Archive for the ‘bunk3’ Category


Remixed Album Cover

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

Rihanna is my favorite artist(if you all haven’t noticed by now) and I know every single one of her songs. When I saw the album cover assignment, I knew exactly what to do. Rihanna has a song called “S&M” which in reference to sexual acts. It stands for Sadism and Masochism-The practice of using pain as a sexual stimulant. That is NOT the reason why I chose this cover. But on the “S&M” cover, she appears to be eating something, so I changed the “S&M” to Spaghetti and Meatballs.

Remixed Album Cover

This was very easy to do. Here are the steps

1. Went to Google

2. Typed in “S&M” album cover

3. Downloaded it to my cell phone

4. Opened up “PicsArt” (or whatever photo editor you have)

5. Imported the picture to PicsArt”

6. Selected “ADD TEXT”

7. Typed in what I wanted, dragged and dropped it on the picture.

It only took me about 15/20 minutes, but that was without WIFI, so it should be easier.. I hope you like my new creation.. and if you want to here the “S&M” song.. ->Click Here. –>S&M -Rihanna<<–

For More. Click Here. –>>[Remix an Album Cover]<<–

Vintage Educational Video Project

Monday, July 16th, 2012

I laid out my idea for a vintage educational video along with a script in this post, and only had to change a few little mistakes I made before recording the real thing.  My son John played the roll of “Johnny” and did a great job!  At 6 he is a natural actor already and loved playing along with me.

We recorded our audio in Garageband and edited out our mistakes (my mistakes actually, John didn’t make any).  I moved the audio to iMovie and added the images and video clips.  I wanted to add video effects to make it look like old, black and white video but iMovie doesn’t let the effects apply to still images.  I completed the video, exported it out, then started a new project and imported it in so it would all be “video”.  Finally I was able to apply the filters I wanted to make it look old.  Here is the final product:


Return to the Silent Era: Mean Girls

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Please view my Pre-Production post to see how I first set up this video.

After completing the tasks mentioned, I then changed the video to black and white. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to slow down and fast forward the clips. They were both options under “Clip” in iMovie, but for some reason, it wasn’t allowing me to actually make the selection about how much I wanted to slow down or fast forward. I’m not even sure how I figured it out! I tooled around for a while and moved the files in the different editors and finally I was able to make the selection. This made the video look dated. I fast forwarded a lot of the clips, but I slowed down the ones with text and certain parts that I thought (or remember) being in slow motion in the movie.  also was able to add a video effect to my movie; I chose “Aged film.”

For the background music, I looked at the list of Sound Resources from Week 5 at Magic Macguffin. I chose to get my clip from Free Music Archive. I wanted the song to have an “Old-Timey” feel, so that is the genre I searched on the website. I found “Cutie” by Eubie Blake and His Orchestra after trying to match lots of different songs with the trailer. It seemed to work very well and I used it in the final product! I downloaded the song to iTunes and added it to my project in iMovie.

I thought this movie was a very unpredictable choice for this assignment (maybe not coming from me though!).

Letter Home; Week 8

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

The BEST letter home.. = )

Audio Story

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

Observing how someone listen’s, looks, moves and interact with their surroundings demonstrates a person’s true nature. Sometimes it’s not what is being said, but what is being meant. Non-verbal cues are important to understand. For this audio assignment I created a story without containing any words. I am the ultimate morning person. I love getting up early and starting my day while the world is still asleep. I decided to create a story of my morning routine. Waking up, getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, making breakfast, coffee while reading the newspaper, checking my email and watching the news. I found all the sounds on

Hope you enjoy it.

The Daily Create 185 – Draw a Tornado

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

First off… one week of TDC’s, challenge accepted CogDog.

Got a little carried away with my tornado drawing.  Started by wanting to add a real background, which I took with my iPad out the window of the car dealership waiting room I was in at the time.  Then I decided to add some objects… cars made sense, then a bus. Elephant?  Might as well add slide guy.

