Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


… in its’ right place.

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

Here’s my go at the Lyric Typography Poster, which is located here.

In honor of me going to see them this weekend, I choose the Radiohead classic, Everything In Its Right Place. I’m sure many of you listen to them so I’ll spare the description.

Made this in Photoshop. I wanted to use graph paper as a background because I wanted to illustrate obsessive neatness, which is what I believe the song to be about. Modernist graphic design comes to mind when I listen to this song. That came into play when choosing Helvetica (haters gonna hate).

On a slightly different note, listen to this song and gaze at the work of Michael Johansson, I think they blend quite perfectly.

Without further ado:

Don’t hide the knowledge, Creative Commons

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

For our Design Assignments, one of the options we could choose was to make a Creative Commons poster. I love the idea of Creative Commons and figured this was a perfect assignment to do.

I made this image through PowerPoint, which to my surprise over the past two weeks has been an extremely resourceful tool. This really is a learning experience! I found an image that was under a Creative Commons Right and allowed me to alter the photo in a specific way. I used “text box” to insert the text and the Creative Commons logo.


This image was chosen specifically because I want to send the message that creativity should never been wasted away or hidden because of restrictions on copyright. Creative Commons allows for the removal of those restrictions and gives people the freedom to express themselves while sharing their art globally. Children hiding behind a huge umbrella symbolizes what potentially could happen to future generations of the internet doesn’t expand itself creatively and knowledgeably by peoples insights.

A link to get to the image on Flickr:


Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

Take a famous character’s catchphrase and illustrate it into an image.

I loved this assignment and had too many ideas, so I decided to make a tutorial. My sister and I love Lost in Space. We were introduced to the show when we didn’t understand why our mother went around saying, “Danger, Danger Will Robinson!” She promptly sat us down with the entire show on DVD.

Step One: Use photoshop and open the two pictures you will use.


Step Two: Use the Lasso Tool and carefully trace around Will Robinson’s face.

Step Three: Copy what you just traced and paste onto the other picture.

Step Four: Use Free Transform to resize the face.

Step Five: Group the Layers together. Then Duplicate the image.

Step Six: Select the duplication. Copy Merged and Paste into first group.

Step Seven: Move the layers so that one of them is partially hidden beneath the other.

Save your image and your finished! You successfully created an image for a catchphrase form Lost in Space.


Media Mediate Relationships

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

Classes are done and reports are written so I finally have some time to do some ds106 work. Yeah!

A few weeks ago, we were asked to watch a video of Michael Wesch speaking at UMW Faculty Academy. After some difficulties (see previous post) I was able to see the whole thing. In listening to him I garnered a few ideas that I would like to include in an upcoming workshop that I am planning for teachers.

I had already planned to start the day with participants reflecting on their personal beliefs regarding teaching and learning by determining how much they agree with some educational theorists (or not!) Our IB programme is decidedly constructivist and inquiry-based so I thought that I would define constructivism and then engage the participants in the type of inquiry that I am hoping they will at some point facilitate for their students. Inspired by Lane Clark, at the moment, I am planning to base the remainder of the day’s activities on:

  • exploring resources about inquiry
  • determining what they could do with this information to make a difference for themselves or others
  • determining what they still need to learn/ find out
  • reflecting on the skills they used in the process
  • sharing their ideas with others
  • selecting their communication tool
  • creating their product
  • celebrating their work

As a teacher, teaching in this way is incredibly challenging and I want to acknowledge that with my participants. The rewards are numerous but it is not easy because, according to Michael Wesch:

  • kids don’t believe this is what school should be
  • as a teacher you need to start over every year
  • Tip: “just love your audience and they’ll love you back” – this allows you to  you focus on what they need

I thought that I would illustrate one of the video’s messages using a meme. I know that it’s not funny but the picture seemed appropriate for the text – even though I believe the text can also be purely positive and not necessarily negative.

I created this using Just click on “make a meme“, select a photo and replace the captions. For those of you making animated gifs, you can also upload those.

Guess that Catchphrase!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

This image was created in two parts. First, in Word, I created the body out of shapes and text. Second, in photoshop, I layered what I had done in Word on top of a rainbow background. Then erased the white background from around the body.

