Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category
Monday, June 25th, 2012
This is the first blog post I have done for Audio week, let me just say this was a challenge in itself. Thats what school is all about though! Trial and Error.
The goal is to describe your life in two minutes or any kind of stubborn, obstacles, challenges you have overcome in your life that defines who you are as a person now.
I never viewed myself as the athletic type in any context. Especially being on a team that involves everyones input or else the whole team fails together. I decided for some reason that I felt in my gut to join the Crew Team at Mary Washington. It was one of the most life changing experiences I have had and will probably ever have at College.
Rowing is physically and mentally demanding. It is extremely time consuming and your life starts to revolve around the sport. I learned that I can work with a team but it takes patience and drive. By the end of the semester after losing every single Regatta (basically a rowing competition) we made it to finals and made it in third place at our last one. This was the most rewarding feeling to know that a whole semester of blood, sweat, and tears (literally all three) paid off. I never felt so accomplished in my life or happier to be apart of a team, knowing that I contributed to the success.
I recorded myself via Sound Cloud. I clicked the “share” button above the recorded audio. I was then given a code and pasted it directly into the “HTML” box on my word press post!
Posted in AudioAssignments AudioAssignments184, bunk4, ds106, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on Who I am in two minutes… ready go!
Monday, June 25th, 2012
One of the Audio Assignments I found this week was to record myself being a picky person with an accent ordering from Mcdonalds. The best accent that I can do is probably an Asian lady. This is because I am around my boyfriend’s family a lot and they are Korean, so I have grown used to the accent. I pre-wrote what I was planning on ordering from Mcdonalds and made sure to add in some “authentic comments,” such as wanting a tofu burger.
This was an easy assignment to do. All I had to do was record my accented voice (which I did do on soundcloud) ordering my yummy tofu Big Mac, drink, and 2 shakes. It was fun talking in that accent.
Posted in AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments383, bunk2, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on With Tofu
Monday, June 25th, 2012
For this audio assignment we had to choose a book from our childhood and read it. So I decided to read, in my opinion one of the best books aside from Green Eggs and Ham, in all of history. I chose to read Dr. Seuss because out of all the books I could have possibly read, this book takes me on a journey. While reading Dr. Seuss I am truly able to escape the realities of the world and feel like a little kid again, and that is a wonderful thing. Another reason is that my Grandfather use to read this book to me all the time when I was younger, and now he reads it to my daughter…. So now I will read them to you
Part one (story time) Part 2 (Story time)
Posted in Audio Categories, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments562, bunk1, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on The Cat in the Hat, What is up with that?
Monday, June 25th, 2012
For this assignment you had to pick a play and read from it. However there is a catch, you have to play all the characters. To do this assignment, I recorded my self reading from Romeo and Juliet on my memo app on my iPhone. I talked in a feminine voice when I was saying Juliet’s lines and then I gave myself a deeper voice for when I said Romeo’s lines. This assignment was a lot of fun, because this is something that I would never have done if people were around, because I would get too nervous. I enjoyed it because I was able to act, with no one watching. After I was finished I emailed it to myself, saved it on my computer and uploaded it onto here.
Posted in Audio Tutorials, AudioAssignments, AudioTutorials567, bunk1, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on My One-Woman Play Tutorial
Monday, June 25th, 2012
cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by LarimdaME
Since Week 5 in Camp MacGuffin is all about audio, we are sending audio messages home instead of letters:
This is not so different from leaving a message on an answering machine and I felt it was OK to improvise rather than read from a paper.
As I have said in the recording, Week 5 was about stepping out of comfort zone. For one of my Daily Creates I had to sing. I mean, I didn’t have to do it, but I did. I don’t want to repeat what I said in the recording, but the atmosphere in the Camp is such that singing felt quite OK. I will even go so far as to embed the recording right here:
The Daily Create 165 – Share a campfire song on audio. Sing of bang drums.
Two days later we had to draw. I am terrible at drawing and I said so:

The Daily Create 167 – Draw a person using only geometrical shapes
Today’s Daily Create wasn’t difficult. We took a closer look at where we spend a lot of free time and photographed something we had never noticed before.

The Daily Create 168
It is not that I don’t notice Leonardo, it is just that I don’t notice him enough. Placed behind my back while I work at my desktop, he has kept me company through all my web adventures.
So, that’s all folks. See you in Week 6.

Tags: DS106,, weeklyletter
Posted in bunk4, ds106, magicmacguffin, openonline, weeklyletter | Comments Off on Week 5 – Stepping out of Comfort Zone
Monday, June 25th, 2012

The Daily Crete 166 – Take a picture of something that makes you sick
I connected one of my Daily Creates with an audio assignment here. Partly to save time, but mostly because I had a hard time remembering something that makes me sick. Because I was working on Audio Assignment 351, I thought I could take a screenshot of the spam I was reading and post it as a photo. A good idea, except that the screenshot didn’t look very nice, so I decided to edit it using Pic Monkey. Then I got carried away a little.
And here is the recording:
Bonus track – Reverend Connor Strikes Again
I couldn’t resist this. It only came yesterday, otherwise I would have used that one. It somehow tricked my Spam Guard. Maybe Google now thinks I love spam?

Tags: AudioAssignments,, AudioAssignments351, DS106,
Posted in AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments351, bunk4, ds106, magicmacguffin, openonline | Comments Off on Taking Back Spam