Then I figured I might as well make them all move.  So I threw everything in scratch as separate sprites, gave them glide paths, rotations and zooms.  Its a bit sloppy at the beginning and end because I planned on recording it and transferring it to an animated gif.  Recorded it with Quicktime screen capture, loaded the .mov into imageJ (yes, old school…) and converted to animated gif.

Problems: loaded into flickr, which apparently doesn’t display animated gifs.  So the gif and scratch files are embedded below.


Learn more about this project

Animated gif:


Vintage Educational Video Project

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

This project sounds like great fun to me, and I figured I would mix the old style video with some current cutting edge science and tech. The video will be titled Curiosity: Your Friendly Robotic Explorer. My inital script is below, and the script itself kinda describes the graphics and video that I need to collect. Luckily, NASA and JPL has made it easy to find all this stuff.

I’ll need to find a kid to be Johnny, either one from the camp I am working at, or my own son John (who may be a little young for the part). I’ll just take stills of him to go into the video.

Also, I may right an “alternate ending” to insert in after the spacecraft sucessfuly lands (fingers crossed) so I can use the video with all of my 530 k-5 students when school starts later in August.

Here we go…

Open on starry sky with one unnaturrally bright object.

Narrator: Hey Johnny, did you ever wonder about that bright, red star in the night sky.

Johnny: No, not really.

Nar: Great! That star isn’t really a star at all, its a planet. The planet Mars.

Johnny: Um, ok…

Nar: Johnny, did you ever wonder about life on Mars. Were there living organisims on Mars in the past? Could there be things living on Mars now?

Johnny: No, not really.

Nar: Great! Scientists have wondered about life on Mars for a long time. Long ago, before we had powerful telescopes and orbiting spacecraft to take accurate imagry of Mars, scientists imagined that they saw series of canals crossing Mars’ surface and surmised that there was an advanced civilization of aliens living there. Once the Mariner spacecraft began flying by and orbiting Mars in the late 1960s and early 1970s we learned the truth. Mars’ surface is a vast desert, most likely devoid of life.

Johnny: Ok, good. That’s settled. Can I go now?

Nar: Not so fast, Johnny. There are still many questions about Mars’ past and even its present that haven’t been answered yet. Did Mars have vast oceans in its past, and could these oceans have hosted life? If so where did all of that water go? Is much of it still under Mars’ surface, and could there be life, microscopic or otherwise, living there now? It is these questions that the last two Mars rovers, Spirit and Oppurtunity, set off to begin answering 6 years ago and their big brother, Curiousity is heading to Mars to continue gathering data about now.

Spirit and Oppurtunity found evidence at both of thier landing sites, on opposite sides of Mars, that vast amounts of surface water once existed in the planet’s past. Curiosity will land with better, more powerful instuments that will be able to analize and determine how differnt rocks and soils were formed based on their chemistry.

Curiosity has two main cameras, a high-resolution camera mounted on its mast, and a digital microscope mouned on its arm that can be used to look close up at anything interesting it comes across. It has a laser spectromoter system that will blast rocks in front of the rover and do a quick analysis of their makeup with to see if it wants to do further investigation. Its arm has a grinder and collection system that can pick up samples and deposit them in the rover’s back where it houses a mini chemestry lab, including an x-ray spectrometor, a mass spectromotor, and a gas chromotograph, which will be able to identify any organics if they exist. The whole thing is powered by a small nuclear reactor almost identical to the ones that are still powering the Voyager craft 35 years after their launch.

Johnny: Wow, thats actually pretty cool!

Nar: You bet, kiddo! Now it just needs to get there safely, and that’s the most challenging part of the mission. The engineers who built Curiosity call the entry, decent, and landing sequence “The Seven Minutes of Terror”! The spacecraft will enter the atmosphere and slow itself down with atmospheric drag, shedding its heat shield once it is moving slowly enough. Next a parashoot will slow it down further, but not enough for it to land. It will eject the shoot, and engage landing thrusters bringing the rover almost to the surface. Finally, the landing craft will lower the rover with a crane system, cut the cables once its reached the surface, and then fly safely away from the rover. The rovers systems will wake up and get right to work.

Johnny. Um, that’s all amazing, and just a little crazy. When did you say this is all going to happen?

