Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category
Thoughts from SocialEdCon
Wednesday, July 11th, 2012Animated Rock Starts
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012Phineas and Ferb is the best cartoon known to man. For those who aren’t big on cartoons, you should really consider watching it. It cones on at random times on Disney Channel and is on a lot. When I saw the assignment to animate a music video, I honestly almost fell out of my bed. This has to be one of the best assignments yet.
2. clicked. “NEW PROJECT”
3. went to Google images and typed in “Phineas and Ferb Rock Stars”
4. downloaded 18 photos and saved them to a folder
5. went back into Windows Movie Maker, and on the left hand side, clicked “PICTURES”
6. selected the 18 photos
7. downloaded PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR by the Shop Boyz
8. repeated (step 5)
9. selected the song
10. added a title page and typed what I wanted into the page
11. dragged and dropped the song into the Timeline
12. dragged and dropped the pictures according to the lyrics (matched them as much as possible)
13. reviewed the work and made adjustments so the lyrics and pictures matched.
14. made a “credits” page showing where I got all of my work
15. uploaded my video to YouTube and embedded it into my post.
I have said many times before the music is my life. I know about a lot of songs and the Phineas and Ferb episode of when they were rock stars was my favorite. This assignment took a longer time than normal because I had to match pictures with words, but it was easy. It took me about 35 minutes to do, but it was fun so it didn’t feel as if it was that long. Once you understand the flow of how Windows Movie Makers works, it gets easier. I hope my video was interesting and my steps were clear and easy. Enjoy!
For more. Click here. –>>[Animated Music Videos]<<–
Sweet Music on DS106 Radio
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012Audio Assignment 36: Create a bumper for DS 106 Radio.
I had such a good time participating in the DS106 class radio productions. I think the satisfaction of making something out of nothing but a thin thought wisping through your mind is amplified ten-fold when it melds with those of others to produce something only possible because these individuals came together at this moment in time for one and only one production. You can never step in that same sound wave twice. Then layer on the appreciation for those productions of others and the opportunity to contribute to the live experience and you’ve got great live, interactive radio.
Here’s a bumper that I created for my piece using a kindly contributed “soundtrack of summers past” by Norm. I rely on Norm’s compelling personality and the sweet music of the legendary Mamas and Papas to create kind of a pause that refreshes.
Process and Reflections
I love working with layers of music and voice and had a good and challenging time playing with the rise and fall of the music and Norm’s voice. Norm’s voice as recorded was giving me fits because it just mellowed out below the music and I could not seem to raise it loud enough — and, well, then, I discovered the sound mixer. Who have thought it would be under “View”? Still learning about fades in and out but this sounds pretty good for someone who has always heard horror stories about Audacity.
Thanks, Norm, for the assist!
I’d like to be able to record my own psa’s for the local radio station to promote fundraising events for my community garden. So, would Audacity work for that, if I got really, really good? Thanks for any advice.
Past self
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012Here’s my sound:
Video Prep Work
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012Video week is really two weeks! Oh, what fun!
Last week we were doing a lot of prep work, familiarizing ourselves with the available software programs for video editing and starting to plan our assignment completion for the unit of study in ds106. Here are the assignments that I’ve scoped out and started planning:
Video Assignments 376—Return to the Silent Era (5 stars) gave me the challenge of using a modern movie trailer and creating a silent, black and white version reminiscent of the Silent Film era of cinematography. I’m going to use the trailer for Act of Valor, a movie from last year where the “actors” are genuine Navy Seals. I think this trailer will lend itself nicely to this task.
For Video Assignment 435—Serenity now! (3 stars), I will make a calming video like those displayed in a spa or used for meditation. I find the beach, especially at sunrise to be a soothing, peaceful environment for me the walk, think, reflect and just exist. On a trip to the Bahamas a few years ago, I was trying to use the time away to put things into perspective and re-prioritize my life. My soundtrack for this vacation was Led Zepplin…mostly because I love the lyrics, the melodies and the instrumentals in the songs. For these reasons, I will create a video of a beach sunrise, overlaying it with at least one Led Zepplin song. The hard part will be choosing which song to use…maybe Kashmir or something similar.
