I said to myself, “This is cute, but I want to make it different.” So that I did, I went into a photo editor I have called PICSART and clicked “monochrome” and my picture went from regular to spectacular.

I’ve learned so much more about how to become a better photographer, but I used my daily creates to show that. Hopefully I will have other chances to show off my new photo taking skills. For example, getting a high tech camera where I can change lenses, or being able to travel and take street shots, or being able to catch more eventful things by being patient. I’ve learned some wonderful techniques about how to become better and I plan to use these techniques often.




Triple Troll Quote: Harrison Ford vs. John Cazale

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Just so that people don’t think I am relying entirely on animated GIFs for this week’s visual assignments, here are a couple of Triple Troll Quotes. What’s more, they are themed—both of thee triple troll quotes are centered around an actor who was in a number of amazing films in a very short period of time.

First, between 1977 and 1983 Harrison Ford was in Star Wars (1977), Apocalypse Now! (1979), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Blade Runner (1982) (all within 5 years!). What’s even more remarkable about this is he couldn’t act to save his life. Ford was an icon for me as a kid, but in the 2000s I began to like him less and less given his dismissal of Charles Bronson’s career, which I’ve already discussed on this blog. Regardless, he was in the holy trinity of films for me as a kid: Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Blade Runner—what ever I may think of him now, that’s a pretty sick run.

And while Ford’s run is impressive, it doesn’t hold a candle to John Cazale’s—who actually could act!—he was only in five films over his entirely too short career, but every single one of them was a masterpiece (I’ve written about this before as well). That’s a hard act to follow. The five films are: The Godfather (1972), The Conversation (1974), The Godfather II (1974), Dog Day Afternoon (1975), and The Deer Hunter (1978).  Wow! Francis Ford Coppola, Sidney Lumet, and Michael Cimino. He died way too early, but he leaves behind him a filmography few, if any, could ever match.


Sunday, June 10th, 2012

I took a picture of our old basketball hoop that we were getting rid of and manipulated the warmth and saturation of the colors. This was the result. Instead of looking like the normal beginning of fall when the picture was actually taken; it looks like late autumn and no one has raked the pine needles. Everything looks sickly, which in this case, seems appropriate because I liked this hoop.

The Average of Lily

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Visual Assignment 13— Averaging Concepts using Flickr (3 stars).  This is a really cool way to make an abstract piece of art. The instructions for this assignment called for using the first 50 images produced on a Flickr search to create an “average” image. The end product reminds me of an abstract watercolor painting!

The Average of Lily

I chose to make the subject of this project: Lilies. I love lilies! They are my favorite flower. In addition to growing them in my gardens, I have pictures of them hanging in my home and tattooed on my body. Not only are they beautiful and fragrant, but their symbolism is powerful to me. Remembering Greek mythology, the ancient Greek gods were not known for their monogamous relationships. Zeus, the king of the gods and the god of thunder, was no exception. Although the Greek hero Hercules was a son of Zeus, his mother was not Hera, the goddess of marriage and children, and the wife of Zeus. A mortal woman gave birth to Hercules. Zeus drugged Hera and took Hercules to nurse from her while Hera was sleeping. When Hera woke up, she saw the baby and pulled Hercules off of her. Some milk spurted from her breast, forming the Milky Way. A few drops landed on earth, resulting in the first lilies.

For centuries, lilies have been associated with innocence and purity. Lilies also represent female sexuality. In addition, an orange lily represents hatred and tiger lilies indicate pride and wealth while the pink stargazer lily is a symbol of prosperity. But I digress, and return back to the true subject at hand, the lily images.

I started by using Bulkr, a Flickr app, the search and select the first 50 photos that came up on a search for “lily”. After downloading the images to my computer, I discovered nearly half of them were missing, having a “no longer available” placeholder instead. Bummer. :(

So I selected and downloaded the next 50 photos is the search but now I had too many. I deleted all the placeholders. Still too many images. So I decide to take a little creative liberty with this assignment, and deleted the photos that contained people, dogs, or other random images that did not focus on the lily flower. When I finally narrowed the images down to a total of 50, I opened Picasa and created a collage.

Then, to “average” or the images, I edited the collage from the “Picture Pile” setting to “Multiple Exposure” in the drop down menu to superimpose the 50 images one on top of the other.

The results looked like this:

Pretty neat way to create an abstract piece of artwork from a collection of images. This image provokes a sensation of peace and joy to me, with its pink and green tones and its watercolor painting design.

Innocence and purity? I think I’d need to see a whiter, lighter blend to create that effect.

Female sexuality? Yeah, I can see that.

What do you think?



My Eyes Are Wide Open

Saturday, June 9th, 2012
The Daily Create 150 – Monochrome

After reading this week’s resources on photography I have only started to realise how much I have to learn. I never considered myself a great photographer and I am quite happy to let other people hold the camera. Whenever I wanted to express myself creatively, I used words. This shows in my Daily Create activities, especially in the first ones, where I felt the need to supplement my photo with words:

The Daily Create 146 – a photo that represents destruction

If I wanted something to be in the photo and it wasn’t there, I used words to conjure it up:

Stone, Water and Clouds
The Daily Create 147 – a picture containing stone, water and clouds

But I persisted. I took a photo a day, often after I had come home from work. I worked with what I had and what I didn’t have that late at night was natural light. So, a pattern started to emerge. Minimalistic and mostly monochrome.