Nar: On the night of August 4th or morning of Aug. 5th, depending on where you live. You will have to tune into NASATV to watch the action live. Then check out the Curiousity website at JPL to follow the rovers progress and learn Mars’ history and present along with project scientists.

Johnny: OK! I Will!

Closing music, credits, end….

Carding a Deeper Me

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

My story is simple. A good girl, lost in a bad world. Not knowing whom to turn to and when. Wondering why no one understands that not all my days are good days. Even though I pretend as if they are.

When I saw this assignment, I thought about it for a long time. I had seen several of these kind of videos on Youtube and they were all serious. Some were very depressing and some people talked about how they wanted to kill themselves. Now, mine is not that deep, but I do express somethings.

The Process

1. Turned on my webcam

2. Wrote down my story on notecards

3. Played “Cry” (instrumental) – Rihanna

4. Hit “PLAY”

5. Hit “RECORD”

6. Showed the cards to the camera and held them up for a few seconds

7. Repeated step 6 several times



I hope this assignment let you all see another side of me. That sometimes I am outgoing, but sometimes I go through things and I feel alone. I’ve never been “depressed” but stress has come into my life. I hope this video inspires someone that is going through; that life is hard, but you will survive. Find your outlet and be yourself.

Animated Rock Starts

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Phineas and Ferb is the best cartoon known to man. For those who aren’t big on cartoons, you should really consider watching it. It cones on at random times on Disney Channel and is on a lot. When I saw the assignment to animate a music video, I honestly almost fell out of my bed. This has to be one of the best assignments yet.



2. clicked. “NEW PROJECT”


3.  went to Google images and typed in “Phineas and Ferb Rock Stars”


4. downloaded 18 photos and saved them to a folder

5. went back into Windows Movie Maker, and on the left hand side, clicked “PICTURES”

6. selected the 18 photos

7. downloaded PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR by the Shop Boyz

8. repeated (step 5)


9. selected the song

10. added a title page and typed what I wanted into the page

11. dragged and dropped the song into the Timeline

12. dragged and dropped the pictures according to the lyrics (matched them as much as possible)

13. reviewed the work and made adjustments so the lyrics and pictures matched.

14. made a “credits” page showing where I got all of my work

15. uploaded my video to YouTube and embedded it into my post.


I have said many times before the music is my life. I know about a lot of songs and the Phineas and Ferb episode of when they were rock stars was my favorite. This assignment took a longer time than normal because I had to match pictures with words, but it was easy. It took me about 35 minutes to do, but it was fun so it didn’t feel as if it was that long. Once you understand the flow of how Windows Movie Makers works, it gets easier. I hope my video was interesting and my steps were clear and easy. Enjoy!

For more. Click here. –>>[Animated Music Videos]<<–

Sweet Music on DS106 Radio

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

2 starsAudio Assignment 36: Create a bumper for DS 106 Radio.

I had such a good time participating in the DS106 class radio productions. I think the satisfaction of making something out of nothing but a thin thought wisping through your mind is amplified ten-fold when it melds with those of others to produce something only possible because these individuals came together at this moment in time for one and only one production. You can never step in that same sound wave twice. Then layer on the appreciation for those productions of others and the opportunity to contribute to the live experience and you’ve got great live, interactive radio.


Here’s a bumper that I created for my piece using a kindly contributed “soundtrack of summers past” by Norm. I rely on Norm’s compelling personality and the sweet music of the legendary Mamas and Papas to create kind of a pause that refreshes.

Process and Reflections

I love working with layers of music and voice and had a good and challenging time playing with the rise and fall of the music and Norm’s voice. Norm’s voice as recorded was giving me fits because it just mellowed out below the music and I could not seem to raise it loud enough — and, well, then, I discovered the sound mixer. Who have thought it would be under “View”? Still learning about fades in and out but this sounds pretty good for someone who has always heard horror stories about Audacity.

Thanks, Norm, for the assist!

I’d like to be able to record my own psa’s for the local radio station to promote fundraising events for my community garden. So, would Audacity work for that, if I got really, really good? Thanks for any advice.