While I would love to go to the beach to film the video myself, my Outer Banks vacation isn’t until September, so I will be using a video from Creative Commons licensed video from YouTube (with the proper credits, of course) like this one:
Video Assignment 463—Watching Movies with the Stereo On (3 stars) directs me to take a movie clip and replace the original audio track with a song that somehow fits the movie scene. I picked the arrow roulette scene in the hilarious movie Grown Ups. I’m thinking I’ll dub “Moves Like Jagger” by Maroon 5 over it.
Stay tuned for the final products of these assignments!
That’s all for now, but I did get a great idea for a video assignment to add to the repository! I hope I have the time to flesh it out and develop an example later this week!
World of Remixes.
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012Kirby Ferguson’s videos about remixed material was amazing. He took some songs and movies that I thought were original and showed where the artist or directions got their inspiration from. Many times younger directors and artist want to create an “original film/song” but they get their inspiration from older films that were thought to be GREAT. If a younger director or artist wants a great movie, they have to look a great movies from before and basically “copy” the framework. It was astonishing to see in Ferguson’s video to see who younger artist and directors looked up too. Some of these people aren’t even in the same genre of work, but they find ways to take on genre and make it work for another.
Now music, is something that I love and there are some songs that I know for a fact came from other songs. For example, I made a video of two songs. The original track is Michael Jackson’s “Wanna be Startin’ Something” and then Rihanna puts it in her song called “Please Don’t Stop the Music” Which goes to show that old music will never die.
I honestly, do not think that I have seen an “original movie.” All movies in my opinion are made up from another movie, but uses more modern/recent dilemmas so that modern people can relate. For example, the Rocky movies are all about a underestimated boxer that wants to win. He trains long and hard until he achieves his goal. But there aren’t too many aspiring boxers for filmmakers use other sports to prove that same point. If you are underestimated, train long and hard until you get what you want, like the Gridiron Gang. I am not as much of a movie person as I am a music person, so I could be completely wrong, but I haven’t seen an original film.
Personally, I think it is enjoyable to see recent films based on past films. Mainly because it shows that we won’t forget great things that came before us. Like Michael Jackson’s music will never die, and a young singer(compared to him) used his music in her song. It always can be seen as a sign of respect or “thank you.” Rihanna could be using that clip in her song to show to Michael Jackson that she appreciated his music and it helped her. As far as movies, I think we enjoy seeing things from the past because it shows us they everyone is almost the same. Everyone from past, present, and future, all want some of the same things. Rocky was underestimated, and wanted to reign, the Gridiron gang (juveniles) wanted people who underestimated them to see that they had some positive aspects.
Basically, history lives on forever. People who came before us have paved the way for entertainment. We pay them respect by using their impressive works and show that everyone is more similar than we think.
Last week’s Daily Creates
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012Although I did these last week, I’m just getting the blog post done for them. Sorry for keeping you suspense, but I am slightly behind on my blogging due to an injury I sustained over the weekend. Wish it was at least a good story to tell but it’s not. Just a stupid accident at home that left me with a concussion and a massive headache for a few days. Feeling well enough today to get back to the grind, so here we go…
tdc 177—Take a picture that presents wildness.
I took this beautiful image in my mother’s garden last week. Even with the crazy heat we’ve been having here in Virginia, the flowers are flourishing, attracting wild butterflies and bees. It was amazing to watch them and try to capture a pretty photo. This image was made possible by the incredible zoom on my camera. I was able to watch for a distant and zoom it on the resting butterfly.
tdc 179—Make a photograph of a plastic object that you’ve used today.
My favorite plastic accessory of the past week has been my water bottles! The heat has been nearly unbearable and I am not going anywhere with one! This one was fresh from the frig and immediately formed condensation when I step outside. Simple point and shot image…no fancy imagery here.
