Dear Family of Jolie Thomas,
We, at the pony express, deeply regret that your mail has been delayed in reaching you. The pony that was carrying the letters addressed to you got lost and was only found recently. We hope that these letters find you well and the delay has not caused you any unwarranted worry or concern.
Our sincerest apologies,
The PonyExpress
Dear Mom,
I know that you hated to drop me off at camp. Don’t worry I am excited and everyone is really nice here. It is a bit crazy as everyone is getting settled in here at camp and set up in the bunkhouses. I belong to Bunkhouse #4, just in case you want or need to send something. Something like, the flashlight I forgot to pack. It gets creepy here at night and there is no indoor plumbing (in true camp fashion). Give my love to everyone and make sure that my dearly loved sibling stays out of my room. I set up my domain and cannot wait to learn what we will be doing at camp.
Miss you already,
Dear Mom,
This week at camp we learned about story-telling. Simple, you say? Not so dear mother. There many different ways stories can be told, shared, and visualized. Especially, in this new age of everything digital and instantaneous. My favorite lesson this week was the Shape of Stories, the lecture was told by Kurt Vonnegut. He explained how you can show the shape of a story based on the events and plot line of the story. It was a fascinating topic that I truly enjoyed. I can’t wait for next week! I miss you tons. By the way, my bunkhouse is now called Slaughterhouse 4. So, please send me my flashlight. I need it desperately because I got lost on my way back from the mess hall one night and ended up near some toxic waste disposal center. I will have you know that it took me forever to get clean.
Cleanly yours,
Jolie Thomas