When you rely on what you have, you start using metaphors and then you realise that telling a story through photography is not that different from using words. The Daily Create 149 gave us an impossible task – to take a photo at six minutes past the hour for an entire day and to share only one picture. I decided to take a photo at six minutes after the day had passed:


I recycled the above image and used it as a CD cover ( you can see the relevant post here). I am grateful to Chad for this idea.

This picture shows envy:


 I do envy people who can eat cakes and not put on weight, so I recycled this picture and used it as a demotivating poster. You can see it in my previous post.

I also envy people who would have done a better job with this photograph than I did. I took the photo through a shop window and it shows. I tried editing it and it got slightly better, but I am still not happy with it.

While I am not particularly good with the camera, I am quite happy to use picture editors. Ever since Picnik got invaded by ants (rest in peace, Picnik), PicMonkey has been my faithful friend. I used it to edit all of the above photos, but it really came in handy here:

The Daily Create 153 – the oldest building in my neighbourhood

I have to be honest with you – this building is from the 1980s and it is, in fact, the building I live in. It was really hot outside today and I was too lazy to leave my air-conditioned flat. So I took a picture of what I could see from my balcony and aged it artificially using PicMonkey. I can’t tell you exactly what I did – I kept clicking on different effects until I was happy with the result.

I experimented with different types of focal effects here:

The Daily Create 148 – Out of Focus

To sum up: What have I learned this week?

1. That I am slowly beginning to get addicted to photography. That I don’t care whether I am producing art or just fooling around. As long as it is fun, I will continue doing it.

2. That I want to learn more about photography and that I will continue learning.

3. That looking at the world through the lens is not distracting. On the contrary. It makes me more aware of my surroundings.

4. That ordinary things and everyday objects have their own beauty.

5. That this is my life. Whether I am manipulating an image of myself until I look like my grandmother did 70 years ago or taking pictures of yesterday’s shopping list, this is who I am.

See you in the next Daily Create.

Technorati Tags:

A few years off

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Create a new you — MISSION: DS106 an easy one for 2 stars, if I was counting. I just took off a couple of year so fairly subtile. Read a couple of googled tuts for photoshop: Removing Wrinkles – Photoshop Tutorials and another one I’ve lost.

more intersting, to me, is the Before After WordPress Plugin. I’d used the Javascript before so was please to find a plugin.

Seasonally Friendly?

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Visual Assignment 129—Cropped Signs (2 stars). I’m finding these assignments a lot of fun. They really challenge you to look at things differently, creatively. The thinking about it, trolling for an appropriate sign and planning the execution was a little time consuming, but I was thinking about it all day, all week, looking around as a went about my days. At work, driving to and from work, every place I visited, every sign I saw, I was contemplating if it was crop worthy for this assignment. I knew this would be fun if I could just find the right subject sign. But I was challenging myself to just be able to take the shot, isolating the right words, without editing the photo later.

Today, I decided to take a walk around historic downtown Fredericksburg to take photos. For visual assignments, for daily creates, for fun. Along the way, I took notice of all sorts of signs, evaluating them skeptically for potential for this assignment. Store signs, road signs, advertisements, etc. It was hot and busy, and my camera was dying. I gave up. I got back into my car and made my way back through downtown to head home. Then it caught my eye! It was on the edge of an alleyway. After finding a place to park and walking several blocks back to the scene, I got the perfect shot! No editing, just using the megazoom on my new Canon PowerShot SX260. I love it!

Seasonally Friendly

Here is the whole sign for The Back Yard at J. Brian’s Tap Room at 200 Hanover Street, Fredericksburg, Va.

The Back Yard

I doubt the owner’s would approve of my creative cropping of their signage as the new meaning, while funny, is not very hospitable. :)

Now I can’t stop looking at signs in a new way…creatively, and a little twisted maybe, but fun nonetheless.



Unlikely Intersections visual assignment for #DS106

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

I spotted these street names signs and remembered there was a DS106 assignment for this, Unlikely Intersections. Well the combination of street names is not really all that unlikely, in fact they kind of go together. The unlikely part is the survival of the photographer as the only way to get this shot is to stand out in the road.

To round out the story, this intersection is in a mostly residential suburban area, though the corner with the street signs houses the fire department and across the street is a large private high school and convent. The other two corners are private homes. Blossom road is a main feed road from the city and this intersection is about a block from an expressway ramp. Clover street here is residential and there are some very nice looking houses there.

The hardest part of this assignment  (aside from taking pictures while standing in the road) is finding an appropriate intersection. So its good to be aware of the assignment in case you come across one. It’s also helpful to have a camera on hand when that happens.

That’s my story. Any Questions?



Venus Transit Swede Animated GIF #DS106

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

On June 6, 2012 millions watched the transit of Venus across the sun. While millions watched, many others missed this rare celestial phenomenon. Some people missed it because they were looking the wrong way or they live on the wrong side of the planet. Others missed out simply because the didn’t give a hoot, or they were nestled deep underground tunneling through their mine craft worlds.
Whatever the reason, if you missed it, here is a  re-enactment  based on detailed eyewitness accounts.


I don’t know which ds106 assignment this really belongs under.  I used Swede a Scene even though this is an animated gif, not a video.

That’s my story. Any questions?

photo credits
Orange:cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by richard_north
Venus: Wikimedia Commons