Two more daily creates coming next week…
Silent Harry
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012He’s the baddest cop on the streets in 1908…
I felt I was overdue to sit down and do a ds106 assignment, one to do some iMovie work as a demo for our current students. I was called back to do Return to the Silent Era (one I added myself) with the hopes that I could push iMovie a bit farther than the last one I did — 2001 a Space Odyssey set back 100 years.
The assignment is:
The dawn of cinema had no audio; silent movies created an atmosphere with music and the use of cue cards. Take a 3-5 minute trailer of a modern movie and render it in the form os the silent era- convert to black and white, add effects to make it look antiquated, replace the audio with a musical sound track.
I was trying to think about what would be interesting to set to silent era- it’s easy to look to science fiction or movies from the future. Too easy. I combed through my video drawer and saw the Dirty Harry disc there, and said hmmm, the opening action sequence that defines Harry’s character, his lunch ruined because of some criminal activity that just lands in front of him, the first of the “Do You Feel Lucky, Punk” lines would be fun. It’s the whole juxtaposition of the same lines played out at the end that defines the criminal mind of Scorpio.
The look of the original film had all the stampings of the 1970 era (filmed in 1971), the big cars, mutton chop sideburns, the semi flattened lighting, the lingering feel of the hippie era– all of this seemed interesting to try and take back to a different era via the silent film treatment. Would Harry be as tough with that big gun back in 1908? Would his isolationist character command the same results?
Go ahead…
I started by finding and downloading the 740p version of the scene
I started by making up my title frame in Photoshop, starting with one I found out there. I wanted to add an icon, so I pulled apart the top figure to leave room to insert a 44 Magnum:
I added some noise and cracelature filter to make it a little more dirty.
Here is a snapshot of my working area in iMovie (this is iMovie 11, so some of the tools and menu names are different in earlier versions):
After loading the clip in iMovie, I first dragged the graphic for the title card I made to right in front of the video clip. I use the small on the clip to go to clip effects and added the “romantic” one which made it glow.
For the text I dragged the Center style right onto the frame, and added my text. By highlighting the text, and selecting “Show Fonts” I switched it to “Goudy Old Style”. Later I will show you an easy way to replicate this.
The next steps are going through the clip and making splits on key segments. These include points right after some dialogue that I want to add the title cards, pretty much in this case, all of Harry’s lines. To break up clips, just move the cursor to the point where you want a split, press control to get the contextual menu, and select “Split Clip”. I also split in places where I knew I might want to have different clip speeds.
COpying the title card is a matter of clicking once to select its frame (it lights up yellow) and then command C to copy. Move the cursor just to the right of another split to paste a copy of the card.
Then for the title, click an existing title (the blue bar above), and press the option key and drag it until it drapes over the entire new card (the blue should fill the rane, my screen shot is off a bit). This will make a copy of the text track with all the same settings and make it fit in the same length of time as the card.
You might have to mess with the font size to make things fit.
I did this for all the dialogue. Once I had that in place, it is time to remove the original audio. I selected each clip, and selected Mute Clup from the Clip menu (or just command-Shift-m).
The next steps are to give the video the old style treatment; while there is an aged film effect, I dont like it because it does a sepia tone, and it is too bad you cannot apply more thane one effect (like adding a black and white). I have a trick though!
On the small menu on each clip (looks like a gear) first sslect Video Effect, and set the saturation to 0- this makes it black and white:
I then press the Clip tab for these adjustments. I found that the “Glow” effect worked well to give it a washed out look, your mileage may vary and the vignette or the Romantic work well. For the action sequence I sped up the clips in various amounts to give it that frenetic energy, anywhere from 120% to 400%.
I repeated these steps on every section.
There were a few places I trimmed the clip, and one or two when I needed Harry’s mouth moving, so I would copy and paste a clip of him, reversing it so he would not be an exact duplicate each time.
