Archive for the ‘bunk1’ Category


Weekly Letter 6 and 7

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Hey mom and dad, it has come to my attention that my letters may have gotten lost in the mail. So let me tell you a bit about those weeks. During my sixth week of camp, we dabbled in a lot of audio this week, as far as making sound clips. Also, another thing that we did this week was listen to the radio. Listening to the radio was pretty awesome!! However the most important part about it was making my own radio segment with my Bunk House. And although we lost power, we still got it done, and I think we were awesome!!!!!!!

During week 7 there was a lot to do. We had to write a blog post about movie in comparison to Robert Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie.” I actually learned a lot. For that assignment I chose to do it on “My Fair Lady” which is one of my favorite movies of all time.Also, we had a few daily created and a few video assignment’s, but you will see all of that when I show you my camp scrapbook.  It is getting late and I cannot wait to get home.

The Final Letter Home!!!!

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Camp has finally come to an end :( although I am sad to go, I can’t wait to be at home in my own bed :) I can not believe how fast 10 weeks goes by, it only feels like yesterday that I was packing. I am truly sad to see everyone go. I am happy that I came, and I am glad that I made a few friends. I am proud to say that my VERY FIRST camp experience was a fun one. It was a great experience, and I am happy I came. I’ve included a fair well video, stay tuned to the very end.. Let’s see if you catch the surprise!!!!

Jamming to the Radio

Monday, July 30th, 2012

As I am sitting here, I am here dreaming and listening to ds106 radio… Can you dig it? I am actually enjoying what I am hearing, the song that is playing right now is super relaxing. The some that has started playing now, has like a country, banjo thing going on….. Uh oh now we are rocking… I can dig this radio station for sure!!!!

Letter Home: Week 9

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

Second to last week… unbelievable.

I did a lot this week, and really creatively challenged myself. I found it especially interesting to take other people’s creations and recreate them into something that was distinctly mines. It really brought to light a very important part of DS106, and the concept of an online identity and community. We don’t only create for ourselves, we do so in order to inspire others to. This Remix/Mashup section of camp I believe is the very heart of DS106….

My 7 Day Challenge

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

This was an awesome challenge issued by our director Alan. The challenge was to do 7 (or more) daily creates in a row. It was tough, but I did it!! Peep the creatives my friends: Day 1: To draw a tornado: I used some photo editing magic ;)

tornado in Cairo

Day 2: To take make a photo of an outdoor scene free of any human artifacts..

outdoor scene free of any human artifacts

did some editing… to age it and enhance its earthy look. To find places like this is truly a rarity, even ‘of old’ to some degree. Maybe one day all we will truly have is pictures…

Day 3: Make/take a video of what is playing on channel 106 on your cable…

Day 4: Record an annoying Telemarketing Voicemail

This was really funny to do, I always do this accent w/ my friends. It never ceases to make us laugh, so it was only right I use it.

Day 5: Tell camp about technology you can’t live without…

I know I know… I probably sounded super nerdy in the video. But I just really love my watches, and my time. ALL the cool kids where watches anyways (that’s free advice for ya)

Day 6: Flip the Decibels—> Making a soft sound loud… crushing paper

Day 7: Picture of Attraction…

Attraction of Tape

ahh the attraction of tape lol And that concludes my 7 day challenge!

All Hands on Deck…

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

I did a remix of an audio assignment that I had actually done previously. The remix button gave me this remix take on it : I had to an imitation of weather audio clip previously done and use it to create an advertisment or a recruiting tool for ds106. I liked it, because I’ve really grown passionate about DS106 and figured I could have some fun with it. I went through a few of the examples by other DS106ers… trying to brainstorm which one I would use, and how I would structure my remix around it. Most of the examples were of rain, storms, water, etc. After listening to the clip on this blog while closing my eyes, i imagined something being flooded slowly. It was an assignment done in the spring by Katherine. I had image of being flooded w/ ‘regular’ classes, and how refreshing DS106 was from all of that.

Then came the idea to give it a pirate’s theme. I love pirates.. pirate movies, pirate slang, eye patches, the works (did you know that facebook has a pirate language setting?!?!). I decided to record myself attempting a pirate accent, I think I struggled a bit with it but it was tons of fun. I was laughing at myself while doing this assignment, but I think I got the message across. Enough of reading this though… stop. And listen to this Ad:

If I heard this before I registered for DS106, I would be very curious to see what it was all about. Also to find out what kind of class brought a student to make something as crazy as this. It was interesting taking something another student created using materials around her, and making it into something completely different… the basis of creativity is on display here I like to think. The fact that this example was not even done during this session, but by a student that I don’t know and took this course journey last spring, I think is an even strong testament to how amazing and far reaching DS106 is.

