Archive for the ‘bunk1’ Category


Tornado, Revisited

Friday, July 13th, 2012

On Wednesday, @cogdog issued a seven-day-challenge for The Daily Create, and the prompt for Day One (June 11th), was TDC185: Draw a Tornado.  Given that my drawing tools at hand were somewhat limited, I elected to “draw” the requisite tornado using a stylus on my iPhone, and used a photo from the day as my background and ink source. This is the original photo, taken using the Pano app on the phone.

Original PANO photograph (before Tornado)

Original PANO photograph (before Tornado)

To introduce the tornado, I used the clone tool within the iRetouch app, borrowing sections of the existing clouds for paint, trying to introduce swirls (not too successful with that), and saving my work periodically. When it was done, I posted it to Flickr and tagged it with the required tdc185 so it would be added to the assignment page along with the others.

@DoremiGirl was a bit taken aback by what I had “drawn,” …

… but I’m comfortable with the artistic license offered by these sorts of daily challenges. Although am keen to continue to develop my actual drawing skills (for real, with paper and pencils), this was the result for the day.

It wasn’t until I was offloading my photos from the last two days that I came across the successive “saves” of the process, and realized that they might collectively make a nice animated GIF.  As it would turn out, Photoshop CS6 has a Timeline feature where an Animation feature stood in CS3, so it took me a few minutes to get that sorted out (good learning!).  I added in some hand-made “in-between” frames, and here is the result.  (Sorry if it doesn’t represent the proper stages of formation of a tornado — these actually represent the stages I took in drawing this tornado!!

Tornado: TDC185 (animated GIF)

Tornado: TDC185 (animated GIF)

pre-production for my upcoming video projects….

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

One video assignment I am very excited about doing is Make a Scene from a Horror Film. I  already have been taking notes, brainstorming, and messing with the camera for it.

- I plan to create a scene not from an existing film, but a made up one

- Title Ideas: Attack of the Nerd Zombies, The PC Haunting (yes I know, I know… lol)

- I will need some dramatic background music.. I’ve looked up some sound clips on and can even take sounds from youtube clip if neccesary

- Might use “The Voice” for this scene/trailer

- Have been tinkering with shadow and lighting affects

- Will use family and friends as props/ghosts/zombies


The second assignment that really grabbed my attention is to make a 30 Second Documentary that shows moreso than tells something.

- I plan to do a documentary on how I program

- Another Idea is making and eating food (something simple like a sandwich or cereal… but of course it will be made out to be EPIC )

- I’ve been taking small video clips and photos of myself on the computer, eating, making food…

Those were just 2 of the ones that grabbed my attention that I am furthest along working on. Keep an eye out the next 2 days for final products!

Reading The Lion King

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

If some of you guys haven’t already noticed, I LOVE The Lion King. I think it is an amazing movie! Animation, soundtrack, storyline, the morals and lessons being portrayed and taught, and its appeal to all ages. I think it is truly a work of art.

The first scene I picked was the one where Scar is first introduced, and he has a chit chat with his older brother Mufasa.

The scene opens up immediately showing Mufasa on higher ground, head up, and in light. While scar is hunched over, and in the dark shadows of his cave dwelling.

As the scene continues and Mufasa’s dominance and goodness is shown over Scar, The scene concludes with him getting a bit angry at Scar and asking if he was challenging him. Mufasa races in front of scar growling “is that a challenge?!”… Mufasa is on the right, in light, and the POV is at his eye level showing how much more powerful and dominant he is to Scar. Even Scar verbalizes this, all while cowering back and below Mufasa’s eye-level. Even throughout the scene Zazu takes refuge beneath, between, and behind Mufasa’s paws. This shows his position as a protector and unshakable figure in the movie in a sense.

The second clip I picked is that of Mufasa being murdered while struggling to get out of the stampede in the gorge. Mufasa is on the left in this scene, and below scar – helpless. Scar is dominant over him in this situation, and in a portion of the clip just as Scar claws over Mufasa’s paws they are diagonal from each other. This tilt (w/ Mufasa on the lower end) shows opposing forces and a shifting of direction. And finally as Scar lets go of Mufasa, music climaxes, and it screen blackens out. Indicating the defeat/death/demise/defeat of Mufasa. Everything just fades into nothing. This scene in its culmination I feel is more moving and powerful than most live-action scenes.


