Original assignment: haiku it upFor the writing assignment, take a random Dailyshoot photograph and create a haiku using that imageRemix Card: “Media Bender”: Change up the media for the original assignment- take a video assignment into audio or design.
So I grabbed some images from here: Take a picture of a cloud and tell us what it looks like to you using A flickr CC search toy to get the ones with suitable licenses. I skipped the cloud pictures that had annotations or drawing and and was left with six strong pictures. I wrote a haiku to go with them, dragged the images into iMovie and added a voice recording and a by Kevin MacLeod.
Nothing that any primary 5 or 6 could not do. I am not terribly please with the audio, using a usb headset mic, recorded so many times my voice loses all meaning. Better mics not avaliable and I wanted to get these 2 stars down quickly and get back on the ds106 horse.
Flickr Photos by
Dare to dream7: Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike License
@DrGarcia: Attribution-NonCommercial License
cogdogblog: Attribution License
Michael Branson Smith: Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike License
Rowan Peter: Attribution-Share Alike License
Music: Kevin MacLeod
I did see a tweet from Mike Berta inviting me to Radio campfire with stories and songs which I could not follow up. For the sounds of it: Digital Raconteur: Radio Campfire Show it was great. As I’ve been digging into Internet Radio at Radio Edutalk I would have loved to join in.
So I am going to try a few daily creates this week, I started yesterday:
Two photos taken out my window with iPhone, layered and with a fade applied with photoshop touch on an ipad.
This letter home is in the form of a video once again… a bit longer. The original was something like 8 minutes, too much for my liking so I had to trim it a bit. This week has been very busy and hectic for me, and I really got passionate (yet bitterly so lol) about video making. It is a very time consuming process, I don’t like being on camera as I’ve whined before.. but the rewards of a finished product are really awesome. At first I was trying so hard to make everything transition between scenes/clips really smoothly and everything. But then I tinkered with not so smooth transitions. Giving it less of a ‘film’ feel, and more of a ‘raw recording’. I did so in my product review, and did so as well in this video for 1 or 2 of the clip transitions. I realized that it doesn’t HAVE to be perfect, or completely smooth all the time… sometimes that roughness expresses the experience of making the movie. It captures shutting on and off of the record button, readjusting the camera or yourself between clips. I liked the mixed effect.
I have been working TONZ lately… I actually had to shoot part of this at work (no I do not own an amazing computer lab in my house lol).
This one (as well as the previous 7) is for you mom…
Hey, camp this week was a lot of fun, however I can’t wait to get home… All good things must come to an end at some point. There was a bunch of stuff going on this week most of it involving remixes. This week I decided to do 3 daily creates, one one which involved my daughters bears kissing, a picture of me making a rage face and picture of the same spot both in the day and at night. As far as the remixes go there was an assignment that involved remixing a past daily create. But my favorite part of this week was making a Trilogy movie trailer. I absolutely enjoyed it, video editing is particular but I love it.
It’s getting pretty late here, good night!
Th original assignment was to pick your favorite quote or make up your own phrase which describes a philosophy that you try to live by and to design a minimalism poster to reflect this. The remix part of the assignment was to add in an element of Dr. Seuss. So since I had to use another students work I decided to browse through the submissions for the original assignment. At each assignment I came across I tried to see how I could incorporate Dr. Seuss into it. I finally came across the one below and and thought I remembered seeing a Dr. Seuss character ski before.
When I browsed through Google to find a Dr. Seuss character on skis the only thing that came up was the Grinch sledding. I felt like this could still fit into the mountain scene and the quote that says “Ride to live. Live to ride.” So you could interpret this picture as the Grinch riding down the hill because it is the easiest way to get to civilization (riding to live) and the dog enjoying himself like all pets do (living to ride).
The last Daily Create Assignment that I completed this week was to combine two photos of the same place, one taken during the day and one taken at night. For this assignment I opened my front door and took a picture at 8 am and then for the second picture I needed in this assignnent I opened my front door again at 10pm and took a picture again. If I was not taking the picture in the same spot, I was very close. After taking the lasl picture I emailed them to myself to then upload them on fotoflexer, edited it slightly and then saved it my computer.
For this weeks Daily Creates the assignment was to take a picture imitating some classic rage faces. As a child with brothers you get used to making this face… Because lets face it, brothers are super annoying, especially when they take your toys and shoot you in the face with a water gun. To do this assingment I looked at the examples given and proceeded to immitate them. Which I did, took a picture and uploaded it to flckr.
After looking at this picture, it kind of looks like I am having a nervous breakdown/stomach issues.
For this weeks selection of Daily Creates, one of the assingments was to illustrate attraction in a photograph today. I decided to get my daughters bears also known as love bear protectors (because they protect her from aliens) and had them kiss, so that I could take a picture of it and upload it onto flickr. What better way to express attraction, although I am not suggesting that you go around kissing everyone that you are attracted to.
For this assignment we had to mix together different movie posters to create one movie. I mixed up a picture of Natalie Portman from “Black Swan” and Johnny Depp from “Edward Scissorhands” to create my own movie poster entitled “Black Passion.”
I had no idea where to start for this assignment. So I just started browsing on the internet under images for movie posters. I came across “Black Swan” and thought…hmmm I could work with this. I wanted to try and do something dark, since she looks kind of wicked in this picture. I then thought of Edward Scissorhands, since he is kind of a dark, well looks wise at least, character. I liked how if I were to put the pictures next to each other it looked as if he was staring at her.
I went under paint and used the free form shape to trace around the Black Swan picture and then I cropped and saved it. I then opened up a new paint document and cropped Edward Scissorhand’s picture. I then added Edward’s picture to the Black Swan picture. I adjusted the sizes so they would be close to matching and made the background black. I looked up different quotes from both movies and the quotes listed on my picture are from Edward Scissorhands. In the real movie it is actually the female character who says “Hold me” and Edward who says “I can’t.” I decided to switch them because in this picture it looks like Edward is yearning for the Black Swan and she looks cold and distant.
For the title I tried to mix and match the titles of both the movies but it did not really work out, so I came up with “Black Passion” because they are both “dark characters” and one could assume from the picture that there is a love interest.
Camp is now over (see the final story. If you are craving an experience like this, head over to ds106 and see how to participate. For more on the Summer of Magic Macguffin, see.....