Shout out to the original creator of this assignment… you’ve inspired new and fresh work here.

What is a Remix?

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

I’ve wrote my whole shpeel on remixes a while back, but after looking at more material and examples I think I have an even better grasp of it. First I watched “Everything is a Remix Part 1“. This was really interesting to because I love music.

The video went through different genre’s of music, and showed how they used different lyrics, beats, melodies and baselines from other genre’s past… and ‘remixed’ them. Not always giving credit though. I am personally for giving credit where credit is due. But I still think it a creative act. The presentation of this remixed work is still very original. Led Zeppelin presented those lyrics to an audience that was more than likely unfamiliar with the works of Willie Dixon, Howlin Wolfs, etc.

The other video and website I checked out was that for the book by Austin Klean- “Steal like an Artist.” It showed a very positive view on ‘remixing’ and how it was the very essence of creativity. He does show that there is a good and bad way to “steal” though!

Remixing is the very essence of creativity I feel, and it leads to very interesting (sometimes interesting as in… just plain funny) creations. Watching the Buffy vs. Edward: Twilight Remixed and the Star Wars Call Me Maybe videos was a ton of fun. They are creations not made for crazy profiteering, they were made out of a creative passion. They were funny and amusing. The Star Wars video is NOT the Star Wars movie or the original ‘Call Me Maybe’ song, it is something completely different and unique. Same thing with the Twilight remix. Another was the 30 Classic Music Albums Recreated with Lego. This is very original work! It is taking the albums and presenting them in a manner that is brand new and fresh. It re-expresses them.

Remixing can be done negatively, but many times it can be done in an ethical and positive manner. Where that line is drawn is very relative and maybe even a bit vague… but so are most things concerning knowledge I think. If it wasn’t for remixing, we wouldn’t most music that is out, we wouldn’t have different models of cars, different computer brands, smartphones, even fashion… so for the sake of everything… I say we remix on.

A double stuffed BUFFALAX

Friday, July 27th, 2012

As I was searching for videos to add subtitles to for this assignment, I randomly ran across this one and new it was perfect! It’s like a double stuffed oreo buffalax.

So check this- It’s a video of an African man singing a Hindi song… then both him and his Indian friend (who is shooting the video) proceed to talk in English. He expresses his love for India and Hindi music.

First lets get a little deep, put on your scuba-gear please…

Scuba Gear

This video is a beautiful example of identity, globalization, and expression. This is a Hindi song being song by a man who has never been to India, and is of a culture thousands of miles away from it. Yet he sings it beautifully, and you can see how much he loves it. An Indian man is filming this. This alone is showing how people of cultures thousands of miles away are so connected through something like music. Also that they both communicate via English. A language not even originated in either of there cultures. This is also a show of globalization (as well as colonialism, I’m going to take a wild guess and state that there connection was probably made during the age of colonialism. Probably both colonized by the British back in the day- India definitely was). While I’m no fan of colonialism, I see a beautiful mashup of cultures here.

Now for my creation…

-My brother in this video needs some bengay bengay

- He thinks its pierre, but changes his mind and decides its booger

- It is numb, his son is numb, Taryka (his girl?) is numb… he needs more (bengay)

… As you can all see this is serious. Someone help the man….


Friday, July 27th, 2012

So after taking part in the 7 day challenge , I decided it was only right to also do its mash-up assignment. At first I had no idea where to even start… so I started going through the daily create archive. As I viewed creation after creation, it sort of bloomed into the idea that is my mash up. The recipe:

- 8 Daily Creates <– catipilar pic <— water lapping sound <– took some water scene from this one <— ocean prop telemarket <– ocean pic <— tornadoe on ocean pic <—- shaky cup in storm clip <— wind and rain

- a little voice recording

- VideoPad Video Editor (shout out to Chanda for exposing me to it!) <– check out her blog its awesome!

- some cool transitions

- a sprinkle of humor

I took a telemarketing sound clip, and cut it off with a rude warning of a storm. There have been storm warnings almost every other day here in Northern Va for the past few weeks, so it was only right.

Free Spirited Horse

Friday, July 27th, 2012

For today’s Daily Create assignment, the task was to take a photograph of an animal that you think represents your personality. I choose a horse. I feel as if a horse represents my personality because they are strong, stand tall and are free spirited.  I feel a certain kinship with them. I think of myself as strong person, maybe a little to strong at times. And I most certainly consider myself a free spirit, I don’t feel restrained and constricted by boundaries, I just want to run. But the most important trait that I feel we have in common is that we stand tall, no  matter how many times I get knocked down in life… I will get back up. they push threw and strive and embrace their strength and they can carry a lot of weight on their back without breaking.