SN: I used Windows Movie Maker to edit and clip these scenes to keep em short and sweet.

Explore your Inner Creativity: The Daily Create

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Towards the end of 2009, a number of friends on Twitter proclaimed their intent to participate in a project 365 photography adventure, and I decided to rekindle my interest in photography by playing along.  Supported in part by @duncan‘s TheDailyShoot, I managed to get into the daily habit of making time for photography, and sharing a photo a day to my account on Flickr. By the end of 2010, I was pleased, not only with the collection of photographs I had accumulated, but with a number of other incidental results:

  • a significantly improved understanding of my camera (primarily pocket-cam, a Canon Digital Elph Powershot 1000, at the time);
  • an improved eye for composition and techniques related to photography;
  • an appreciation for the work and shared community of other photographers;
  • a wonderful collection of images reflecting memories and experiences from throughout the year;
  • a serendipitous engagement with writing, as descriptions of photos sometimes turned  into mini-essays, commentaries, and juxtapositions of thoughts.;
  • and, perhaps most importantly, an understanding that a conscious effort, applied on a daily basis, was easily capable of instilling a new daily habit, whether it be photography or any other kind of endeavour. A technique that could be transferred, to other areas, be they intentionally creative, or otherwise.

My enjoyment of the 2010/365 project led me to continue on into 2011/365. Armed now with a self-bestowed boxing-day present, a Sony NEX-5 DSLR (actually, an EVIL or MILC camera, the choice after conversations with @digitalnative and several months investigation), I continued taking photographs, using the new Sony, the older Canon, and the ever-present iPhone to capture daily events and thedailyshoot photo challenges.

However, In August 2011, things got particularly busy (numerous trips, photo outings, and other things), my laptop hard drive became filled to capacity (Aperture and even the OS ground to a slow crawl as space for page swaps became virtually(pun) non-existent), and my habit faltered. September brought the return to school (numerous variables there) and October saw the end of thedailyshoot (after 690 prompts, it folded on October 6th, 2011), and by that time, the habit was upset. Despite a couple of attempted jump-starts (drives to visit the Muse Tree, for example, and the arrival of a new 2012/366 self-challenge), the daily practice of shooting and posting a photo to flickr had been disrupted.

(Perhaps, I should also acknowledge to myself, in hindsight, that I had become engaged in the fall of 2011 with a new regular (though not daily) practice of broadcasting on #ds106radio …)

At any rate, very shortly after January 1st, 2012, @timmmmyboy tweeted out a few test posts related to something new, TheDailyCreate, which would provide a daily prompt, not always for photography, but also for audio, video, and other sorts of creative inspirations. After providing a few test posts, I saw the value in this new prompt source, and decided to try it out.

The Daily Create

Skipping forward over February – June, we arrive at July 11th, and what do I see but a challenge from the @cogdog , somewhat uninspired by the recent summer engagement in TheDailyCreate (yes, folks are on summer holidays, relaxing, BUT you still need to nurture that daily creative habit, folks — and to that I can attest!), and so he presents a seven-day challenge. Do the daily create for the next seven days. Starting today. Starting NOW.

Daily Create Seven-Day-Challenge on CogDogBlog

CogDog’s Charles Atlas remix “Seven-Day-Challenge”

Now, a couple years back, I employed a “follow 30 people for 30 days” mantra when introducing new folks to Twitter, as a way of helping folks “see, over time” how the social media service could be supportive of their work as educators. And if I recall correctly, research somewhere has indicated a “23-day” adoption period during which a daily application of a routine will result in the forming of a new habit.

So I’m going to prematurely suggest that once you meet Alan’s seven day challenge, you repeat it, twice more. I figure 21 days ought to be close enough to 23 days for you to get the gist. And at that point, why stop?

One caveat. You may find yourself pushed to complete some of TheDailyCreate challenges. I would suggest that if you struggle with one of them, go back in the Archives and complete another one from that same category and post it, with its respective tag, instead. While I’ve not employed that strategy yet, I’m going to deploy it starting today.