Once the video was all ready, I went to the Internet archive, and found some ragtime music in the 78 RPMs & Cylinder Recordings collection called Ragtime Echos (1918) featuring Samuel Siegel on mandolin and Marie Caveny on ukulele.
I downloaded the mp3 version and dragged it onto the iMovie track, making sure it lined up below the tracks (so it is not made into a background for the entire project). Here is another trick, since my audio track is longer (you can drag the right and of the clip to extend it as far as it will go) I click the audio track gear icon, and chose “Audio Adjustments”. I set the fadeout to be manual so ti will fade before it ends abruptly.
Thats pretty much the editing. I had planned to do a longer feature, a middle clip of the Harry/Scorpio confrontation in the football stadium, and the closing chase scene which bookends the original. But alas, you get the idea, and the “Do you feel lucky” scene sites fine with me as a single thing.
I wanted to try the trick Michael Branson Smith does to add more effects to his videos by using the 8mm app on his iPhone but alas, I could not figure out how to upload it so the app would see it. I hope it is not as crazy as just filming it off the screen!
I’m pretty happy with the way this turned out, but oh, I stayed up way too late doing this.
Kill Bill as Silent Movie
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012One of the current ds106 video assignments challenges us to return to the silent era:
The dawn of cinema had no audio; silent movies created an atmosphere with music and the use of cue cards. Take a 3-5 minute trailer of a modern movie and render it in the form of the silent era- convert to black and white, add effects to make it look antiquated, replace the audio with a musical sound track.
To complete this, I looked at several clips that could be used. I started by looking at trailers, as suggested in the assignment. I considered Jaws, Forrest Gump and Pirates of the Caribbean but I found that the trailers either contained too much talking and not enough action or jumped from one scene to the next too quickly to provide enough context. So, I decided to look for a purely action sequence. Since my previous assignment featured Quentin Tarantino, I figured that I might as well return to his work. I found a clip from Kill Bill Vol. 1 that someone posted to YouTube that already contained two fight scenes. I liked the idea of combining this modern, dark, samurai-type of film with some dixieland music. This incongruous combination appealed to me!
I have worked with iMovie quite frequently to document school events but rarely played with many of the features. I was able to easily convert the clip to black and white and sped up the film to produce what I hoped would look like a silent movie but the image still felt too crisp. I decided to Google some advice and found which I immediately added to my Flipboard! It offered easy to follow tips for making a silent movie look and, I’m hoping, will have a decent feed to follow. One tip that I found there suggested that I should not accept the default of 30 frames per second but instead reduce that to 24 to achieve a jerkier motion. It also explained that the Aged Film effect would add those vertical lines one sees on old films. However, since I had sped the film up, these lines were not visible. I decided that I should speed up the film and make it black and white and then export it. I could then re-import it and add the Aged Film effect. Worked like a charm!
My original clip was 10 minutes in length. I doubled the speed to seem more like an old movie but, at 5 minutes, it still felt too long. I am hoping that the further two minutes that I edited out are not too obvious. This is where I impressed myself most: I was surprised how seamless the final version appeared! I took out a good chunk of the first fight scene (more obvious) and several sections (mostly amputations) in the second. This allowed me to keep the video to just 3 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised with how the scenes still flowed from one another.
Disappointments/ Ideas for Next Time:
Only the Organic Main template seemed appropriate for a silent movie but the iMovie Titles are a dead give-away to the fact that one has used that software. I wish that there was an easy way to create your own. I suppose that I could have created my own and saved them as jpegs and then inserted them as photos. Maybe next assignment…
Music was a challenge. I really need to do some more audio work. I started to fool around in Garageband but didn’t find the sounds that I wanted to easily create some dixieland music so I opted for the built-in iLife jingles (Gelato, Vino and Tigris). I added these three themes to my movie and left it at that.
I may have taken some liberties with this task but I did learn more about iMovie than I knew before… if nothing else, the quick keys for splitting a clip (shift-command-s) will come in very useful in the future!
I need to remember to take some in-progress screenshots to add to these posts. In the meantime, enjoy Silent Bill.