Brainstorming is always the hardest part of anassignment. This was no different. I love many characters that have many wonderful catchphrases. Which one do I choose? In the end, this catchphrase won out. You have to guess, so I can’t give too much away. Yet, my love for this catchphrase and the character behind it all started with my mother. She loves to educate me on older shows that my generation do not know. It often starts with her saying a phrase that I don’t understand. She will explain where it came from and sometimes I actually get to see for myself. The show that this catchphrase comes from captured my attention immediately and I couldn’t get enough. This is Jolie, signing off from Camp Magic MacGuffin!

The Social Downes

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I started remaking this poster as bava art, but then I realized that nobody fits this poster better than the great Stephen Downes. Nobody more prolific, nobody more willing to speak his mind, and nobody less afraid to piss other people off! NOBODY!

All that said, nobody could be further away from the Facebook idea of corporate control and lock-in, which I guess is the joke.  I’m gonna file this under the “If movie posters told the truth” design assignment, but that isn’t exactly what this is. Anyway, this was too much fun to make.

Music is Life

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

My life revolves around music. Music is one of my main types of communication. Words that I couldn’t say, I would find a song that stated how I felt and played it for the person, or ask the person to listen to it. I was always on the top of my music but listening to all types of music and trying my hardest to relate to it. When I seen I could design my own autobiography cover, I knew exactly what I wanted.

I started this collage by finding a picture of something dealing with music and had a heart in it. When I came across this picture on “PicsArt” I downloaded it to the “PicsArt” program. I then clicked “Add Text” and added the words “musics speaks to my heart” and dragged it onto the picture. I chose to add the text so people could know exactly what music does for me and why I love it so much.


For More. Click Here –>>[Design the Cover of Your Autobiography]<<–

Together We Can

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

This picture of four people holding hands is a great design for DS106. Everyone pretty much knows that this is an online class so we don’t physically see each other everyday. But with that, it is amazing to me how we can all come together as one and get things done. For example, the collage for the bunks. It was a hard task to get everyone to submit their pictures. I had to find everyone in my bunk on Twitter and send out a group message several times. In the end, we all came together, like the people in the picture, and made on big happy bunk family. That is the main reason why I think this is a great design to symbolize the unity of DS106.




For More. Click Here. –>>[DS106 Design Review] <<–

Firewalk with Me

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I decided I wanted to do a design assignment today, so I started browsing the Assignment Repository. There’s so much great stuff in there (although I do think some of our “Design” assignments need to be re-categorized as “Visual” assignments). I settled on Alternative Book Cover

To get inspiration, I started browsing my digital book downloads on Amazon. (Yes, I know I’m the loser who pays more than eBooks are really worth, but, goddammit, I’ve read more in the last 18 months than I had in the last 8 years thanks to my Kindle and iPad). A few years ago I ploughed through the Stieg Larsson series and loved it. It’s not fine literature, but it’s riveting and the characters are pretty fascinating. I decided to do an alternative cover for The Girl Who Played with Fire. I thought I’d find some cute kid shot of a kid. . playing with matches. Then I realized that wasn’t so cute; it was scary. 

THEN I started to think about scary kids and fires, and I remembered conversation Jim and I had yesterday about our favorite Stephen King novels. Aha! I decided to photoshop a picture of Drew Barrymore from Firestarter onto a book cover for The Girl Who Played with Fire

THEN I thought about the animated magazine covers that Jim’s been doing, and I knew what I needed to do: 

This was pretty tough for a few reasons. I wanted to stay as true as possible to the original cover of the American edition of the Larsson novel. It’s a pretty stark layout, and the letters are heavily fragmented. But, with some work, I was able to clean them up and add a dropshadow that matches the original. 

I did have to change the spacing of the title to make room for the image. In the end, you can see how the text design of the Larsson book works great on THAT cover, but it’s not nearly as effective on this cover. 

That’s okay, I still think it’s a cool cover. 

I have two problems with it, I guess. First, it’s way big: 2.2MB. Second, the animation doesn’t seamlessly loop, but to do that I’d have to add more frames and the file would just get bigger. 


Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I took this picture  in church a couple of week ago, when my cousin, Mariah, was eating a pop tart and not sharing. Every time someone someone asked her for a piece she would give them this look. When I seen the option of making a captioned picture I knew this would be the one.

I again used a photo editor called “PicsArt” and started with a blank project. I uploaded the picture and clicked the option of “Add Text.” Then a white box popped up that allowed me to add the text I wanted. (I had to do this twice, once for the word up top and then for the words down bottom). I dragged and dropped the words to where I wanted them and that was it. Her face and the caption work perfectly.

For More Examples. Click Here –>> [Little Captions] <<–