In response to Alan’s visual seven day challenge, I reply:

"Twenty-One Days to a Creative Habit" by aforgrave, on Flickr

“Twenty-One Days to a Creative Habit” by aforgrave, on Flickr

Get your create on! Get it on on a daily basis. The Daily Create can get you started.

BTW, two days ago, I replaced the hard drive again in my laptop. I’m currently starting out the summer with a glorious 620 GB of free space on my drive. Yesterday, I managed 200 photos on my Sony, and when the battery ran out, I took another 108 on my iPhone. Both batteries are now recharged. And I just “created” that cartoon.  Time to draw a Tornado. (There are currently seven posted. Will you ad yours today? Now?)


Past self

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Here’s my sound:

My Grammy’s Ring

Monday, July 9th, 2012

One of this week’s Daily Create’s ( couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. The assingment was to make a video, telling everyone about your favorite piece of jewlery and to tell everyone how it became yours. I decided to tell the story about how I recieved my grandmother’s wedding band and why it means so much to me. A few weeks ago my dad gave me my grandma’s wedding band, which is not out of the ordniary for familys to do, but in this situation it meant a lot. My dad who raised me is not my biological dad, although you would never ever hear him utter those words because he never saw me as a ”step kid”, and out of all the other girls that are on that side of the family, I was the one to receive the ring. Not because he felt obligated, but because I am the oldest daughter of the oldest male and nothing less.


Letter Home: Week 6

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

I created this letter home looking outside my window, while temperatures outside surpassed 95 degrees. No electricity… so no a/c, fan, lights… nada.

I recorded it and had to drive to Tyson’s Corner to load it to my soundcloud. I then decided to add a thunderstorm in the background. It really enhanced the mood I was feeling… stormy, gloomy, difficult, and the thunder was icing on the cake for me.

My letter home….

DS106 Radio Session

Friday, July 6th, 2012

As Martha put it so well “4life”!

The deeper and deeper I get into this course, the more I realize what Martha means by this. I got to listen in to a radio show on Tuesday July 3rd for about an hour. I had finally got the power back on after 5 days ‘in the dark’. I intially did not have my hopes set too high for it, I thought it would be uninteresting and dull. Huge local radio stations bore me most of the time, so why would this one prove different (and it is student/ds106er run)?

That turned out to be the very deciding factor in why this radio station is so awesome, ds106ers! The show at that time was about zombies. With 20 listeners tuned in from around the world, Alan started it off by setting an amazing mood and anticipation. By the time the show started, I was already very consumed by it (and I got my first shout-out on the radio!!). The show was awesome, a collection of stories from different ds106ers. Some from Fredericksburg others as far as the Canadian border, each unique and interesting in there own way. I will definitely try to not miss shows again, they are awesome! I think it takes radio back to its root of connecting, informing, and stimulating people’s imagination. Something that I believe is missing in most of today’s ‘mainstream’ radio stations.

here are some of my tweets during the radio show…




rain rain go away…

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

For this mission I had to imitate weather, but only with things that were within hands reach of my computer. At first I thought to create a windy noise using my mouth and moving closer and further away from the laptop mic. It worked well, but I felt it was too dull, so I though I would try to imitate rain. I tried tapping close to the microphone, or on the screen.. but I didn’t really like those sounds. I had a small, ribbed bowl next to me that I was eating chex mix that I decided to test out. I held it up to the mic and tapped and ran across the ribs with my mechanical pencil and got a great sound.

I then went to my soundcloud and instead of uploading a file from a audio program, I just recorded it raw. Soundcloud recorded the sound, and I uploaded it. No editing or anything, and only a few trial runs.


DS106 Radio Bumper

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

I really struggled a lot with trying to set my mind on a single idea for a radio bumper. I had tons of different ideas and takes I wanted to approach this assignment with. I came across a relatively new track by Kanye West and Pusha T called “New God Flow”.

I really loved how the piano at the beginning drove in the song, and the beat was built around it. I decided to keep it simple and and use that, and my voice as well. I tinkered a bit w/ the pitch of things, making it a bit lower. And also slowed down the tempo of my voice.

I don’t think this was my most extravagant audio assignment, but I think it is simple and iconic in a sense. If I heard this as a radio bumper, after a few times it would stick like the radio’s logo in my mind…